

The Situation Analysis and Strategy of Junior High School Students Develop Good Habits

【作者】 傅冬梅

【导师】 张建英;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 教育, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 习惯是长期逐渐形成的一种相对固定的行为模式,它渗透在我们生活的方方面面。从初中生角度来看,习惯的形成受到诸多外界因素的影响,如家庭、学校、同伴群体、大众传媒等因素。习惯一旦形成就不易改变,并会产生一种潜移默化的力量,对学生的行为产生各种各样的影响。因此,养成良好的习惯是十分重要的。它有利于增强德育工作的针对性和实效性;有利于推进素质教育的开展;有利于构建和谐校园;有利于提高教育教学的效果;从而有利于促进学生的健康成长。笔者就根据当前初中生身上出现的常见问题,从学习、做人、做事三方面,提出了初中生应该养成的20种好习惯。为了能够较准确地了解初中生习惯养成的现状,有针对性地加强对初中生习惯养成的教育,笔者运用了调查研究法、案例分析法等研究方法,对初中生学习、做人、做事三方面的习惯现状做了一次较全面的调查与统计分析。结果表明,虽然初中生习惯的主流是好的,但其中存在着种种不容忽视的问题:例如,学习方面,被动学习、计划没有变化快、缺乏持之以恒的精神、不预习、复习临时抱佛脚、不会听课、应付作业、不懂装懂等;做人方面,为人斤斤计较、责任意识淡薄等;做事方面,口头上、书面上的孝敬父母、劳动意识淡薄、铺张浪费等。针对这些存在的问题,笔者认为初中生良好习惯的养成可以从以下几方面着手:知行合一,躬行实践;抓早抓小,防微杜渐;意志坚强,贵在坚持;家校联手,有效合作;改掉恶习,养成善习。

【Abstract】 This article is a long-term view that gradually formed the habit of a relatively fixed pattern of behavior, it permeates all aspects of our lives. From the junior high school point of view, they are used to the formation of the outside world by many factors, for example,family, school, peer groups, mass media, these four factors. However, once the habit is not easy to form on the change and will have a subtle power, people’s behavior on a wide range of impact. Therefore, to develop good habits is very important. It is conducive to enhance the moral education of the pertinence and effectiveness; is conducive to pushing forward the development of quality education; is conducive to building a harmonious campus; will help improve the effectiveness of education and teaching; and thus help to promote the healthy growth of students. This article was based on the current junior high school students frequently asked questions emerging from the study, life, work in three areas, a junior high school students should develop good habits of 20 species.In order to more accurately understand the status of junior high school students develop the habit, in a targeted manner to strengthen the habits of junior high school education, this article uses research, case studies and other methods, for the junior high school learning, life , the habit of doing things the status quo in three areas to do a more comprehensive investigation and statistical analysis. The results show that, although the mainstream of middle school students is a good habit, but there are a variety of issues that can not be ignored: for example, studied areas, passive learning, plan did not change quickly, the lack of the spirit of perseverance, not preview, not review, will not be attending, to meet the operations, smatter, muddling along; lives areas, well over, weak sense of responsibility; work areas, verbally, in writing, of your parents, do not like to work, extravagance and waste and so on. In response to these problems, I believe that middle school students develop good habits from the following aspects: unity of knowledge and practice, practice; grasp a morning and small; strong-minded and valuable in insisting that; home-school together, effective cooperation; give up bad habits and develop good habits.

【关键词】 初中生习惯养成
【Key words】 junior high school studentshabitsdevelop
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 S2期

