

Research for the Development of the Round-the-city Travlling Public Openspace in Changsha

【作者】 罗杨

【导师】 夏赞才;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 旅游管理, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 随着我国旅游业由传统的观光旅游向休闲度假旅游转变,环城游憩带以其独有的地域特征和良好的生态环境成为城市居民休闲度假的首选之地,并得到了人们的广泛关注,成为当今及今后城市周边地区旅游发展的主要潮流。环城游憩带既是中国城市与城市化发展到一定水平的产物,也是对城市化的一种弥补和促动。为满足城市居民的游憩需要,在大城市郊区出现了市民频繁使用的游憩设施、场所和公共空间。这些设施、场所和位于城郊的各级旅游目的地一起形成了环大都市游憩活动频发地带,即环城游憩带。市民的环城游憩活动同时又带动了外来旅游者的参与。在参考了大量的文献资料及实践调查的基础上,本文对长沙环城游憩带的相关问题进行了研究和探讨。全文共分为七个部分:第一部分为绪论。介绍了环城游憩的研究背景、本文研究的目的和研究的意义以及研究理论与方法,并对环城游憩带概念的界定和环城游憩带的国内外研究进展进行了阐述。第二部分为研究区概况。介绍了长沙的自然历史环境和经济状况、交通条件及旅游资源,对长沙市环城游憩带的范围进行了界定,分析了长沙环城游憩带旅游开发的现状。第三部分对长沙市居民户外游憩状况进行调查分析。从出游方式、停留时间和旅游者感兴趣的出游项目建议及等四个方面对长沙市居民户外游憩状况进行了调查分析。第四部分主要分析了长沙环城游憩带目前存在的问题。指出环城游憩带开发中存在合力不够、品牌意识不强;旅游产品老化单一;乡村景观城市化,人造景观无个性;管理体制不健全;环保意识需加强等问题。第五部分提出了长沙市环城游憩带旅游开发的四个主要原则。即可持续发展原则、以人为本的原则、突出地方特色原则、兼顾各方利益原则。第六部分对对环城游憩带将来的发展提出一些建议和设想。主要包括在地方政府主导下,采取分圈层发展策略,优化游憩交通网络,结合不同的开发模式,发展生态农业旅游、文化旅游等内容。第七部分为结论部分,对长沙环城游憩的开发提出来自己的看法和建议,从而为相关部门在开发长沙环城游憩带提供参考。

【Abstract】 As is well known,China is experiencing a rapid conversion from sightseeing tourism to vocation tourism in recent years, Recreational Belt around Metropolis (ReBAM), which has special regional characteristics and well environment has become the preferred destination chosen by citizens. The Recreational Belt Around Metropolis (ReBAM) is both a result of the development of Chinese cities and urbanization that has been developed to acertain degree and a boost as well as reparation of urbanization. To satisfy the citizen’s need of recreation, the facilities, places, and space of recreation has mushroomed around the metropolis. These facilities and places together with the destination of out comers have formed the ReBAM. Simultaneously the citizen’s recreational action has spurred the out comers’ participation. Based on the study of pioneers and practice, the ReBAM of Changsha city is discussed in this thesis.Seven parts are included in this thesis:In the first outline part, the research background, purposes, theory, method and its significance are summarized,as well as the definition of ReBAM and the literature summary at home and abroad.The second part is the study area overview. The author introduced the natural historical environment、the economic conditions,the traffic conditions and the tourism resources of Changsha, defined the scope of Changsha City ReBAM, analyzes the development of the ReBAM tourism in Changsha. The third part conducts a survey of the situation of Outdoor among Changsha residents in three aspects.The forth part mainly analyzes the existing problems in the Changsha ReBAM. Some problems, such as lacking resultant forces and brand cinsciousness,the aging-single tourism products, rural landscape citify,impersonal artificial landscape,non-standard management, environmental pollution and waste of resources exist in the development of ReBAM tourism products.Four principles of ReBAM tourism development in Changsha are put forward in the fifth part.Those are, principle of sustainable development, principle of people-oriented,principle of emphasizing local characteristics,principle of balance between the interests of all parties .In the sixth part, the author put forward some proposals and assumptions of the ReBAM development in Changsha. Leading by local governments, different circles should adopt different development strategies;the transportation network need to be optimized;the development of eco-agricultural tourism, cultural tourism must be combined with a different method of exploitation.The seventh part comes to conclusion. The author points out some opinions and suggestions in order to provide some reference for the development of ReBAM in Changsha.

  • 【分类号】F592.7
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】241

