

Research into Undersea Coal Seam Spontaneous Combustion Prevention Technology at Beizao Coal Mine

【作者】 谭花文

【导师】 刘玉洲;

【作者基本信息】 重庆大学 , 安全技术及工程, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 龙口矿区北皂煤矿是我国第一个进行海下采煤的矿井,也是世界上首个采用海下综采放顶煤开采的煤矿。北皂煤矿开采煤层属于典型的“三软煤层”,为极易自燃的褐煤,最短自然发火期仅为22天,由于海下开采过程中工作面矿压大,顶板破碎,导致采空区漏风严重,为煤层自燃创造了有利条件,影响了海下采煤的正常进行,所以,开展海下采煤综合防灭火技术的研究具有重要的现实意义。本文主要以北皂煤矿海下开采H2106综放工作面作为实验对象进行综合防灭火技术研究。对北皂煤矿煤样进行煤炭氧化自燃模拟实验和对工作面监测数据及人工测试数据进行分析,得出北皂煤矿海下开采综合防灭火技术。主要研究成果如下:①通过对对北皂煤矿煤样在定风量和变风量条件下的煤炭氧化自燃模拟进行研究以及升温条件下的煤炭氧化自燃模拟进行研究,提出北皂煤矿煤炭氧化自燃的标志性气体为CO和C2H4。以此,确定北皂煤矿预测预报自然发火应以CO、C2H4作为主要指标气体。②以海下开采H2106综放面为实验面,通过向采空区埋设温度传感器和束管的方式进行温度和气体监测,得出采空区自燃“三带”范围,同时通过回采过程中煤自燃指标气体和推进速度以及回采率关系分析,确定煤层和采空区自然发火危险区域及实际开采过程中浮煤自燃极限参数。③结合北皂煤矿现有防灭火技术和综放开采煤自燃发火特性,确定北皂煤矿快速防灭火系统以胶体防灭火系统、均压防灭火系统和注氮防灭火系统为主。在实际开采过程中针对煤自然发火的重点危险区域,进行专项治理,成功地预防了停采撤架期间和回采期间采空区煤自燃的发生。在现场测试期间,证明北皂煤矿综放开采煤自燃综合防治技术是有效的,保证了海下采煤工作面的正常生产,对相似综放面开采过程中煤自燃防治具有一定参考价值。

【Abstract】 Beizao mine, Longkou coal field, is the first mine which extracts coal from under sea coal seam in China. It is also the first longwall block caving mine in the world. The mining seam at Beizao is a typical“three-soft”seam which the brawn coal is vulnerable to spontaneous combustion. The combustion period is as short as 22 days recorded. Due to higher mining induced stress when mining undersea seams, roof strata are broken which leads to a great deal of air leakage. Affect the normal coal mining under the sea, so to carry out mining under the sea integrated control technology research has important practical significance.H2106 longwall face at Beizao coal mine was selected to conduct comprehensive prevention and control of coal combustion. Researchedl and face tested the analysis of experimental data obtained Beizao coal mining under the sea Comprehensive Fire-fighting technology.The main conclusions are as follows:①Use combustion tester ,scheduled to air volume and variable air volume under the conditions of simulation of spontaneous combustion of coal oxidation, and heating under the conditions of spontaneous combustion spontaneous combustion of coal oxidation simulation study presented Beizao Oxidation of coal spontaneous combustion of coal gas as CO and C2H4. Determining the prediction of Beizao spontaneous combustion in coal mines should be based on CO、C2H4 gas as the main indicator.②As H2106 to the experimental surface, through the mined-out area buried temperature sensor and the beam tube temperature and gas monitoring of the way, come to mined-out area Spontaneous Combustion "three zones" range, through the process of spontaneous combustion of coal mining index gases and to promote the relationship between speed and recovery rate analysis to determine the coal seam and the risk of spontaneous combustion in gob areas and the actual mining process of coal self-ignition limit of the floating parameters.③With an existing fire extinguishing technology and Comprehensive liberalization of spontaneous combustion characteristics of coal mining to determine quickly Beizao coal mine fire prevention systems to colloidal anti-extinguishing systems, fire extinguishing systems Pressure and injection of nitrogen-based fire extinguishing system. During the mining of coal spontaneous combustion in the focus for the danger zone, and special treatment, successfully prevented the withdrawal of aircraft during the stop mining and extraction of coal mined-out area during the occurrence of spontaneous combustion.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 重庆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 S2期

