

The Research and Application of SSO in Enterprise Information Portal

【作者】 林宇航

【导师】 刘幺和;

【作者基本信息】 湖北工业大学 , 计算机应用技术, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 随着信息技术和网络技术的发展,基于WEB的分布式计算模型已经作为主流技术发展壮大起来,许多学校、医院、企业和政府部门都构建了自己的信息门户,通过门户实现企业内部资源的集成和信息共享,在方便用户使用的同时大大提高了工作效率。但是由于各种应用系统不断增多,用户需要登录到不同系统,需要记住不同系统的用户名和密码。并且由于各个系统都有自己的用户管理系统,必然增加了系统安全管理和技术支持部门的成本。单点登录(Single Sign On,SSO)技术的出现,是解决上述问题的有效方案。通过SSO,在多个应用系统中只需进行一次身份验证就可以访问所有已授权的网络资源。本文首先对企业信息门户、访问控制、统一身份认证、单点登录等相关技术做了简要介绍,然后对现有SSO解决方案进行了阐述。最后,设计了一个SSO模型,并结合国家科技支撑计划项目的需求,开发了一个现代人口与生殖健康公共服务信息门户系统。该系统基于WebLogic Portal和J2EE技术实现,集成了国家人口计生委的各种现有业务系统,并且在用户群体的安全管理、单点登录、应用集成、前台页面设计和后台管理方面作了有益探索,开发了一系列相关功能模块。通过项目实际开发应用表明:单点登录技术大大简化了用户操作,提升了用户体验,降低了系统开发和管理的成本,为企业应用集成奠定了良好基础,对企业信息门户的实施和应用集成具有非常积极的意义。

【Abstract】 With the development of information technology and network technology, the distribution computing mode based on web service has been progressed as main trend, many schools, hospitals, enterprises and government have built up their own information portal to realize enterprise internal resource integration and information communication, it is convenient to user, as meanwhile it has improved work efficiency. As a result of various application systems increasing, user has to log on different systems, and memorize account names and passwords of different systems. Moreover, as each system has its own user administration system, it is certainly rising up the cost of security administration and technology supporting department. The invention of SSO is the effective solution to solve above problems. Via SSO, we only need to be identified one time to access all the authorized internet resource in the multi-application systems.The article firstly made a brief for enterprise information portal, access control, identity authentication, SSO etc concerned technology, and afterward it explains the solution of SSO, and developed a public service information portal system of modern population. The realization of the system based on Weblogic and J2EE technology, has integrated various operational systems of National Population Project Council, and helpfully probed into group of user security management, SSO, application integration, web design of front platform and management of background, has developed a series of concerned mode. It is indicated via the project being developed and applied: SSO technology has simplified user’s operation, upgraded user’s experience, decreased the cost of system development and administration, established a good foundation of application integration for enterprise, and had very aspiring significance for carrying out of enterprise information portal and application integration.


