

The Study of Chenziang Poet Group

【作者】 李朝杰

【导师】 姜剑云;

【作者基本信息】 河北大学 , 中国古代文学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 本文以陈子昂为重点,将其人生经历划分为四个段落,提出了数术文化对陈子昂的影响这一命题,并针对前人观点,重新考辩行年中的三个问题。嗣后从其交游活动入手,考证其交游对象乔知之等人的生平并探讨与陈子昂关系较为密切的卢藏用、郭震、乔知之、王无竞、崔融、东方虬等人的诗文创作,归纳创作风格及特点,且与陈子昂的文学主张相比较,从而得出结论:上述诸人与陈子昂交往较为密切、诗歌风格甚有相近之处,可称之为一个诗人群体。群体之中诸人虽然有风格和创作重心的差异,然统一于陈子昂“风雅说”的旗帜之下并沿其“兴寄说”、“风骨说”大体分作两端,或重在追求古雅、表现真情实感;或重在追求气势昂扬、彰显时代精神,进行了各自的文学实践。卢藏用、郭震、乔知之、王无竞、崔融、东方虬呼应了陈子昂的诗文革新主张,都以自己的创作给予陈子昂有力的支持,为初唐诗歌发展做出了贡献。必须强调的是,本文并不倾向做最宽泛的纳入,与之交游诸人,必须以一己的创作实践与之遥相呼应,表现出诗风上的相似性,才视作羽翼。且仅从陈子昂交游与诗歌理论要求角度出发,特作一摸排梳理,求其类从,简选卢藏用、郭震、乔知之、王无竞、崔融、东方虬五人,缩小了研究范围,便于探讨相似性背后的规律所在。本文对“文学群体”和“文学流派”两个不同概念进行了辨析,并提出“狭义诗人群体”概念,与广义文学群体概念对举,探讨陈子昂诗人群体的特点和成立依据。

【Abstract】 This paper focus on Chen Ziang, divides his life into four paragraphs, debates three questions about his life, then gives new points. Being a way to predict and explain the fate of social and human life, Shushu acted an important role in ancient Chinese history, especially influence on Chen Ziang. This paper discusses Chen Ziang’s close relationship with Lu Cangyong, Guo Zhen, Qiao Zhizhi, Wang Wujing, Cui Rong, Dongfang Qiu and others, describe their writing style and characteristics. Compare with the literary viewpoint of Chen Ziang, we can draw a conclusion: They formed a poet group. Because all of the above contacts with Chen Ziang close, even show the similar Poetry style in some areas. Among the groups, despite differences in creations, they all unified in Chen Ziang’s Theory of "Fengya", along under the banner "Xingji", "Fenggu" roughly divided into two sides: pursuit of the performance of True Felling and pursuit of exemplifying the spirit of the times. They contributed their own practice to Chinese Literature. This paper analysis of "literary group" and "literary genre" into two different concepts, give a "narrow Poets group" concept, compare with the concept of generalized Poets groups, explore the characteristics and the establishment of the basis. Lu Cangyong, Guo Zhen, Qiao Zhizhi, Wang Wujing, Cui Rong, Dongfang Qiu, they all given strong support to Chen Ziang’s reform proposal and made contributions to the passage of poetry in Early Tang dynasty. It must be stressed that this paper does not tend to make the most broadly collection, seeking its category will narrow the scope of the study. A special sorted out means one’s own creative practice showed the similarity of poetry, Similarity lies behind the rules.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 S1期
  • 【分类号】I207.22
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】243

