

The Warfare of Peasants and the Administration of Countries

【作者】 夏松涛

【导师】 李金铮;

【作者基本信息】 河北大学 , 中国近现代史, 2007, 硕士


【摘要】 以往有关根据地的研究对政府行为和群众组织关注较少,忽视了政府、群众组织和农民之间关系的探讨。晋察冀抗日根据地的历史表明:在民族战争的背景下,边区以农民的生计问题为出发点,以政府为主导,以群众组织为主体,政府和群众组织相互协作,通过对各阶级阶层经济利益和政治地位的调整,构建了新的乡村治理结构,改善了农民群众的生活,促进了政民关系的健康发展。本文第一部分论述的是边区抗战前和抗战期间的农民生计问题,重现了边区农民的生活实态,探讨了农民生计困难的原因;第二部分论述了边区政府对农民生计问题的治理,主要表现在五个方面,即通过“除恶”,维护农民生计安全,增添了农民生活的安全感;通过“多予”,提供农民谋生条件,开通了农业发展之路;通过“少取”,减轻农民负担,避免了农民遭受剥削阶级和行政力量的“多取”;通过“搞活”,拓宽农民增收渠道,打开了农工商协调发展的大好局面;通过“救助”,体恤农民基本生活,表现了政府对受灾群众和弱势群体的人文关怀。第三部分是群众组织对农民生计问题的治理,主要表现在协助政府改善民生、发展经济改善民生和救济互助改善民生。这些措施不仅使政府和群众组织协调起来,还促进了群众组织的壮大,发展了农村经济,从而缓解了农民的生计问题。第四部分论述了边区农民生计问题治理的成效,即农民生活初步改善、农民经济地位提高、农民拥护边区政权和农民积极支持抗战。最后阐发的是农民生计问题治理的启示:农民生计问题的解决需要善治的政府,需要健全的群众组织,需要政府与群众组织的有机合作。只有行政性治理和社会性治理有机结合,形成“小政府——大社会”的社会格局,使“政府——群众组织——农民”三种力量形成良性的互动,才能最大限度地解决农民生计问题。

【Abstract】 The previous researches on areas governed by CCP show little concern to government behavior and mass organizations, and the relationship between government, mass organizations and peasants is largely ignored. The history of Jinchaji areas indicates clearly that:put in the setting of national war, the Jinchaji governed areas attach much importance to the warfare of peasants. The reconstruction of order is led by the government, as the mass organizations, the major participants, cooperate with government actively, as a result of which, the peasants’living standard is improved and the relationship between government and peasants are healthily facilitated through adjustment of economic benefits and political status of different social classes.The first part discusses peasants’warfare issues in the Jinchaji areas before and during the resistance wartime period.The second part focuses on the administration of the peasant’s warfare, which is mainly manifested in the following five aspects:through combating and exterminating the evil and landlord class, the peasant’s security is much improved; through "giving more to peasants", the government provides a better living for peasants, and paves the way for the development of agriculture; through "demanding less", the government manages to relieve peasants’ burden, and protect them form the excessive demanding by exploiting class and administrative powers; through " being flexible", peasants’have more flexible methods of increasing incomes, and agriculture, industry, and commerce are developing harmoniously at the same time. Through "giving aids", the government shows concern to the fundamental living levels of peasants, which demonstrate its human concern to weaker groups and those suffered from natural disasters.The third part discusses how the mass organizations deal with peasants’welfare issues, which are mainly manifested as:assist government in improving welfare, develop economy to improve welfare, and mutually help each other to improve welfare. These strategies not only balance the relationship between government and mass organizations, but also facilitate the development of the mass organizations, which helps in the end relieve the pressure of improving the welfares.The fourth part explores the effect of improving peasants’welfare, namely the improvement of their living standard, the boosting of their economic status, the advocating of government, and their passionate support in revolution.The final part deals with the hints that we get in the process of improving their welfare: the settlement of peasants’welfare issues requires a well-run government, full-fledged mass organizations, and the organic cooperation between government and mass organizations. Only when political administration is intrinsically combined with social administration, can the social layout of " small government, big society" come into being. As a result, the three forces of "government, mass organizations and peasants" can be mutually facilitated, and improve their welfare considerably.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 S1期
  • 【分类号】D422.6
  • 【下载频次】151

