

【作者】 雷音

【导师】 贾文华;

【作者基本信息】 郑州大学 , 科学社会主义与国际共产主义运动, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 村民自治是在农村经济体制改革深入发展中产生和形成的,是农村政治体制改革和民主政治建设的重要成果。村民自治的推广,有力地推动了我国农村经济的发展和社会的稳定,中国民主化进程从此迈出重要一步。然而,中国农村村民自治在取得显著成效的同时,我们也应当看到,村民自治在实践发展中产生了许多需要认真研究和亟待解决的问题。如村民自治发展的不平衡性、村委会的“双重角色”与村民自治基本原则之间的矛盾、乡镇政权机关与村民委员会的矛盾、村党支部与村民委员会的矛盾、民主选举中存在的问题、村民的参与程度与参与态度问题等。科学地分析和研究实践中存在的问题,是促进村民自治有效运作、发展完善的必要条件。为此,党和政府必须转变领导方式,加强对村民自治的引导,完善相关的法律法规,提高村干部的整体素质,以进一步促进村民自治的发展和完善。论文共分四个部分:第一部分绪论。阐明研究的背景及意义,介绍现阶段国内对于村民自治的研究概况,并且在引言的最后部分界定了论文写作过程中的研究方法与创新之处。第二部分介绍我国村民自治在建设社会主义新农村中的重要意义和所取得的主要成就。第三部分是文章的核心部分,对我国村民自治中存在的问题进行了深入地分析和研究,探寻其中的内在深层次原因。本文认为存在的问题主要有四个方面:村民自治发展不平衡问题;乡镇政府与村民委员会和村党支部与村民委员会之间的矛盾问题;村委会选举中存在的问题等。存在这些问题的主要原因是经济发展的不平衡;法律制度的缺失;乡镇政府与村民自治内在的矛盾:党组织自身建设的不完善;干部、群众素质的制约等。第四部分提出相关完善村民自治的路径分析。本文从全面繁荣农村经济;规范“两委”之间的关系;完善村民自治的法律体系;加强农村精神文明建设等四个方面提出完善我国村民自治的对策建议。

【Abstract】 The Villagers’ self-government has come into being and formed in the through development of rural economic restructuring and it is also an construction.To promote village self-government gave a strong impetus to China’s rural economic development and social stability, the democratization process in China from an important step.However, We have also found a lot of questions which we must treat, discuss and resolve seriously While we found the remarkable effect in the Practice of the Villagers’ self-government in Chinese countryside, such as no balance in the development of the Villagers’ self-government, the contradiction between"the twofold role"of the village committee and the basic principle of the Villagers’ self-government, the contradiction between village committee and towns government organizations and the Villagers’ self-government,the contradiction between the branch of the Chinese Communist Party and village committee, the question of democratic election and the Villagers’ percentage participating and so on. Recognizing and analysing scientifically these questions existing in the practice are indispensable factors promoting the effective function, development and perfection of the Villagers’ self-government.For this reason,the Party and the government must strengthen the lendship and the guidance to the Villagers’ self-governnoent, perfect the laws and regulations of the Villagers’ self-government,strive to enhance the Whole character of the village’s leaders, promote the perfection and the development of the Villagers’ self-government further.This essay consists of four parts.The first part is preface.It focuses on the background and sense of this research.Besides it,introducing the researching general situationg on villager autonomy domestic.At the back of preface, sensed the research methods and innovations in the course of writing this essay.The second part describes our village autonomy in building a new socialist countryside and the importance of the main achievements.The third part is the core of the essay on problems in Villagers’ self-government conducted in-depth analysis and research, to explore one of the inherent deep-seated reasons. This essay argues that problems are mainly five areas: the problems of uneven development of Villagers’ self-government; township government and Villagers’ committee and Villagers’ party branches and the contradictions between the Villagers’ committee issues; the Villagers’ committee election problem; Villagers’ participation in the issue and so on. The main reason of these problems is the imbalance of economic development; the absence of the legal system; township government and Villagers’self-government inherent contradictions; party imperfect self-construction; cadres and the masses of the quality of constraint.The fourth part presents the relevant improve the Villagers’ self-government path analysis. This essay from the overall prosperity of the rural economy; norms "two committees," the relationship between; improve the Villagers’ self-government legal system; strengthen the building of spiritual civilization in rural areas in four aspects of a complete set of measures and proposals for our village autonomy.

【关键词】 新农村村民自治问题对策
【Key words】 New CountrysideVillagers’ self-governmentproblemcountermeasure
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 郑州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 S1期
  • 【分类号】D422.6
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】290

