

【作者】 汪雪芹

【导师】 徐华;

【作者基本信息】 华侨大学 , 中国古代文学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 初盛唐之交官方基本的宗教政策是“三教并立”,但这“三教并立”是存在着轻重扬抑之分的。儒教在社会思想形态中的根基正统地位是不可动摇,随着不同皇帝的政治需要,对道教和佛教态度有扬抑之分。但这种抑制不是绝对,而是有所包容的限制。因此,在初盛唐之交儒释道三教是可以并存发展的。官方“三教并立”政策给社会宗教思想发展和士大夫宗教形态及主张的提供了前提。作为个体的士大夫来说,佛教和道教的影响程度和方面又是有所不同的。在思想自由的社会形态下,个体士大夫有着自己的宗教选择和思想倾向。儒释道三教是以整体的状态对张说产生影响,也就是在张说的整个思想形态之中,有着儒释道三教共同合力的结果。这种合力,不是以儒释道简单教义的罗列,而是儒释道三者相互间的吸收容纳。这种影响的综合性就鲜明的体现在张说人生观与创作实践。张说诗文作品内容上儒家功用和禅道渗透的特点与风格多样化特征,不仅鲜明的折射出儒释道三教在张说思想中的印痕,而且显示了在初盛唐之交包括儒释道在内的各种文化大融合相互作用在个体文人身上的结果以及在文学风貌上的体现。张说思想中达观的生命内质,天然壮丽的风格走向,质朴清新的特点一起指示了盛唐文学发展的美学走向,预示了“盛唐气象”的即将来临。这是张说作为过渡性人物在当时文坛上的贡献。张说这种作用是延及盛唐的。“盛唐之音”是丰富多样的思想与文学自身的发展特别是文学与宗教思想多方面的交汇共同凝结的成果。儒释道思想已经渗透到整个社会思潮和唐代文学。而在这时期,张说的“三教”思想尤为突出,张说三教观通过他的政治和思想载体张说文士集团影响而形成的文儒阶层不仅引领着盛唐文人的政治命运和文学道路,而且为盛唐文学的发展开拓了广阔的现实空间和理论空间,对盛唐文学起着诱导作用,也开启了通向“盛唐之音”的大门。因此,张说在中国文学史上的作用不仅仅局限于初盛唐之交,也是延及盛唐甚至整个唐代文学史的。

【Abstract】 In the time from the early Tang Dynasty to the strong TangDynasty,the government’s basic religious policy is“Coexisting of Bu-Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism”. But the coexisting of Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism is not non-difference for the developing ofthethreereligions. Confucianism’s legitimate status is unshakeable in the official ideology. Along with different emperor’s political need, the emperor rise Taoism and Suppression Buddhism for one time or on the contrary of another. But the suppression of onereligion is not absolutely, it is a certain degree of limit with containing. Therefore, Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism may coexist and develop together in the time from the early TangDynasty to the strong Tang Dynasty. The government’s policy of the coexisting of Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism, that provided conditions for multi-religion thoughts and religion dynamic of the intellectuals.But for the individual litterateur the aspect and degree of Buddhism and Taoism’s influence is difference. In the conditions of free of thought, he can have his religious choice and decide the tendency of thought. As for Zhang-Yue, Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism is one whole religion, and in his thought, there has the joint forces of Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism. The joint is not the simply add of Religious doctrine of Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism, but absorb and form the accommodation of three religions each another.The synthesis influence is revealing accurately in Zhang-Yue’s thought of life and values of his writing. The characteristic of join Confucianism’s Practical together with Chan- Taoism’s seepage, the style ofdiversification vividly marked by Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism join together in the thought of Zhang-Yue. It is result of a cultural big confusion of Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism influence on the intellectuals what manifests in their creation of poems in the time from the early Tang Dynasty to the strong Tang Dynasty. The life philosophical views of Zhang-Yue, the natural grand style, the plain fresh characteristic, all that instruct the esthetics trend of glorious age of Tang poetryliterature development, indicate the“Glorious age of Tang poetry meteorology”is not far from now. This is the contribution of Zhang-Yue as a transition character.The“Sound of the glorious age of Tang poetry”is a result of multi-thought and development of poetry art, specially the connection congeals literature with Confucianism in multi-dimensional. Theinfluence of Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism is melting in the whole social ideological trend and Tang Dynasty literature. In this period, Zhang-Yue affected the social stratum of gentleman person by his political thinking group. It anticipated the political destiny and literature path of scholars in the strong Tang Dynasty. It broadened the space of theory and creation domain. Open the door of“Sound of the glorious age of Tang poetry”.Therefore, Zhang-Yue is not only a important person in the Chinese history of literature in the time from the early Tang Dynasty to the strong Tang Dynasty, but also in the afterwards of strong Tang Dynasty even in the whole Tang Dynasty.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 华侨大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 S2期
  • 【分类号】I207.22
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】60

