

The Research on Remedy Mechanism of Government Information Publicity

【作者】 郑佳娜

【导师】 杜钢建;

【作者基本信息】 汕头大学 , 行政管理, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 政府信息公开救济机制,正是为知情权遭受侵害的公民、法人、其他组织提供维权途径,它监督、制约信息公开权力的行使,保障知情权,调整公私利益,维护信息公开秩序,实现社会公正,弘扬民主法治精神。社会学上认为冲突具有正反两方面的功能,信息公开纠纷也是社会冲突的一种。透过信息冲突现象,认识信息冲突的“正功能”以引导社会的变迁,或者抑制冲突的负面影响,减少冲突的发生或防止冲突恶化,进而实际地解决冲突,正是这种可加以“控制”的冲突功能为权利救济理论奠定了客观基础。鉴于现实中信息公开纠纷遭遇的司法困境,以及救济理论研究在整个行政法学中的相对薄弱,深入探究政府信息公开救济机制,不仅是实践的迫切需要,也是理论深化的需要,有助于健全政府信息公开救济机制,进一步规范政府的信息公开权力,从而有效保障公众的知情权。为了有效化解纠纷,笔者对已经发生的信息公开案件进行梳理、分析,总结出特点,在传统司法思维、法治可持续发展理念的指引下,吸取实践中的成功经验,论证非诉讼纠纷解决方式的功能与优势,这不仅拓宽纠纷化解的途径,充实救济机制,而且符合和谐社会的时代之需,体现了纠纷解决机制与时俱进的思想成果。基于信息公开纠纷的特点,以及国外设立新机构处理信息公开纠纷的成功范例,尝试构建一种理想类型,赋予监察机关独立人格,作为信息公开纠纷的复议机关,并针对其中的难题提出解决办法。实践中出现特殊的信息公开纠纷,但在现有司法体制下,又难以突围化解,通过分析将其定性为行政公益诉讼,并揭示其对反腐败的治理作用。同时,引入“诉前禁令”,作为救济的辅助工具,丰富政府信息公开的程序性救济功能,并阐明其对行政法学科的壮大、对救济机制的完善之价值。总之,完善的救济机制,是现代司法体制下,知情权保障所应该具备的品格。构建与完善政府信息公开救济机制,既彰显时代的必然与本色,也表明在历史浪潮中公众积极维权的拳拳之心,更是政府职能转变与服务定位昭然天下的壮举。建立信息公开救济机制,是保障知情权的必然选择,也是信息公开制度不断完善的内在要求。

【Abstract】 Remedy mechanism of government information publicity, is a system that provide protection approach, for people, corporation and other association while their right to know suffer infringe, it supervise and restrict the exertion of information publicity power, protect the right to know, adjust the public benefit and private benefit, maintain information publicity order, achieve social equity, develop spirit of democracy and monocracy.On sociology theory, there are positive and negative functions of conflict. Government information publicity conflict is a sort of social conflict. Through information conflict phenomenon, cognize information Conflict, then direct the development of society, or restrain the negative function of conflict, reduce information conflict or prevent the information conflict from deteriorate, thereby resolve conflict practically. Conflict function which could be control is the objective base of remedy theory. Because of the judicial predicament of information publicity dispute in true-life, and in administrative law, research on remedy theory is relative feeble, lucubrate remedy mechanism of government information publicity, not only the cry for practice, but also the need of deepen the theory, redound to the improve of remedy mechanism of government information publicity, restrict the power of government information publicity, and protect people’s the right to know effectually.It order to resolve dispute effectually, I collect and analyze the information publicity cases, conclude the characteristics, in the direct of tradition judicial notion, monocracy continual development notion, adopt the successful experience, demonstrate the function and advantage of alternative dispute resolution. It not only extend the methods of dispute resolution, but also enrich the remedy mechanism, accord with the need of harmonious society, embody the idealistic production of dispute resolution mechanism that keep up with the times. Base on the characteristics of information publicity dispute, and the successful experience of set up new organ to resolute information publicity dispute in foreign countries, try to conceive an ideal type, invest supervisory department with independent personality, as the reconsideration organ, and put forward resolve methods to the puzzle.There are special information publicity dispute in practice, but under the judicial system, it is hard to resolve. Through analyze, determine its nature of administrative public interests litigation, and indicate its function to anti- corruption. At the same time, introduce the temporary restraining order, as the assistant tool to remedy, enrich the process remedy function of government information publicity, besides, clarify its value to the grandness of administrative law ,and to the improve of remedy mechanismIn a word, In modern system of justice, a perfect remedy mechanism, is a character that protect right to know must possess. Design and improve a remedy mechanism of government information publicity, is an embodiment of era qualities and necessity, also indicate people preserve right actively, especially, a feat that function change of government and service orientation show to the world clear. Constitute remedy mechanism of government information publicity, is an inevitable choice of protect right to know, and inherent require of government information publicity.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 汕头大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 S1期

