

Characteristic of the Ideological and Political Work in the Private College and an Innovative Study to the System

【作者】 刘爱玲

【导师】 申文杰;

【作者基本信息】 河北师范大学 , 思想政治教育, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 随着我国教育体制改革的深入以及《民办教育促进法》的实施,民办高校获得了宝贵的发展空间,形成了公办教育与民办教育共同发展的办学格局。民办高校的发展在一定程度上缓解了国家的教育压力,为受教育者提供了更多接受教育的机会,为促进我国的教育公平做出了贡献。但民办高校教育的发展现实依然艰难,面临新的发展压力,其中民办高校思想政治工作的滞后性尤为明显和值得关注。探索有效的民办高校思想政治工作就是在对现有的思想政治工作评估的基础上,制定出合适的目标,并设计出能使民办高校思想政治工作和目标统一起来的有效手段。本文以河北省民办高校思想政治工作为切入点,通过实地考察和问卷调查等方法,在全面了解民办高校思想政治工作的基础上,首先对民办高校现有的思想政治工作现状进行分析,为研究当下民办高校思想政治工作中存在的问题奠定了基础。然后,重点探讨民办高校思想政治工作的运行机制。随后在以上分析和探讨的基础上,解答了做好民办高校思想政治工作应处理好的几种关系。结论部分重申了本文的观点,并分析了民办高校思想政治工作未来的发展趋势和方向。第一章分析了民办高校思想政治工作面临的新情况。主要是政治多元化、经济一体化的时代背景以及当代西方社会思潮对民办高校学生价值观的影响;学生所处的环境(社会、家庭、学校)和以网络为平台的虚拟环境对民办高校学生的影响;民办高校思想教育工作机制不健全对民办高校思想政治工作形成制约;民办高校辅导员队伍自身的不足对学生日常的思想政治工作提升形成制约;民办高校生源的多样性,使得民办高校的思想教育目标的制定和实施面临着多层次的问题。第二章探讨了民办高校思想政治工作的特点。首先从民办高校法人治理制度出发,分析了民办高校思想政治工作的复杂性;另外,民办高校思想政治工作本身具有复杂性。第三章提出了民办高校思想政治工作的创新机制,目的在于规范民办高校思想政治工作体制,建立全面、科学、规范的思想政治工作机制,保证民办高校思想政治工作的效绩,达到教书育人的目的。这部分从机制建设的定义入手,并建立起思想政治工作的机制构建框架,将领导机制创新、保障机制创新和运行机制创新作为民办高校思想政治工作创新的三项重要内容进行分析。第四章解析了在当前形势下做好民办高校思想政治工作、落实思想政治工作机制应该处理好的几种关系。首先是要解决理论课教学和日常思想政治工作的对接,通过制度对接、活动对接、人员对接和管理对接,达到对接的目的。其次要处理好国家宏观调控和学校自身机制建设之间的关系。另外,在资金的投入、教育政策制定和解决民办高校思想政治工作者出口的问题上国家要采取强有力的措施予以保障。民办高校自身也要求发展,以发展促思想政治工作。结论部分重申了本文的观点,对未来民办高校思想政治工作的发展进行了展望。认为提升民办高校思想政治工作绩效指日可待。

【Abstract】 With the further development of educational system reform and Implement of The Civil Education Promote Law, for achieving enough room, private colleges as a new force have suddenly raised and formed the common development pattern between public education and private education. They to some extent have alleviated the educational stress of our country, offered more opportunities of being educated to the learners, and done a contribution to equal access to education of civil society. However, reality of education development is still difficult and it faces with the recent development pressure in the private colleges, especially we should reinforce and pay more attention to their ideological and political work.On the existing basis of an assessment in the ideological and political work, exploring an effective ideological and political work of private colleges is developing appropriate objectives and designing mechanisms which allow private colleges’ideological and political work and objectives of an effective means of unification. Based on private higher education in Hebei province, the paper has achieved a thorough knowledge of the running mechanism and ideological and political work in private colleges by field investigation and questionnaire so as to reveal the problems in the current running mechanism of ideology and politics, and set up a program for the improvement of mechanism construction in ideological and political education. Then, focus on operating mechanisms of the ideological and political work in private colleges. After that, based on the above analysis and discussion, answers how to deal with ideological and political work of several good relations. In the conclusion part, it reiterates that point of view and analyses the directions and future development trends of ideological and political work of private colleges. In the chapter one, it analyzes new situations of ideological and political work in private colleges. The topic is the background of political pluralism and economic integration, as well as contemporary Western social thought affect the values of private college students; the impacts of private college students comes from their environment (social, family, school) and network as a platform for virtual environments. The ideological and political work in private colleges lacks effective monitoring and control, which makes it not smooth; the construction of counselors is comparatively weak, which makes ideological and political work of students in daily become more difficult; because of the diversity of private colleges, private colleges face multiple problems about formulation and implementation of ideological education goals.The first chapter analyzes the new situation private colleges face in their ideological and political work. From the diversity of politics, economic integration of international politics and environment, the influence of western social thoughts on the private college students’sense of worth, the effect of society, family and college environment on the ideological and political education to college students, and radiating effect of network as a new medium on the college students’study and life. In terms of the inner mechanism construction in higher institution, the ideological and political work in private colleges started fairly late, the leadership system ought to be improved, the ideological and political work lacks effective monitoring and control. In addition, the particularity of private colleges accounts for the unsteadiness of tutors restraints on ideological and political work in private colleges. All these factors restrict the development of ideological and political work in private colleges.ChapterⅡinquire the new characteristics of the ideological and political work in private colleges. First, it analyzes the complexity of the ideological and political work in private colleges according to the contradiction in cooperating governance system, Besides, the ideological and political work in private colleges has its own complexity.ChapterⅢgives a innovate system of political and moral education in private college, which aimed at standarding the work mechanism of private college and found scientific、all-around political and moral education system to confirm the educational result. This part begins with the definition of mechanism and then set up a system for the improvement of mechanism construction in ideological and political education.Chapter IV analysis of the current situation in private colleges and the problem should be solved in dealing with the ideological and political education work. First of all, the connection of the theoretical teaching and the day-to-day education of the ideological and political work should be solved. Funds should be invested in. Educational policy makers should keep eye on the private colleges development and give some help. Private school itself should have their own development police, within the strongly ideological and political work. The conclusion summarized the point of this thesis again. Give a picture of the future of the ideological politic work in private college. Showing that establish ideological politic work system is just round the corner.


