

【作者】 何凯

【导师】 王世进;

【作者基本信息】 江西理工大学 , 环境与资源保护法学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 环境安全对环境资源法治建设提出了更高的要求,从根本上说,就是要重新达成人与自然环境之间的更高和谐状态,以新的理念协调环境保护与经济发展的关系,并对这种状态提供法律保障。矿业开发1直接涉及到环境安全问题以及矿山灾害问题等,这些问题如果处理不好,不仅直接对生态环境造成破坏,而且危及到人民的生命健康安全和社会的稳定。矿业开发环境行政许可作为一项预防性的法律制度,如果运用得当可以避免环境安全问题的发生,达到环境安全的要求。因此,应该从环境安全的角度审视我国现行的矿业开发环境行政许可制度,对其进行完善。在法律制度设计中应该充分发挥政府的职责和职能,运用风险预防原则,发挥公众参与的力量,保护好矿山生态环境。本文将主要讨论以下几个问题:1、环境安全和矿业开发环境行政许可对环境安全的概念特征、环境安全的种类以及矿业开发环境行政许可的概念、目的、功能和种类等问题进行分析,从而总结出环境安全对我国矿业开发环境行政许可所提出的要求。2、我国矿业开发环境许可法律制度的现状和缺陷《行政许可法》、《矿产资源法》、《矿产资源开采登记管理办法》、《煤炭法》、《煤炭生产许可证管理办法》等法律法规中都有关于矿业开发环境许可的规定,但是由于我国矿业开发环境行政许可理念落后、矿业开发环境行政许可管理体制混乱、监督检查不严格、公众参与不健全等缺陷的存在,严重影响了我国矿业开发活动有序开展。3、国外矿业开发环境行政许可法律制度经验借鉴由于矿业开发对国家经济安全、国家生态安全的重要影响,世界各国建立了行之有效的矿业开发环境行政许可制度。借鉴国外的相关立法和实践经验,将有助于我国矿业开发环境行政许可制度的完善,保障矿山生态安全,推进矿山经济发展。4、完善我国矿业开发环境行政许可制度(1)在矿业开环境行政许可中确立环境安全的指导思想,协调矿业开发与环境保护的关系;(2)将风险预防原则确立为矿业开发环境行政许可的基本原则,有效遏制矿山环境危险的发生,从源头上控制生态危险;(3)理顺矿业开发环境行政许可管理体制;(4)加快建立排污许可证交易制度;(5)加强矿业开发环境行政许可监督;(6)完善许可中的公众参与制度,让公众对许可机关进行监督,调动全社会的力量保障矿山环境安全。

【Abstract】 Environmental safety put forward higher request to environmental and resource law construction. Fundamentally speaking, environmental safety can make more harmony between man and nature, coordinate environment protection and economic development, and provide legal protection. Mining development directly related to environmental safety issues and mine disasters. If the problem cannot be solved, it will make the ecological environment destruction, and harm to people’s life and health security and social stability. Mining development of administrative licensing as a preventive law system, if used properly can prevent environmental safety issues,. Therefore, we should perfect mining development environment of current administrative licensing system from the perspective of the environmental safety. In the legal system design should give full play to the government’s duties and functions, using the precautionary principle of public participation, strength, protect the mine ecological environment.This article mainly discuss the following questions:Ⅰ. Environmental safety and mining development environment of administrative licensingThe concept of environmental safety and environmental security characteristics and types of mining development environment administrative licensing of the concept, purpose, function and category is analyzed, and sums up to our environment safety mining development environment of administrative licensing requirements.II. The current situation and deficiencies of our country mining industry development environment permission law systemThe administrative license law, mineral resources law, the exploitation of mineral resources registration and management measures, the MeiTanFa, the measures for administration of coal production licenses and other laws and regulations have the rule of mining development environment administrative licensing, but because our country mining industry development environment administrative licensing concept, mining development environment management system of the administrative licensing, the supervision and inspection of mixed strictly, public participation in the existence of such defects, seriously affected our country mining industry development activities orderly.Ⅲ. Reference foreign mining development environment administrative licensing law systemBecause mineral industry development to national economy safety,national ecosystem safety of important influence,the international community built up to go of valid the mineral industry environment administration within development admit system. Draw lessons from foreign of related lawmaking and practice experience,will contribute to our country the mineral industry ecosystem within development admit system of perfect,guarantee the mineral mountain ecosystem safety,push forward mineral mountain economic development.IV.Perfect environment administrative licensing system of our country mining industry development(Ⅰ) Establish environmental safety guidelines as a mining development environment of administrative licensing guiding ideology; (II) Establish precautionary principle for mining development environment as the basic principles of administrative licensing;(Ⅲ) Straighten mining development environment management system of administrative licensing;(IV) Establish emission permits trading system;(V) Strengthen mining development environment administrative licensing supervision;(VI)Perfect the system of public participation.


