

The Research for "Shu Mu Da Wen"

【作者】 刘净净

【导师】 时永乐;

【作者基本信息】 河北大学 , 中国古典文献学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 张之洞是中国近代史上地位仅次于李鸿章的著名洋务派领袖,是朝廷的重臣,在他从政的同时文化造诣亦是甚高。他先后著有《輶轩语》、《劝学篇》、《劝刻书说》、《书目答问》、《论金石札》等,尤其是《书目答问》是目录学史上一部重要的书目。本文力图对这一书目做系统全面的探究和解读。《书目答问》是一部指导治学的重要目录,近百年来流传甚广,具有很高的研究价值。无论是它的成书情况、版本流传,还是它的内容,以及通过内容所折射出的张之洞在那个时代下的思想,任何一点都值得我们认真研究。虽然《书目答问》的作者问题一直众说纷纭,但是以陈垣为代表的多数学者还是认为张之洞当是主要编者,缪荃孙做了一定的助理工作,整部著作所反映的政治见解、思想体系等亦当是张之洞的思想见解。《书目答问》决非如作者所言,只是“随手记录”;而是渗透着作者诸多思想观点的一部推荐性书目。通过设置的类目、收列的书目、以及所加的按语等情况,我们不难发现作者目录学、版本学、校勘学、金石学等诸多文献学思想;而且此书还反映了作者在教育、儒学、经济等诸多方面的思想。这些思想的分析,在某种程度上也为此书的作者问题提供了证据。此外,《书目答问》在类目设置、收录书目、版本方面可能还有一些不足和待考订的地方,但这对整部书目在目录学史上的重大贡献来说,是微不足道的。通过一系列的考证研究,本文力争使《书目答问》较全面的呈现在读者面前,同时也希望对一些问题的研究能够推动读者进行更深层次的探究。综观全文,主要是以《书目答问》为研究对象,力求多方面的来研究这一目录著作,特别是其中所体现的作者的思想,从而力求对这一著作做更全面的探究和诠释。

【Abstract】 ZhangZhidong whose position is only lower than LiHongzhang is a famous leader of the foreign-learning party in modern history. He is an important officer in the court and has high accomplishments when engaging in the politics. Especially the ShuMuDaWen is an immortal monument in the literature history. This passage tries to make a systemic and general research to the bookmaking.ShuMuDaWen is an important catalogue to wise up teaching and take an important position as a crucial literature. It is one of the best-known catalogue and literature, which is well worth investigating. Every point of the book, which should be worked over, can refract ZhangZhiZhong’s ideology in that time. For example, the way it came into being, the edition spreaded or its contents. We have discussed the writer, background, social influence, and the problems as the change of the edition in the introduction. On the basis of what we analyze the idea of the philology from the way of catalogue, edition, emender, inscription. Besides we make an analysis on the educational, confucian, economic thinking. The passage found some deficiency in piece setting, book embodying and editions in the end of the paper. We try to make a systemic research to the ShuMuDaWen according to its background, writer’s advisement, the edition’s spreading and the idiographic analysis of the content. So we can explore the value of the writer. We try to make it comprehensive and drive the reader to deeper study.

【关键词】 《书目答问》目录学张之洞研究
【Key words】 "SHUMUDAWEN"catalogueZhangZhidongresearch
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 S1期
  • 【分类号】G257
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】373

