

The Characteristics of Heating, Cooling and Moisture Load and Evaluation of Heating and Air Conditioning Forms Evaluation of Residential Buildings in Yangtze River Basin

【作者】 孙婵娟

【导师】 付祥钊;

【作者基本信息】 重庆大学 , 供热、供燃气、通风及空调工程, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 社会的进步和经济的发展都促使长江流域居民对改善居住条件提出了强烈的要求。过去长江流域居民较多采用被动式的取暖降温方式来满足室内舒适性的要求,而现在越来越多的居民提出选用主动采暖降温设备来改善室内环境的要求。针对长江流域的气候特征、风俗文化及生活习惯,结合其对应的负荷特性,确定适宜于长江流域住宅建筑的采暖空调方式是当前亟待解决的问题。采暖空调方式的选择需要考虑的因素很多,传统的选择方式将空调方式的系统能效比作为首要因素,然而,随着住宅建筑中各种采暖空调方式的投入使用和运行,各种社会和环境问题出现,使得部分空调方式在特殊的建筑及小区布局中的使用受到限制,甚至某些因素对采暖空调方式有一票否决的影响,因此本文提出在进行采暖空调方式的选择时,需要综合考虑系统能效、环境协调、使用要求、冷热资源选择、负荷特性等多方面的因素。本文从整体上把握长江流域发展特征,着重分析该区域的气候特点,社会经济发展情况,文化及生活习惯等特征。根据各地区冷热资源分布,建筑状况分类以及居住模式特征,建立采暖空调选择指标。在该指标的指导下,分别进行了三峡库区实态调查,长江流域问卷调查,家庭采暖能耗调查,江苏、重庆城市实地调查等调查,并在此基础上对已有的社会调查结果进行分析,对不同的家庭结构及收入水平进行分类,着重分析其住宅建筑居住模式,结合现阶段的发展情况,建立长江流域居住实态发展模型。在居住实态发展模型的基础上,采用动态空调负荷分析法对各模型的采暖空调负荷进行详细的定性分析,得出各模型的采暖空调负荷特征。采用矩阵和组合的方法对各模型进行分析,通过家庭矩阵,杂居矩阵的构建,结合动态负荷矩阵,得出聚居负荷特性矩阵。对当前住宅采暖空调方式以及现有的空调方式和技术进行归纳和分析,找出其所适用的负荷特征。并将新能源的使用融入到空调方式中去,筛选出高效低碳的采暖空调方式。针对不同的住宅区形态以及负荷特性,列出与其相匹配的采暖空调方式推荐表。

【Abstract】 Social progress and economic development have all contributed to make a strong demand to improve the living conditions of the residents in Yangtze River basin. In the past, residents in Yangtze River basin used more passive cooling and heating means to meet the requirements of indoor comfort. However, an increasing number of residents choose active heating and cooling equipment to improve the indoor environment. Considering the climate for the Yangtze River basin characteristics, customs and culture and lifestyle, combined with its corresponding load characteristics, to determine which mode of heating and air conditioning is suitable for residential buildings in Yangtze River basin is the current problems to be solved.There are many factors to be considered when heating and air conditioning mode choice are made. In the traditional way, the system energy efficiency ratio is as a primary factor when it comes to the choice of the way in heating and air-conditioning. However, as various methods of heating and air conditioning in residential building put into use and operation, a variety of social and environmental issues has come out. They caused using restrictions of some special air-conditioned manner in special building. Even some factors on the heating and air conditioning methods are one-vote decision power. Therefore, this article made the choice of carrying out heating and air conditioning mode when the system need to integrate energy efficiency, environmental coordination, use requirements, hot and cold resource selection, other factors such as load characteristics.In this paper, it grasps the overall development characteristics of the Yangtze River basin, and focus on analysis of the characteristics of regional climate, socio-economic development, culture and lifestyle. The indicators in the choice of heating and air conditioning in buildings are determined in accordance with the distribution of its hot and cold resources, construction status of classification and characteristics of settlement patterns. Under the guidance of the index ,the real state of urban living in Yangtze River valley is investigated and structure and the income level in different families are classified. It focuses on analysis of their residential pattern in residential buildings. The residential real state of development model in the Yangtze River Basin is established combined with the current stage of development. On the basis of live real-state development model, it conducts a detailed qualitative analysis on the heating and air conditioning load of each model based on the dynamic analysis method of air conditioning load and it results in the feature on heating and air conditioning load of each model. Using the matrix and combination methods for analysis of various models. It arrives at the load characteristics of habitat matrix, through the analysis on family matrix, mixed matrix. Summarizing and analyzing the current methods of residential heating and air conditioning as well as the existing air-conditioning methods and techniques to identify characteristics of the load to which each one applies. And using the new energy into the way of the air-conditioning, filtering out low-carbon and efficient way of heating and air conditioning. The recommendation matching form of heating and air conditioning means is listed for different architectural forms, as well as load characteristics.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 重庆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 S2期

