

The Ecological Study of Phytoplankton Community in the Baiyangdian Lake

【作者】 沈会涛

【导师】 刘存歧;

【作者基本信息】 河北大学 , 水生生物学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 本文对2005年4月至2006年10月白洋淀淀区内8个采样点浮游植物群落组成、数量、多样性进行了分析,采用聚类分析(Cluster Analysis)、多维标度分析(MDS)、主成分分析(PCA)等多元统计方法,分析了白洋淀浮游植物群落的时空格局,探讨了浮游植物群落结构与环境因子之间的关系,旨在为白洋淀湖泊湿地的规划与管理提供基础资料。主要研究结果如下:1调查期间共发现浮游植物8门180种,其中绿藻门(Chlorophyta)最多,为95种(属),占藻类总数的52.8%;其次是蓝藻门(Cyanophyta)33种,占藻类总数的18.3%;然后依次是硅藻门(Bacillariophyta)22种(属),占藻类总数的12.2%;裸藻门(Euglenophyta)16种,占藻类总数的8.9%;甲藻门(Pyrrophyta)6种,占藻类总数的3.3%;黄藻门(Xanthophyta)4种,占藻类总数的2.2%;隐藻门(Cryptophyta) 3种,占藻类总数的1.7%;金藻门(Chrysophyta)1种,占藻类总数的0.6%。浮游植物群落组成以隐藻、绿藻和蓝藻为主,隐藻以卵形隐藻(Cryptomonas ovata)、马氏隐藻(Cryptomonas marssonii)占较大优势;绿藻以小球藻(Chlorella vulgaris)、球衣藻(Chlamydomonas sp占优势;蓝藻以中华尖头藻Raphidiopsis sinensia)和细小平裂藻(Merismopedia tenuissima)与优势。2005年浮游植物细胞平均密度为412.97×10~4 ind./L;2006年浮游植物细胞平均密度为507.82×10~4ind./L。浮游植物多样性指数与细胞密度和种类数相关分析表明,Shannon-Wiener指数与细胞密度成负相关(p<0.01);Margalef指数与浮游植物种数成正相关(p<0.01),与细胞密度相关不显著。2本次研究测定2006年叶绿素a的年平均含量为31.93 mg/m3,监测结果表明叶绿素a含量与浮游植物密度存在明显的正相关(R=0.380,p<0.05),随浮游植物密度的增大而增大。温度对叶绿素a含量影响很大,总体上看,随着温度的升高,叶绿素a含量增加。3浮游植物的空间变化上,根据浮游植物种类组成及其数量对8个采样点进行聚类分析和MDS分析,表明南刘庄与其它各采样点的群落组成差异较大。生物—环境分析显示,春季水体的总氮含量对浮游植物的丰度有较明显影响,到夏季后,磷成为浮游植物的限制因子,使浮游植物数量有所下降。在秋季,高锰酸钾指数、化学需氧量是反映水体有机污染程度的综合性指标,这些指标的偏高也影响了浮游植物的种类和数量。在浮游植物的时间变化上,对8个采样点采样时间内浮游植物群落进行聚类及MDS分析,结果表明各采样点不同年份相同季节的群落组成较为相近;不同季节间群落组成相差较大。浮游植物种类组成呈现季节性变化。4应用理化因子的营养状态指数(TSI_M)对白洋淀的营养状态进行评价,表明白洋淀年周期的营养程度处于富营养化水平。对理化因子的主成分分析表明,白洋淀水体中,氮、磷有机物质含量对各采样点影响较大,并且相关显著。富营养化是白洋淀面临的主要问题,本项研究对白洋淀浮游植物进行了较为全面的生态调查,并分析了白洋淀水体的营养状态及对水质起主要作用的环境因子,对于白洋淀水体污染的治理具有一定的理论意义,对白洋淀浮游植物的生态学研究也有一定贡献。根据本项研究的调查结果,对白洋淀的环境保护和合理利用提出以下建议:1控制淀外污染源;2控制淀内污染源;3定期对淀区进行挖泥清淤;4搞好白洋淀湖泊资源开发与环境管理。

【Abstract】 In this paper, the phytoplankton community and the environmental factors were studied in 8 sites of the Baiyangdian Lake. According to the survey of the species composition, cell density, biological diversity, spatial and temporal heterogeneity of phytoplankton from April, 2005 to October,2006, the relationship between phytoplankton community and environmental factors was appraised by Multivariate analysis methods.The major results were as followings:1. The phytoplankton in the Baiyangdian Lake was composed of 180 species belonging to 8 Phylums. Chlorophyta represented 52.8% of total species, which had 95 species. Cyanophyta represented 18.3% of total species, which had 33 species. Bacillariophyta represented 12.2% of total species, which had 22 species. Euglenophyta represented 8.9% of total species, which had 16 species. Pyrrophyta represented 3.3% of total species, which had 6 species. Xanthophyta represented 2.2% of total species, which had 4 species. Cryptophyta represented 1.7% of total species, which had 3 species. Chrysophyta represented 0.6% of total species, which had 1 species.The dominant species of the phytoplankton were as followings:Cryptomonas ovata and Cryptomonas marssonii took the absolute dominant in Cryptophyta; Chlorella vulgaris and Chlamydomonas sp. in Chlorophyta; Raphidiopsis sinensia and Merismopedia tenuissima in Cyanophyta. The annual average cell density of phytoplankton was 412.97×104 ind./L in 2005 and 507.82×104 ind./L in 2006.The correlation analysis indicated that Shannon-Wiener index had negative relationship with cell density (p<0.01), Margalef index had positive relationship with the species of phytoplankton (p<0.01), but there was no obvious correlation with cell density.2. The average Chla concentration was 31.93 mg/m3. The results showed that the chlorophyll concentration had positive relationship with the cell density of phytoplankton (R = 0.380, p<0.05). The Chla concentration increased along with the cell density. The temperature had a great influence on Chla concentration. As a whole, along with the temperature, the Chla concentration increased.3. Cluster Analysis and MDS were used to analyse spatial heterogeneity of the species composition and cell density of phytoplankton in 8 sites of the Baiyangdian Lake. The result indicated that Nanliuzhuang had an obvious difference with the other sites. The Bio-Env Analysis showed that the total nitrogen (TN) had affected the cell density of phytoplankton in spring. In summer, phosphorus turned into the limiting factor, which made the quantity of phytoplankton fall. In autumn, CODMn and CODCr were the key environmental factors, which impacted the species composition and quantity of phytoplankton. In temporal variety, Multivariate analysis showed that the composition of phytoplankton community was close in the same seasons, but was dissimilar in different seasons. The species compositon of phytoplankton displayed seasonal variation.4. General trophic state index of TP, TN, Chla and CODMn suggested that water body of the Baiyangdian Lake belonged to eutrophic state. PCA analysis of the environmental factors showed that the nitrogen, phosphorus and organic matters affected the water quality, and the relations among them were very prominent.Eutrophication has been the most serious problem in the Baiyangdian Lake now. The research made a comprehensive investigation of phytoplankton of the Baiyangdian Lake, and analysed trophic state of water body and the key environmental factors to water body. In conclusion, the paper not only helped to restore the water quality, but also to the researches of phytoplankton community in the Baiyangdian Lake. According to these studies, the advices were brought forward:1) Control the pollution discharge into the Baiyangdian Lake; 2) Control the endogenous pollution; 3) Dredge up the waste; 4) Do well resourceful exploitation and environmental management of the Baiyangdian Lake.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 S1期
  • 【分类号】Q948
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】341

