

A Survey Study on the Tones of Wu’an Dialect

【作者】 王志勇

【导师】 张安生;

【作者基本信息】 河北大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 河北省西南部的武安市,处于晋语、冀鲁官话和中原官话犬牙交错的接合过渡地带。武安方言隶属于晋语邯新片,语音特点在于声调系统。其一,受中古以来北方方言入声消变趋势的制约,加上特殊的方言地理位置和强力推广普通话的影响,入声正处于舒化、衰变的历史进程中,正在迅速走向消亡。其二,和其他晋语区方言一样,在入声舒化的同时,也存在着舒声促化的现象。其三,5个单字调在语流音变层面形成了一个比较复杂的连调系统,轻声的表现也与普通话有较大的差异。以往关于武安方音的研究成果主要集中在单字音的简略描写上,尚缺乏对其声调系统的全面、深入、细致的调查研究。本文是首篇关于武安方言声调的专题调查研究报告,试图在实地调查的基础上,对武安方言的单字调和连读变调系统进行力求全面、准确的描写分析,并着重对本方言入声舒化的音变方式、舒声促化现象、连读变调规律以及轻声的类型进行共时和历时相结合的探讨。本文比较有价值的发现和主要研究结论是:1、地处三大方言过渡带的武安话虽然属于晋语,但也兼具冀鲁官话的一些特征,中原官话的影响并不明显。2、武安方言的入声舒化是通过叠置式音变(文白异读的竞争)方式实现的。3、连读系统中,单纯语音层和音义关联层的变调形式和制约条件都有区别。轻声成分的音值差异与本源调有关,轻声音值尚未彻底弱化中和。4舒声促化现象主要是由轻声字的弱化引起的,表现出超音段特征的音变对音段特征音变的影响。一部分“疑似舒声促化字”是上古入声读法在武安话中的遗留。还有一些字的促化原因尚待探讨。本文可以为北方方言、特别是晋语和冀鲁官话的研究提供必要的补充,也可以为汉语历史语音学的研究提供借鉴。

【Abstract】 Wu’an, a county-level city in southwest of Hebei province, is a transitional zone where Jin Dialect, Zhongyuan Mandarin and Jilu Mandarin dialects (mainly refer to Shandong and Hebei provinces) are intertwined. Wu’an dialect is a part of Hanxin section (refers to Handan and Xinxiang cities)of Jin Dialect, with its phonetic features lying in tone systems; there are three reasons for that. Firstly, due to the evolution of entering tones in Mandarin dialect that started from ancient times, coupled with its special geographic location featuring mixed dialects and the forceful promotion of Common speech, entering tones in Wu’an dialect have been in evolvement of the vanishing of tail vowels in entering tones, and on the fast track of disappearance. Secondly, the phenomenon of Checkedization also accompanied that of the vanishing of tail vowels in entering tones. Thirdly,5 citation tones have formed a very complicated Sandhi system at the level of the flow-related phonetic changes; furthermore, the pronunciations of the neutral tones differ greatly from those of Common speech.The previous surveys on Wu’an dialect and its phonetics mainly centered on the brief description of the citation tones, which lacked an in-depth and exhaustive research of the tone system. The dissertation, the first research study of its kind on the tone system of Wu’an dialect, attempts to make a complete, accurate presentation and analysis of the citation tones along with sandhi tones of Wu’an dialect on the basis of fieldwork, with particular emphasis on the explorations of the forms of phonetic changes in the vanishing of tail vowels in entering tones, the law of sandhi tones and the types of neutral tones by combinations of synchronic and diachronic methods.The valuable discoveries and research results are as follows:1.Although Wu’an dialect belongs to Jin Dialect, it shares features of Jilu Mandarin, affected little by Zhongyuan Mandarin.2.The vanishing of tail vowels in entering tones was caused by the overlay phonetic changes.3.The forms of sandhi and the constraints differ a lot not only at single phonetic level but also at semantic level. The phonetic values of neutral tones, which have not been completely softened, differ greatly, attributing to their original tones.4.The phenomenon of Checkedization was caused by the softening of neutral tones, which indicates the influences of the phonetic changes of super-segmental features on those of segmental features. Some of the suspected characters involved checkedization in Wu’an dialect can be tracked back to the Chinese ancient pronunciations of entering tones.The dissertation can serve as not only supplementations for research of Mandarin dialect, especially Jin Dialect and Jilu Mandarin, but also references for the study of Chinese historical phonetics.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 S1期
  • 【分类号】H17
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】273

