

The Research on Principle of Proximate Cause in Isurance Law

【作者】 肖立华

【导师】 刘兴树;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 法律, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 近因原则作为保险法上的一项基本原则,其在保险理赔中的重要作用是不言而喻的。该原则始于海上保险,发展至今已适用于所有的保险业务领域,成为了国际保险理赔中的惯例。本文以近因原则为研究对象,试图对其加以系统地归纳、探究和分析。所谓近因原则,是指保险人对以承保危险为近因的损失承担赔付责任,对承保危险非近因所造成的损失不承担赔付责任。与民法上因果关系不同,近因原则具有侧重责任成立上的因果关系、探求近因惟一性等特征。对于促进保险市场的成熟、保障保险业的健康发展,近因原则可谓功不可没。在英美法系国家中,法官一般采用“常识标准”判断近因,并且在多年审判实践的基础上,法官归纳出不同情形下近因原则的具体运用规则,使抽象的原则具体化。当对近因的认定产生分歧时,法院通常采用“证明责任转移”规则使保险人承担主要的证明责任。“比例因果关系理论”、“分摊原则”、“合理诿因原则”是近因原则的新理念,这些新理念能解决传统近因原则所带来的弊端,较好地平衡保险各方当事人之间的利益,实现最大程度的共赢。我国新修订的《保险法》和《海商法》均未规定近因原则,这非常不利于我国保险业的健康发展。对各国近因原则的立法和判例进行梳理、分析、总结,可以为我国保险领域确立近因原则提供借鉴。具体而言,我国的近因原则可以从以下几个方面进行明确:立法上明确规定近因原则;司法解释中具体说明适用规则;认定标准上采用常识标准;明确举证责任;保险人保单中进行适当说明。

【Abstract】 The Principle of Proximate Cause, as an important principle of the insurance law, plays a very important role in the settlement of insurance claim. The Principle of Proximate Cause originates in marine insurance, and it has applied to all areas of insurance and become the consuetude of international insurance claim settlement. In this paper, the principle of proximate is taken as the research object, and I attempt to summarize, explore and analysis the Principle of Proximate Cause systematically.The meaning of the Principle of Proximate Cause, is that the insurer bears the compensation obligation which regulates the risk of accept insurance as proximate cause and vice versa. Different with the causation in civil law, the Principle of Proximate Cause has the characteristics of emphasizing particularly on the causality of liability establishment, and exploring the uniqueness of proximate cause, and so on. The Principle of Proximate Cause plays a very importmant role in prometing the maturity of insurance market and ensuring insurance develop in a healthy way. In common law system, the judge generally adopt "common sense standard " to determine proximate cause. Based on the trial practice in several years, the judge summarize the application of the rules of the Principle of Proximate Cause in different situations and make the abstract rules into embodiment. When divarication happens in determining proximate cause between insurer and insurant, the court usually applicate "the transfer of burden proof to make insurer bear the onus probandi of proximate cause. The theories of proportionate causation, apportionment principle and the principle of rationalization are the latest development of the Principle of Proximate Cause, which can resolves the maladies in traditional Principle of Proximate Cause, balances preferably the interest of the insurance parties, and realizes the whole hog win-win of the parties.There are no definition or any articles relating to the Principle of Proximate Cause in our current insurance law or marine code, which is undermining the healthy growth of the insurance. To sort out, analyze and sum up every country’s legislation and cases about the Principle of Proximate Cause, can provide references for our country’s insurance to establish the Principle of Proximate Cause. In particular, the Principle of Proximate Cause of China can be definite by the following means: to put Principle of Proximate Cause into the legislation; to interpret concretely the application of the rules of Principle of Proximate Cause by judicial interpretations; to adopt common sense standards to assert proximate cause; to make the burden of proof clear; to explain the meaning of Principle of Proximate Cause in insurance policy.


