

A Study on the Backwash Effects of the NMET on Senior English Teaching and Learning

【作者】 卢梓忠

【导师】 朱泌太;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 教育, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 英语测试是英语教学过程中的一个重要组成部分,并对英语教学产生影响,这通常被称为语言教学中的“反拨效应”。近年来,国内外对反拨效应尤其是对大规模高厉害关系测试的反拨效应进行了大量的研究。这些研究加深了人们对测试反拨效应的认识,在一定程度上促进了测试和教学改革。然而到目前为止,对于“反拨效应”所进行的实证研究仍显不足,尤其是国内对于全国高考英语测试(NMET)的实证研究就更少了。因此,教育部于2003年制定并颁布了新的“普通高中英语课程标准(实验稿)”,提出了英语学习的评价标准及其原则,目的是为了对高中英语教与学施加积极影响。本研究旨在新课程标准背景下,结合我国高中英语教学实践,对高考英语测试的反拨效应进行调查研究。并根据研究结果提出产生高考英语测试正面反拨效应的途径,以期为促进高中英语教学和考试改革提供一定的有用依据。本研究采用定性和定量相结合的研究方法,以问卷调查、课堂观察和师生访谈等方式为研究工具,研究对象主要是来自不同市、县、区的133名高中英语教师、476名高三学生和省内8名英语教研员。研究结果表明,高考英语测试对高中(尤其高三)英语教与学既有正面的也有负面的反拨作用。正面反拨作用主要表现在:促进英语高考改革;促进英语教学;学生的英语综合能力得到提高。负面反拨作用主要有:增加了教师的心理压力、加重了教师的教学负担;加重了学生的学习负担,易使学生产生厌学情绪。基于调查结果,本研究提出了一些建议,旨在充分发挥高考英语测试的正面反拨作用,抑制其对高中英语教学的负面反拨作用。例如,进一步改革高考试题命制、更多地采用诸如口试和翻译之类的技能产出性题型;改变高考的高校唯一选拔途径、正确使用高考分数并规劝教育行政不再过于看重高考结果;进一步提升教师的英语素养。最后对本研究的局限性和今后的继续研究提出了一些看法。

【Abstract】 English testing is an important constituent in the process of English teaching and learning. It exerts influence on English teaching and learning, which is commonly described as "backwash" in language instruction. A large number of studies have been carried out abroad and in China on the backwash effects of language testing, especially of high-stake testing. These studies have deepened people’s understanding of this phenomenon and to some extent promoted the reform of language testing and teaching. So far, however, the studies on backwash effects are still limited, particularly domestic studies on the National Matriculation English Test. Therefore, in 2003, the Ministry of Education enacted and promulgated the new Regular Senior English Curriculum Standard, which put forward the assessing criteria and principles of English learning. It aims to exert a positive impact on teaching and learning in senior high schools.The purpose of this study is to investigate the backwash effects of the NMET in the context of the new curriculum standard, combining China’s senior high school English teaching with learning practice. And it also aims to find out the ways of exerting positive backwash effects of the NMET, in the hope of providing useful references for the promotion of senior English teaching and for the advancement of testing innovation. This study employs qualitative and quantitative research methods. The research instruments are questionnaires, classroom observations and interviews. All the data are collected from 133 teachers, 476 students and 8 English inspectors. The results of the study show that the NMET has great backwash effects on senior English teaching and learning, especially on that of Senior III. The positive backwash effects are: promoting reforms of the NMET; improving teachers’ English teaching and students’ English learning; enhancing students’ integrative capabilities, etc. The negative backwash effects lie in: adding a burden to teachers’ teaching; increasing teachers’ psychological pressure; adding a burden to students’ studying; making students weary of English studying.Based on the findings of this study, some suggestions are put forward on how to promote the beneficial backwash effects of the NMET and hinder the negative ones. For example, further innovating the NMET test design and taking in more productive skills like spoken test and translation; changing the single means of the NMET selecting students for universities, using students’ NMET scores correctly and discouraging the administrators to rely the NMET results too heavily; further training the teachers to be more competent in English. Finally, the limitations of this study are pointed out and some suggestions of the further research are offered as well.


