

A Comparative Study of Marriage and Love Poetry between Hanyufu and "the Book of Songs"

【作者】 王艳霞

【导师】 于衍存;

【作者基本信息】 延边大学 , 中国古代文学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 汉乐府是继《诗经》之后,古代民歌的又一次大汇集。它们多出于社会下层群众之口,“感于哀乐,缘事而发”,表达了人民自己的心声,道出了人民自己的爱和憎,真实地反映了封建社会内部的矛盾和冲突。汉乐府诗歌历来成为学者文人喜读乐诵的文学作品,闪烁着独特的艺术光辉。汉乐府的题材广泛:有的披露了战争的罪恶,有的反映了人民生活的痛苦,有的描写了家庭男女的问题悲剧,也有的叙写了孤儿的啼泣、病妇的哀吟。在汉乐府中,女性题材作品占有重要的位置,刻画了一系列丰富而饱满的妇女形象:她们或大胆求爱,或贫贱不弃,或毅然决绝,或主动求去。以抒情主人公不同的情感积淀为基础,形成了不同内容的文学作品。透过这些诗歌可以看出,在当时社会背景下人们对爱情、婚姻的态度,也可以窥见出社会制度对人物性格的制约,这种制约直接影响了她们的婚恋心理。《诗经》是我国第一部诗歌总集。它全面而系统地反映了西周初年至春秋中叶社会生活的各个方面,堪称一轴巨幅画卷。它为读者再现了当时的社会制度、世态人情和民俗风习等。它是一部现存最古老的中国诗歌作品集,然而它历经岁月的洗礼的和文人的解读,丝毫不减其内在的文学色彩;相反,越读越能感受出它的美妙和经典。“国风”是《诗经》中最为精彩的一部分,它以独特的艺术魅力和文学感染力吸引着历代学者。婚恋诗歌在“国风”中占有很大比重,成为研究当时社会妇女地位和人们爱情观的重要依据。“国风”中的婚恋诗歌以男女爱情和婚姻为主题,其中包含了多个生活画面:有的反映了青年男女的初恋思慕,有的表现了婚姻生活的美满幸福,有的描写了分离恋人的思念心理,也有的哭诉了被弃妇女的悲伤情怀。不同的妇女形象构成了不同的诗歌主题,形成了不同风格的文学作品。通过诗歌中隐藏的情感因素,看出《诗经》时代妇女的爱情观、婚恋态度及性格显现。社会制约人的发展,人的活动对社会也有一定的反影响因素,不同的社会制度对不同时代的文学作品有着不可忽视的限定作用。在汉代各种礼教初现端倪的背景下,产生了情感表达相对含蓄、隐匿的汉乐府;在周代的社会制度下,产生了没有被严密礼法束缚的《诗经》。总体来说,在我国古代文学作品中,婚恋诗歌是呈整体下移的趋势发展的。虽然汉乐府是《诗经》后期的文学成就,但是汉乐府中的婚恋诗歌与《诗经》相比,无论在主题内容还是在创作手法上,都有它的独特性和突破性。对于《诗经》中的内容,汉乐府从题材选择、思想内容和主角类型方面下功夫,使得汉乐府中的婚恋诗歌更加容易吸引读者,给人留下深刻印象;对于《诗经》中的艺术形式,汉乐府有继承,更有发展,在诗歌的语言表达、比兴手法的运用及诗歌的叙事艺术上都形成了自己特有的风格,这也是它经久不衰,至今被人们反复研究的原因之一,文学作品间的一种传承关系由此可以窥见一斑。

【Abstract】 Hanyuefu is the second "Book of Songs", the ancient folk music of another great together. More than their come from lower-class people out of the mouth, "a sense of the dirge, and the fat edge of things" to express the voice of the people themselves, the people out of their love and hate, a true reflection of the internal contradictions of feudal society and conflict. Hanyuefu Poetry has always been to become literature scholars favorite literature , flashing a unique artistic brilliance. Hanyuefu’s wide range of subjects: some disclose of the evil of war, and some reflect the suffering of people’s lives, and some describe the problem of family men and women tragedy, and some describe cry of the orphans, sorrow of the sick woman. In the Hanyuefu, the subject matter of women occupy an important location, depicts a series of rich and full images of women: their courtship or daring, or do not disclaim poor and lowly, or firmly pull off, or leave to take the initiative. The main character in different emotional lyric accumulation based on the content of the formation of a different literary works. Through these poems we can see that the attitude of love and marriage at the social context of that time , we can see the characters of the social system of constraints, which restrict their direct impact on the psychological marriage."The Book of Songs" is China’s first poetry collection. It systematically reflects all aspects of social life in the early years of the Western Zhou Dynasty to the middle of the Spring and Autumn, is a huge picture of a shaft. Reproduce the social system, the relationships and custom at that time for the reader. It is an oldest collections of Chinese poetry, but it has experienced by the baptism of time and the interpretation of the literati, no reduction in its inherent literature color; the contrary, the more time that it is more able to feel beautiful and classic. "MAK" is the most exciting part of "The Book of Songs," the charm of a unique artistic and infectious literary attract scholars appeal. The Marriage and Love Poetry is a large proportion in the "MAK", is an important basis for studying the status of women and attitude of love at that time. The Marriage and Love Poetry of "MAK" is Love and marriage as its theme, which includes a number of screens of the life: Some reflect the first love of young men and women, and some perform a happy married life, and some describe psychology of thinking of the separated lovers, and some reflect the abandoned women’s feelings of sadness. Different image of women constitute different themes in the poetry, the formation of the different styles of literary works. Through hidden emotional factors in the poetries, see the women’s love, marriage attitudes and personality show in the "Book of Songs" era.Social constraints of human development, human activities on the community also has a certain degree of anti-influencing factors, different social systems have limited the role on the literary works of different periods that can not be ignored. In the Han Dynasty, which first emerged decency and propriety of a variety, appear Hanyuefu that the emotional expression had a relatively implicit and hidden; in the social system of Zhou Dynasty, have "The Book of Songs" which had not been closely tied etiquette. Generally speaking, in our ancient literature, the Marriage and Love Poetry has shown an overall downward trend of development.While Hanyuefu is the late literary achievements of "The Book of Songs," but Hanyuefu’s Marriage and Love Poetry and "The Book of Songs" in comparison, both in subject matter and in the creation of means have its unique and groundbreaking. For the content of "The Book of Songs", Hanyuefu pays more attention to subjects selection, the ideological content and main types of efforts, so The Marriage and Love Poetry of Hanyuefu attract readers more easily and impressively; For the form of art in the "The Book of Songs", there is succession and development in the Hanyuefu, and for the expression of language in poetry, the use of Bixing practices and the form of narrative art, Hanyuefu has its own unique style, which is one of the reasons that its enduring So far, research has repeatedly, and the relationship of tradition between literatures can be seen a glimpse.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 延边大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 S1期

