

Group Diversity and Group Creativity: The Mediating Role of Intragroup Conflict and Group Social Capital

【作者】 朱晓婧

【导师】 王端旭;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 企业管理, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 随着全球化竞争的日趋激烈,网络和通讯技术的迅猛发展,以及人才流动的不断加剧,团队多样化现象更加明显。如何构建并管理好多样化的团队,已成为中外理论界与企业界共同关心的重要问题。与此同时,企业想赢得长青基业必须依靠持续的创新,发展创新的不竭源泉有赖于团队整体创造力的喷涌。因此,团队创造力成为企业关注的新焦点,如何使多样化的团队发展出更高的创造力则成为一个新的难题。研究表明,团队多样化是一柄“双刃剑”,它对团队过程与团队创造力的影响结论尚未达成一致。基于这样的背景,本研究创新性地将团队多样化分成低工作相关的表层多样化、高工作相关的表层多样化和深层多样化,开拓性地探索团队多样化各维度对团队创造力的影响。研究还引入团队内冲突与团队社会资本两个中介变量,任务特征与领导方式两个调节变量,力图更深入地探究团队多样化对团队创造力的影响过程及两者关系间的调制作用。本研究以长三角、珠三角、黄渤海地区企业团队为研究对象,分别从个体和团队两个层面入手进行分析,收集个体样本有效问卷200份,团队样本有效问卷336份(包含79个团队)。研究运用SPSS和AMOS等统计工具,得到如下主要结论:低工作相关的表层多样化与深层多样化对团队创造力产生负向作用,高工作相关的表层多样化对团队创造力产生正向作用。团队多样化显著影响团队过程,并存在“团队多样化→团队内关系冲突→团队内社会资本→团队创造力”的显著路径。任务互依性在团队多样化及其创造力关系中起一定调节作用。本研究成果丰富了团队多样化的多维度研究,弥补了国内创造力,尤其是团队创造力领域的不足。研究引入团队社会资本这一较新的概念也是一次有益的尝试。相关的研究结果为企业人力资源管理实践提供了借鉴和参考。

【Abstract】 Groups are becoming more diverse with fiercer global competition, network and communication technology development, and increasing flow of professionel. How to build and manage diverse groups has been an importanat issue for international theory and business circles. Meanwhile, long-term competitive advantage is built on sustainable innovation which depends on the whole group’s creativity. Therefore, group creativity becomes the new focus of enterprises. And how to make diverse groups produce higher creativity becomes a new problem.Diversity was often portrayed as a "double-edged sword" with unconsistent results concerning its effects on group process and creativity. Based on above-mentioned backgroud, this study creatively divided group diversity into low job-related surface-level diversity, high job-related surface-level diversity and deep-level diversity, and then analysed their effects on group creativity separately. This study also seeked to research the mediating process and context effects between group diversity and group creativity through the introduction of two mediator-intragroup conflict and group social capital, and two moderator- task characteristic and leadership style.This study analysed enterprises groups of Yangzi River Delta, Pearl River Delta and other cities from individual and group level separately with 200 individual samples and 79 group samples, using statistic tools such as SPSS and AMOS. The results were as follows: low job-related surface-level diversity and deep-level diversity negatively influenced group creativity, while high job-related surface-level diversity had positive effect on it. Group diversity influenced group process, and the "group diversity→intragroup conflict→intragroup social capital→group creativity" path existed significantly both in individual and group samples. Besides, task interdependence had certain moderating effect on the relationship between group diversity and group creativity. The results enriched the multidimension research of group diversity, covered domestic shortage in the research field of creativity, especially group creativity. There also was a helpful try to introduce the group social capital variable. Implications for HRM practice and future research were discussed.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 08期

