

The Simple Study on Tao Yuanming’s Seclusion

【作者】 沙素芳

【导师】 柏俊才;

【作者基本信息】 山西师范大学 , 中国古代文学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 钟嵘首次提出陶渊明是千古隐逸诗人之宗,此后陶渊明便被后世人们看作是世外高人,然事实并非如此。在陶渊明被当作隐士被人们接受的同时,就有许多人指出他并非真正的隐士。本文试图将陶渊明与之几乎同时的七十三位隐士作比较,揭示其并非真隐士的真实面孔。本文主体分三大部分:第一部分是隐士概论。主要探讨了隐士的四大特征:首先是遁迹山泽,不问世事。隐士们多把深山老林作为自己的隐居地,不再过问人间的是是非非,尤其是对于政事的关心;其次是拒绝征辟,追逐高名。对于当官,隐士们的态度一般都很鲜明,那就是严词拒绝。他们都是高洁傲岸之人,黑暗的官场只能束缚他们的身心;再次隐士们都是有才之士,无论是在文化传承还是政治方面,他们都表现得相当卓越;最后隐士们多是些清心寡欲、追求闲适之人。他们行事超然绝俗,生活上追求自身的适意,主动捐弃所有,选择贫困。第二部分把陶渊明与隐士们相比较后得出结论:从表面上看,陶渊明是具备隐士元素的一个人,这也是历来人们都把他当作一个隐士的原因。第三部分是文章的“重中之重”。首先是陶渊明在仕隐挣扎后最终选择了回归,这与隐士们拒不为官形成鲜明的对比。接着论述他“归隐”之后仍然心系国家,不忘政事;再次陶渊明性格方面多豪放而少“静穆”,待人热情似火;最后是他“归隐”后生活的不同:包括居住地、贫困生活的无奈及用诗文来抒发己志、史诗般地描绘田园生活的独创。总体来说,陶渊明与隐士们相比:他更真实,更平易近人,他跟普通人别无二致。他的“归隐”不如说成是“归田”更符合他的身份,他并非一个真正意义上的隐士。

【Abstract】 Zhong Rong firstly suggest that Tao Yuanming is the ancestor of the hermit poet. From now on, Tao Yuanming has always been regarded as a hermit. However, it is not the fact. There are a great many people point out that Tao Yuanming is not a true recluse when others agree with that Tao Yuanming is a hermit. This paper try to compare the Tao with the 73 recluses that they are in the same time and to disclose the face that Tao Yuanming is not the true recluse.This paper’s main body is divided into three aspects: four large features of the hermit Introduction. First of all, the hermit all hide their body in some mountains and don’t care for the world things. The recluse also choose the forests as their hiding-place. They are no longer care for the world’s right or wrong, particularly the politics; secondly, the hermit always refuse to do official and pursue the high fame. To the official, the recluse’s attitude is also clear and definite: it is harsh refusal. They are all noble. The dark official may bind their body and heart; thirdly, the hermit is learned man. Both the culture spread and politics, they are all perfect; lastly, the most recluse is also silent and a few desires. They like to pursue a simply life. They do things specially and pursue the freedom. It is worth mentioning that they always put aside all the money and choose poverty initiatively. The second part compare the hermit with the Tao and come to the conclusion: On the surface, Tao Yuanming has elements of recluse. This is always the people put him as the reason for hermit. The third part of the article are the most important. The first part is that after the contradiction Tao Yuanming choose to hide finally. It is in sharp contrast to recluse who refused to official; After Tao Yuanming“return”, he is anxious about the country and don’t forget the politics; Thirdly The Tao’s character is more unrestrained, less“silent”and warm-hearted; lastly Tao Yuanming’life are different, Including place of residence, poverty and helplessness of life with poetry and the express of aspirations by poem; The original portrayed of epic picture of pastoral life. Generally speaking, compared with the hermit, Tao Yuanming is more real and plain. He is the same with the common people. His seclusion is not as good as said to be“gui tian”more in line with his identity . He is not a hermit in the true sense.

【关键词】 陶渊明隐逸热情真实
【Key words】 Tao Yuanmingsecludewarmlytrue

