

Study the Impact on Hangzhou’s Sports Leisure Industry by Travel West

【作者】 牛文君

【导师】 刘小平;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 体育, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 在科学技术迅速发展的今天,人类的物质产品得到了极大丰富,人们的生活已经从生存的需要逐渐转变为享受生活的需要,人们越来越关注自身的健康和全面发展。在各式各样的休闲方式中,休闲体育以其不可比拟的优势成为了人们休闲活动的重要组成部分,休闲体育是人类社会发展到今天的必然产物。本课题以旅游西进对杭州市休闲体育产业影响为研究对象,采用文献资料法、逻辑分析法、数理统计法、访谈法围绕2001年杭州市“旅游西进”战略的提出到2008年杭州休闲体育产业发展的现状进行了深入细致的调查和实地考察,既探讨了休闲体育的发生机制,又分析了旅游西进战略下杭州市休闲体育产业发展的现状及制约因素,并提出了在“旅游西进”背景下发展杭州休闲体育产业的对策。研究结果表明:(1)旅游西进战略的实施使杭州市休闲体育场馆、休闲体育制造业、休闲体育营销业资金投入都有较大幅度提高;自然资源的开发和利用得到了快速的发展;体育旅游资源不断得到开发,旅游量不断增加;休闲运动项目呈现多样化;体育表演市场得到了快速发展。(2)较低的体育消费水平、传统的生活习惯、闲暇时间少、休闲体育产业发展不平衡、从业人员的专业素质较低是制约杭州市休闲体育产业发展的主要因素。(3)旅游西进促进了杭州市休闲体育自然资源的开发;促进了休闲体育培训市场、休闲体育旅游产业、休闲体育表演市场的发展;在杭州“旅游西进”战略的影响下杭州市民更喜欢集娱乐、休闲、刺激更强的休闲项目。(4)杭州市是一个以旅游为基础的城市,该市发展休闲体育产业应该建立在休闲体育旅游为龙头的休闲体育产业结构模式;培养优秀休闲体育产业专业人才;建立休闲体育产业发展的市场法律保障体系;优化休闲体育产业资源配置取向;创造条件,引导消费观念;合理布局休闲体育产业区域分布。

【Abstract】 The rapid development of science and technology today, people’s material and products has been greatly enriched people’s life has gradually changed from the need to survive for the enjoyment of everyday life, people are increasingly concerned about their health and overall development. In a variety of leisure, the leisure sports for its unparalleled advantage of becoming the people an important part of leisure activities, leisure and sports development of human society today, the inevitable outcome. The topics to travel west into the impact of leisure sports industry in Hangzhou as the research object, using literature and data, logical analysis, mathematical statistics, interviews around the 2001 Hangzhou "travel west" strategy put forward to the 2008 Hangzhou Leisure the current situation of sports industry in the development of in-depth and detailed investigations and field visits, both to explore the mechanism of leisure sports, and analyzed under the strategy of tourism in Hangzhou westward leisure sports industry development status and constraints, and proposed in the "Travel the West "against the background of the development of Hangzhou leisure sports industry’s Countermeasures.The results show that: (1) Travel west into the implementation of the strategy to make Hangzhou leisure sports venues, leisure sports industry, leisure and sports marketing industry has a more substantial increase in capital investment; development and utilization of natural resources has been rapid development; Sports have continued to develop tourism resources, tourism, keeps on increasing; recreational sports, diversified; sports performance market has been rapid development. (2) a lower consumption level of sports, the traditional living habits, less leisure time, leisure and sports industry development is uneven and the professionalism of practitioners are less constrained in Hangzhou leisure sports industry development factors. (3) Travel west of Hangzhou leisure sports to promote natural resources development; promote leisure sports training market, leisure and sports tourism industry, leisure and sports performance markets; in Hangzhou "travel west" strategy, under the influence of Hangzhou, the public is more like entertainment, leisure, leisure projects to stimulate stronger. (4), Hangzhou is a tourist-based city, the city’s leisure sports industry development should be based on leisure sports tourism as the leading leisure sports industry model; nurture outstanding leisure sports industry professionals; the establishment of leisure sports industry development market legal protection system; optimize the allocation of resources-oriented leisure sports industry; create the conditions for and guide the consumption concept; rational distribution of the regional distribution of leisure sports industry.

【关键词】 杭州旅游西进休闲体育产业影响
【Key words】 Hangzhoutravel westsports leisure industryimpact
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 S2期
  • 【分类号】G80-05;F592.7
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】275

