

Rule Breaking Behavior and Its Influencing Factors

【作者】 殷盼

【导师】 邢以群;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 企业管理, 2010, 硕士


【摘要】 企业内部管理如何从“规范化”走向“有效化”是众多企业,尤其是中小型民营企业管理者面临的巨大挑战。尽管众多企业经过多年的发展,已经建立起了一整套规范的企业规章制度,然而在实际中员工的违规行为却频频发生,给企业带来了不小的损失。如何减少员工违规行为的发生、有效地落实企业的规章制度,是企业内部管理从“规范化”走向“有效化”必须解决的重要问题。鉴于国内针对组织中个体违规行为的相关研究非常零散且理论基础薄弱,本研究首先从西方组织行为学理论出发,通过大量的文献阅读和对相关理论的梳理,并通过总结以往文献中对组织中其他的消极个体行为的理论和实践研究,提出以往研究的不足以及以往研究中可供本研究采纳和参考之处。在对以往零散研究进行系统性总结的基础上,本文从规则、监管者和工作群体三个层次归纳出若干违规行为影响因子,并将个性特征和人口统计学因素作为控制变量,创新性地构建出一个完整全面的个体违规行为研究模型。为了对模型进行验证,本文选取了交通违规行为这一社会学视角进行实证研究设计,以克服因为企业或行业自身的独有特点而使得研究结果可能不具有普适性的问题,同时由于企业内各种规章制度繁多,很难找到一个适用于所有企业的具体规则,而交通规则具有普适性,更加有利于实证研究的展开。通过对实证研究的分析,本文提出了违规行为可以从行为动因角度划分为主动违规行为和被动违规行为两类,且这两类违规行为受到规则、监管者和工作群体层次中的不同因素的影响。其中,主动违规行为主要受规则可接受度、监管者言行一致性、监管者惩罚、群体违规行为、群体非正式惩罚因素的影响;而被动违规行为主要受监管者言行一致性与群体违规行为因素的影响;同时,个性特征和人口统计学特征不同的个体在主动违规行为方面也表现出了明显的差异。最后,本文根据上述结论,提出了本研究的理论和实际意义,以及对企业管理者的启示,并为后续研究指明了方向。

【Abstract】 One of the biggest challenges facing many Chinese enterprises, especially many SMEs, is how to improve the current formalized inner management and make it more efficient. Although standardized and normative organization rules have already been set up in those enterprises after years of development, rule-breaking behavior of employees appears now and then, which brings great loss to the enterprises. It is very important to reduce the rate of employ rule-breaking behavior in order to implement all the various rules in the enterprises and make the inner management fulfill its goal of efficiency.First of all, considering that domestic researches on individual rule-breaking behavior are very scattered and lacking of theoretical basis, this research focuses on western organizational theories, and make a systematic summary of the relevant theories. In addition, by making comparisons to other negative individual behavior in organizational context, the shortcomings as well as the opinions worth adopting by this research are put forwarded as a conclusion of the summary.A general index model of rule-breaking behavior affecting factors was provided in this research. On the basis of the systematic summary of the previous scattered research, many influencing factors of individual rule-breaking behavior were recognized, which could be divided into three main groups named as rule factors, supervisor factors and coworkers factors. So, a comprehensive research model of individual rule-breaking behavior was established, and factors of individual characteristics and demographic factors were-treated as controlling factors.Another innovation was made in the design of the empirical investigation. The questionnaire was designed according to the traffic rule-breaking behavior, in order to testify the research model. This is because the unique characteristics of different enterprises and industries would probably make the research result less applicable. What’s more, it is very hard to find one rule which is applicable to all the enterprises, as there are so many various kinds of rules in all the enterprises, while the traffic rule is quite applicable everywhere, which is more suitable for the empirical research.On the basis of statistical analysis of the empirical research, it was suggested to divide the individual rule-breaking behavior in to two categories according to the individual’s motive, which are initiative rule-breaking behavior and passive rule-breaking behavior. And these two kinds of rule-breaking behavior were influenced by different factors. The initiative rule-breaking behavior was mainly influenced by rule acceptance, supervisor integrity, supervisor punishment, coworkers’ rule-breaking behavior and coworkers’ informal punishment, while the passive rule-breaking behavior was mainly affected by supervisor integrity and coworkers’ rule-breaking behavior. In addition, individuals of different characteristic and demographic factors showed distinct difference in initiative rule-breaking behavior. In conclusion, the theoretical and practical significances as well as enlightenments for enterprise managers were provided, and the suggestions to future research were also discussed.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 08期

