

Study on the Sustainability Evaluation of Construction Projects Based on Contributing Capacity

【作者】 林格

【导师】 秦旋;

【作者基本信息】 华侨大学 , 结构工程, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 项目在建设和运营阶段,都会产生有利的和不利的影响,只有在项目能以最小的消耗(包括投入项目的物质和能源消耗,及对环境的污染等负效应)实现最大的综合贡献(项目在促进经济发展、社会进步及节能环保等综合方面所带来的正效应),发挥建设项目的最大效率,这样才是真正的走可持续发展道路。基于此,本文从关注建设项目的贡献能力这个角度出发,构建了基于贡献能力的建设项目可持续评价指标体系,实现了对建设项目贡献能力的合理评价,从而达到为决策主体在立项选案时提供科学依据,并为贡献能力大的建设项目提供更大激励的目的。本文在理论研究上,首先结合可持续发展的原理论述了建设项目评价指标体系的建立过程、筛选原则及评价方法;之后介绍了基于贡献能力的建设项目外部性,其中重点阐述了正外部性,为建设项目的贡献能力指标分析奠定了理论基础。在体系创新上,先从生态学的角度,结合生态足迹与能值分析法,构建了建设项目的生态贡献能力可持续评价模型。通过此模型不仅可以直观的判断出项目是处于生态盈余状态还是处于生态赤字状态,还可定量的评价出项目的生态贡献能力,使建设项目朝着低生态足迹的方向发展;并用北大奥运体育馆作案例分析,证明该模型的可操作性;然后从建设项目对经济、社会及环境方面贡献能力的角度,构建了基于综合贡献能力的建设项目可持续评价指标体系,详细介绍了各项具体指标的内容及获得方式,在评价方法上分别采用层次分析法和熵值法对建设项目的综合贡献能力进行主观和客观方面的评价。在最后的实证分析中,先用层次分析法对单个成渝高速公路项目进行主观性评价,再引入几个样本项目,通过熵值法来客观评价。无论选用层次分析法还是熵值法,其最后的评价结果都表明成渝高速公路对当地的经济、社会和环境方面都做出了巨大贡献,且处于协调发展状态。

【Abstract】 As we all know, at the projects’construction and operation period, the projects will have beneficial and adverse effects. When the projects can minimize consumption (including material consumption, and the environment pollution and energy consumption during the construction and operation, etc.) maximize contribution (projects brought the positive effects on the aspects of the promotion of economic development, social progress and environmental protection), exert the maximum efficiency of construction projects, this is the real path of sustainable development road for construction projects. Based on this, this paper started with the perspective of concerning on the contribution of capacity of the building projects, established sustainability evaluating indicator system, which based on contributing capacity of construction projects, realized the effect of reasonable assessed projects’contributing capacity, finally pruposed to give a scientific basis for the main decision-making to elect the best project, and also provided greater incentives to the large contributing capacity projects.On the theory researching, the paper combine with the principle of sustainable development projects, analyzed the process of establishing evaluating indicator system, the selection principles and evaluation methods. Then the paper introduced the externality of projects that based on the contributing capacity, especially introduced positive externality, in order to provide a theoretical foundation for analyzing the evaluation index system of projects’contributing capacity.On the system innovation, the paper from the ecological point of view, combined with the ecological footprint and energy analysis, designed the sustainability evaluation model of ecological contribution of construction project. This model can not only judge the project is in the state of ecological surplus or ecological deficit, but also quantitative evaluate of the ecological contributing capacity of project, so let the project developed toward low ecological footprint. Then the paper took Beijing Olympic Stadium as a case analysis to prove the operability of the model. At last from the system’s view of construction projects on economic, social and environmental contributing capacity, the paper constructed an evaluating indicator system which based on comprehensive contributing capacity of construction projects. And it introduced the meaning of evaluating indicator system and the way of acquiring every index. Then the paper chose AHP and entropy evaluating model to comprehensively evaluate the comprehensive contributing capacity of the construction projects.On the Final case study, first used AHP to subjective evaluate the individual projects of Chen-Yu Expressway. And then the introduction of some sample projects used the entropy method to objectively evaluate. Regardless of selecting AHP or entropy, the results both showed that the Chen-Yu Expressway made a tremendous contribution to the local economic, social and environmental aspects, and the project was in the state of coordinated development.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 华侨大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 S2期

