

A Research on the Exemplary Roles of College Advanced Models

【作者】 向宜

【导师】 陈成文;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 思想政治教育, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 在思想政治教育的众多实施方法中,典型示范法一直是最传统而行之有效的方法。本研究在理论上对当前已有的大学生先进典型的案例重新系统整理,并且基于对这些方面的认识、特点、功能等进行多方位的研究,提供大学生先进典型的榜样示范作用在理论上的支撑。在实践上,转变观念,创新手段,为思想政治教育的典型示范法这个基本原理提供理论参考,与时俱进,不断完善,在新的社会历史时期得到继承和发扬,从而增强对高校思想政治教育方法的新举措。本研究通过文献法,进行广泛查阅心理学、教育学、德育学中有关先进典型的榜样示范作用的文章,从中收集有用的材料,为本研究的写作积累资料。并通过设计一份关于先进典型对青年大学生的影响状况的问卷调查,随机抽取部分大学生作为调查对象开展问卷调查,掌握第一手资料,直接了解到当今时代大学生的思想动态。第一章通过社会调查研究分析,提出重视大学生先进典型的榜样示范作用的必要性,有利于拓展高校思想政治教育的方法,有利于营造良好的高校思想政治教育氛围,有利于大学生树立正确价值观。第二章进行现实状况的理论研究,分析大学生先进典型的榜样示范作用的特征与表现。大学生先进典型具有崇高理想、艰苦奋斗、开拓创新、乐观豁达等基本特征,对大学生有说服力和感染力,起带头示范作用,有榜样激励作用,对大学生的不良行为有矫正作用等。第三章为思想政治教育提供实践导向,指出发挥大学生先进典型的榜样示范作用的基本思路。从客观选择大学生先进典型,正确对待大学生先进典型,认真学习大学生先进典型等三个方面展开论述。

【Abstract】 In the ideological and political education a number of implementation methods have been utilized. The typical and exemplary role mode for education has been the most traditional and effective method. In the new Chinese revolution, construction and reform period a typical example of an advanced model, for generation after generation, has been to inspire college students health and growth through serving the country as the only mean full and useful contributions for and to the greater society. In this study, in theory, current college students have advanced a case of a typical re-organize the system and based on an understanding of relevant aspects, features and functions, such as multi-faceted research, provide a typical example of the advanced university students. In theory, support a model. Thus, in practice, to change concepts, innovative means of hope for the ideological and political education of the typical basic principles of the Model Law and provide a theoretical reference within the times. So as to constantly improve in the new social and historical periods to be inherited and carried forward, thereby enhancing college student’s ideological and political educational methods to approach new initiatives.This study documents law, conducts an extensive access to material of psychology, education, moral learning from typical examples of the exemplary role of advanced articles. From the collection of useful written material accumulate data for this study. And through the design of an advanced model of the young college students, develop a questionnaire to assess the impact on the status of university students. Students were randomly selected to respond to survey questionnaire and document first-hand information, direct knowledge of the current era the ideological trend of university students.The first chapter, through the social survey research and analysis, advances a typical example that is of great importance to students. The example expounds on the need to help expand the ideological and political education in ways beneficial to create a sound ideological and political education environment that is conducive to students in establishing correct values.The second chapter is the actual situation of the theoretical research, analysis of advanced students in the role of the typical characteristics of a model demonstration and performance. Advanced students typically have high ideals, champion hard work, are pioneering and innovative and are optimistic and open-minded. These exemplary role features support that there is convincing and appealing interest to all students to play a leading and exemplary role so as to advance examples as an incentive effect on the correcting bad behavior of college students negative role.The third chapter is divided into ideological and political education to provide practice-oriented guidance pointing out that the advanced students play an exemplary role model for a typical basic idea. Select students from the objective of advanced models; institute the correct treatment of advanced models of university students so as to seriously study the typical college students advanced on three fronts discussed.

  • 【分类号】G641
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】878

