

The Investigation and Research on Duijiugou Yangge

【作者】 关秀丽

【导师】 王福才;

【作者基本信息】 山西师范大学 , 戏剧戏曲学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 碓臼沟秧歌是晋北大秧歌的一个分支,也称北路秧歌,主要流布于大同市北部,左云、丰镇、凉城以及新荣区的部分乡村。碓臼沟秧歌唱腔活泼,明快,旋律优美,兼有中原细腻和塞北粗犷的双重风格,地方特色浓厚,故颇受当地群众欢迎。它与晋北东、西两路秧歌有所不同,特别在唱腔音韵方面有它的地方化特点。碓臼沟秧歌作为一种布衣文化源于清初的地方小戏,演出内容源于民间生活,以宣扬邻里和睦,妻贤子孝,男女私情的“家务戏”为主。鞭挞忤逆之子、地痞无赖、丑恶的社会现象。台词生动活泼,通俗易懂,体现了淳朴的民风,深受群众欢迎。抗战爆发后,秧歌绝迹舞台。解放后,在党和政府的重视下,对该剧种进行了大力扶持,50-60年代在塞北一带广泛流行兴盛。文革期间又遭衰落,几乎绝迹。1976年以来,仅有新荣区碓臼沟村在老艺人刘善的积极努力下,培养起一班以家族亲戚为主的碓臼沟秧歌班。由于村子小,人才少,几经出嫁,现在又面临失传的危机。碓臼沟秧歌这一古稀剧种的价值和影响,主要在于其艺术上的鲜明独特魅力和独具一格的演出方式。乡土味浓厚,有中国戏曲多腔发展过渡的痕迹,对研究中国戏曲发展很有参考价值。本文主要依靠田野调查所得的口述资料,结合相关的文献资料,对碓臼沟秧歌的历史渊源、剧目剧本、传承谱系、艺术特色几方面作一比较全面的概括和研究,并在此基础上运用历史学、民俗学、哲学等对碓臼沟秧歌的民俗文化和现状前景予以进一步的关注。

【Abstract】 Duijiugou Yangge is a branch of the Yangge system of Northern ShanXi province,also calls the north road Yangge.. It mainly disseminates the north of Datong、Zuoyun、Fengzhen、Liangcheng as well as XinRong District’s partial villages.The singing of Duijiugou Yangge is lively、sprightly, the melody is exquisite. It has the area south of Yellow River with the area north of the GreatWall rough dual style at the same time. The local characteristics is exquisitely thick, therefore Duijiugou Yangge is quite welcomed by the local populace. It is different from the east and west two groups Yangges of the Yangge system of Northern Shanxi province,has its localization characteristic specially in the melody sound aspect.Duijiugou Yangge takes one kind of cotton garment culture to stem from the folk drama at the beginning of Qing Dynasty.The performance content stems from the folk life, primarily publicizes”housework play”including the neighborhood to be harmonious、wife virtuous、child filial、male and female personal relationships, and so on. Also the Duijiugou Yangge whips the disobedient child、the vagabond rascal and the ugly social phenomenon. The lines are spirited、easy to understand、manifested the simple and honorable common social practice, the depth has been welcome to the populace. After the Sino-Japanese War erupts, the Yangge vanishes the stage.After the liberation, in the party and under governments value, carried on to this kind of drama has supported vigorously. In the 50s-60s, it was widely current and prosperous in the area north of the Great Wall. It suffered the decline, vanished nearly during the Cultural Revolution period. Since 1976, has only had the Xinrong District Duijiugou village under the senior entertainer Liu Shan great effort raises one class,by the family and relative primarily. Because the village is small, the talented person are few, several pass through getting married,now Duijiugou Yangge faces the crisis which is lost.Duijiugou Yangge, this seventy years of age kind of drama’s value and the influence, mainly lies in the performance way which in its artistic, the bright unique charm and is in a class by itself. The local taste is thick, has the Chinese drama multi-cavity development transition trace, to studies the Chinese drama’s develop has the reference value very much.This article mainly depends field investigation obtained accounts orally the material, unifies the related literature material, to Duijiugou Yangges historical origin、the plays script、the inheritance evolution、artistic feature several aspects makes a quite comprehensive summary and research. And based on this, using the history, the ethnology, the philosophy and so on, gives the fureher attention to the Duijiugou Yangges folk custom culture and the present situation prospect.

  • 【分类号】J825
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】74

