

On China’s Criminal Judicial Interpretation

【作者】 剪相发

【导师】 唐世月;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 法律, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 由于我国立法贯彻“宜粗不宜细”这一原则,加之立法本身无法克服的滞后性和成文法语言本身有具有模糊性、容易产生歧义等特点。因此,在我国刑事司法实践中,对刑法本身的含义进行进一步的阐明,以便防止司法实践中对刑法的适用出现偏差的刑法司法解释就必不可少。可以说,刑法司法解释作为法律解释的一种,在我国法治进程中具有不可替代的作用,是连接抽象的刑事立法和具体的刑法司法的桥梁。刑法司法解释作为一种法律现象,在理论界与实务界均引起了高度关注,加大对刑法司法解释的研究则是必不可少的。刑法司法解释作为法律解释的一种,在制发过程中应当遵循立法原意,不得超出罪刑法定,具有明确性、谦抑性以及在实际的应用中应当依附于刑法条文等原则。同时,刑法司法解释作为一种司法实践的依据,对打击犯罪、保障人权方面发挥着巨大的作用,对整个法治的进步产生着巨大影响,因此对刑法司法解释也应进行有效的监督,以期防止其走上反面,违背初衷。本文共分四部分。首先是对何为刑法司法解释,刑法司法解释的特征以及一般原则进行了界定;其次,对我国刑法司法解释中存在的问题及原因进行了分析;再次,对完善我国刑法司法解释的意义作了简要论述;最后,对如何完善我国刑法司法解释提出建议。

【Abstract】 As the implementation of ’suitable for general’ principle on China’s legislation,, coupled with the lag that legislation itself can not overcome and the ambiguity of the statutory language, the criminal justice practice will further clarify the meaning of the Penal Code in order to prevent the gaps in the application of criminal law. Thus, judicial interpretation of Criminal Law is inevitable.As a legal interpretation, judicial interpretation of Criminal Law plays an irreplaceable role in China . It is a bridge that connects the abstract criminal legislation and concrete criminal justice. As a legal phenomenon,it has aroused great concern in theorists and practitioners. Therefore, the increase of judicial interpretation of Criminal Law is essential. As a legal interpretation, Judicial interpretation of criminal law should follow legislation objective and shall not exceed the legality when it is drafted. And it should have the clarity and modesty characteristics. It should be attached to the principles of criminal law in practical applicationMeanwhile, as a basis for judicial practice ,it has played a huge role in the fight against crime and protection of human rights. It has a great influence on the development of criminal law. Therefore, the judicial interpretation of Criminal Law should be effectively supervised in order to prevent them from resorting to negative aspects which are against the original intention.This paper is divided into four parts. The first is its introduction ,the characteristics and the principles which it should comply with;The problems and causes in judicial interpretation of China’s Criminal Law are analyzed in the second part; The third is briefly clarifying the meaning to improve the judicial interpretation of China’s Criminal Law; and finally, make recommendations on how to improve the judicial interpretation of China’s Criminal Law.

【关键词】 刑法司法解释问题完善
【Key words】 judicial interpretation of Criminal Lawproblemsimpro
  • 【分类号】D924
  • 【下载频次】50

