

The Study on Teaching Strategy of Cultivating Creative Thinking Using Educational Technology

【作者】 任莎莎

【导师】 冯秀琪;

【作者基本信息】 河北大学 , 教育技术学, 2007, 硕士


【摘要】 创新是一个民族进步的动力,创新人才的培养为国家的进步和发展提供了不竭之源。教育是培养创新人才的主要阵地,在教育这个大领域内,尤其是在中小学教育阶段,学生创新思维的培养应该如何进行,是一个值得广大教育工作者深入思考和研究的课题。目前,以教育技术应用为主的教育教学创新研究多集中在理论层面上,而在实践中却困难重重。虽然教育技术在培养学生的创新思维方面具有种种优势,但因为缺乏相应的教学策略支持和系统的实证研究,教学效果也有待进一步提升。本论文首先综述了国内外培养学生创新思维的相关研究,明确了创新思维培养的重要性。其次在查阅大量文献资料和系统分析创新思维特点的基础上,对问题重构能力、联想与想象能力以及直觉发现能力在培养学生创新思维中的重要作用进行了探讨,制定了一系列的教学策略。运用教育技术设计和开发了针对小学数学教学的多媒体课件,在教学实践中加以运用和检验。最后通过对教师和学生进行访谈调查,初步对教学策略的运用效果进行了阶段性评价。该研究取得了预期的研究成果,在总结研究所取得成果的同时,也反思了研究中所存在的问题和不足,为日后进一步研究指明了方向。

【Abstract】 Innovation is the soul of one nation’s progress,to cultivate creative people makes exausting strength for a country,education is the main position for cultivating creative human being. In the area of education,especially of elementary school and high school, it is a big problem for all the people that work in education to work for and reasearch. At present, the innovation in education area guiaded by educational technology focuses on theary reseaerch, there is much more problem and difficult in practice. Although educational technology has so many advantages in forsting creative thinking, it’s effect is not so obvious because there is short of theary guaid and practice prove.The dissertation summarizes firstly on the research of forsting creative thinking both in and out of our country, and makes sure the importance of cultivating creative thinking. Secondly, based on consulting lots of literature and making systems analysis of creative thinking characteristics, it makes a discussion on the important effction of the abilities of problem-reconstruction、imagination and intuition which can have huge impact on the cultivating of pupils’cteative thinking. Then it designs a series of teaching strategies using educational technology, designs and developes multimedia courseware which is based on the elmentary school’s math teaching, and then makes a using and test in the teaching practice. At last, the author gives a evaluation which is based on the talks with teachers and surveies of students, the author also makes the effection of teaching strategies after being practising in the calss teaching,The study gains the supposed effect and based on summarizing the results it reconsiders the problem and shortage, which points out the further direction of the research.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 S1期
  • 【分类号】G434
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】323

