

On the Public Nature of Zhang Henshui’s Novels

【作者】 薛凌

【导师】 罗成琰;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 张恨水是我国杰出的现代通俗文学大师,他从事文学创作四十多年,创作了120余部中长篇小说,近三千万字之多,以中国大中城市市民为主体的读者数量堪以亿计。他倾其一生为市井百姓写作,他毫不掩饰地自觉把市场和读者放在首位。考察和分析了张恨水一生小说创作的四个时期,可以清楚地看到他的作品中明显存在着市民意识。张恨水在小说中真切地体现出市民阶层的人生悲欢和生活状态,并用广大市民读者喜闻乐见的形式展示作品,在风格上接近中下层民众的阅读期待,从而受到广大读者的长期推崇。张恨水小说的市民性可以从七个层面获得论证。一、张恨水作品的主要读者群是广大的小市民阶层。市民阶层是一个新兴的社会阶层,和农民相比,他们的思想观念相对比较先进。由于市民阶层在经济上具有一定的地位,他们在追求物质享受的同时,也开始了对精神生活的追求。二、张恨水小说在内容取材方面既能满足市民读者喜欢言情的嗜好,又能把握时代脉搏,随时取材于现实生活,反映老白姓普遍关心的社会重大事件和热点新闻,反映城市中的各种人物的心理状态和生活状态,与当时大多数市民读者的社会时代心理形成了默契,因而能够打动人心,在读者中产生了广泛而强烈的反响。三、张恨水小说在刻画人物形象方面有他的独到之处。他在塑造人物形象时同情市民的人生处境,理解市民的人生选择,作品中普通市民收到前所未有的重视。三教九流,五行八作的各类市井人物形象丰富多彩,特别是大量的中下层女性人物的喜乐悲苦,中小知识分子的心态灵魂,在他的笔下栩栩如生。四、张恨水小说故事情节曲折委婉,跌宕起伏,充分展现了市民复杂的人际关系、心理状态和感情纠葛,揭示了市民中不同阶层人物具有时代特征的多元化生活追求和道德操守。张恨水是一个善于编织故事的高手,他能编织出一系列曲折离奇,甚至可以说是富有传奇色彩的故事,能够激发广大市民的阅读兴趣,能够给他们带来精神的愉悦与享受。五、环境是人物活动的场所,没有环境,人物就没有立足之地。张恨水的小说真实、全面地反映了二十世纪二十年代至四十年代中国社会特别是城市社会广阔的社会生活画面和时代风云,揭示了各种社会问题。张恨水的创作也立体化地展示了三个时期各个层面、各个角落的人与事,进而勾勒出一个时代社会的整体风貌。六、张恨水小说在表现形式上适合市民需求,迎合了市民审美心理。张恨水在表现形式上的高明和独到之处首先体现在对传统小说形式章回体的继承与改造上,特别注重传统形式和民族化的叙述方式的沿用,而使文学更好地为读者大众所接受。他积极接受了新文学的白话文,并在白话文运用上取得了突出成就。他突破传统章回小说只重外部人物形态描写,对人物内心活动描写有所欠缺的表达方式,用水墨画般的风景描写和真实细致、入目三分的心理描写来表现小说人物形象,这是章回小说改良史上成功的创造。七、张恨水所创作的文学作品在如何走向市场、迎合市场、适应市民文化消费这一方面获得了巨大成功。他是两千年来第一个把自己名字变成市场品牌的作家。我们今天热烈讨论着文学市场化,把它看做全新的课题,殊不知远在七八十年前,中国文学已经分为两个板块:一个是体现知识分子精英价值观的“新文学”,另一个是面向大众特别是普通市民的市场文学。张恨水文学创作中鲜明的时代特色和充盈的市民性,值得当今市场经济环境下的文坛作家借鉴和学习。

【Abstract】 Mr Henshui Zhang was an excellent master of Chinese modern popular literature.He wrote about the common people in all his life and had no attempt to hide his idea that he liked putting the market and readers into the first place automatically.He always stood the position of the little ordinary citizens.The ordinary citizens are the major readers of zhang’s novels.so, this decided that zhang was a typical novelist of the public literiture.In zhang’s novels,he observed the life of the ordinary citizens vividly and reflected the happines,saddness in little ordinary people’ life and also reflected the truth of people’s life.The major readers of Henshui Zhang’s works are average people.In content, his novels can fit the fondness of common people, as well as the pulse of the times, and his novels draw materials from the real life at any time.In his novels, Henshui Zhang has a special visual angle to create characters.His novels have many circumlocutory stories with quirky twists, which reveal complex relationships and emotions in society. People in Henshui Zhang’s novels have various ethics and aims in their specific social classes. Henshui Zhang in his novels re-creates social life, especially city life from 1920 to 1940, in a roundly and veritable way. He reveals many social problems.Henshui Zhang’s novels meet readers’ requirement in their needs and tastes.The last, Zhang Henshui undoubtedly did a successful job on how to cater to the market, adapt to the market and meet the changing cultural consumption of people. He is the first author who changes his name into a famous marketing brand in the past two thousand years. His literary works are full of the times’ distinctive characteristics and filling of public members’ nature. It is worthy to learn for other literary writers in today’s marketing environment.

  • 【分类号】I207.42
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】262

