

Analysis of Leagal Protection of Rural Migrant Workers

【作者】 刁丽娜

【导师】 吴东镐;

【作者基本信息】 延边大学 , 宪法学与行政法学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 公民权利保障的法治化是依法治国的核心体现,也是推进我国政治文明建设的迫切需要。农民工是我国现阶段在农村劳动力向城镇转移的过程中出现的一个庞大的亦工亦农的特殊群体,农民工权益保障已越来越受到社会各界的高度重视与广泛关注。国家根据宪法和有关法律法规的规定,依法保护农民工在政治、经济、文化教育与社会活动等方面的基本权利和其他合法权益,并排除其他非法行为的干涉或者侵害,使其各项权益得以实现,这是我国社会主义制度和民主法制建设的本质要求和必然结果。从当前农民工劳动权益保障的现状及其分析看,一个不容忽视的客观问题是,农民工劳动权益保障方面存在就业权等诸多问题,造成大量的农民工劳动的合法权益受害或被侵犯,究其法律原因主要是以户籍制度为核心的制度歧视,以及立法缺位及规定不完善和执法不严等原因。要依法维护农民工劳动权益权益,必须改善我国现行户籍制度,并从立法、执法和法律援助等方面入手,完善农民工劳动权保障制度,重组农民工劳动权益保障架构。在借鉴国内学者的一些观点的基础上,结合考察一些西方国家在工业革命后期关于农民工劳动权益保障方面的有益做法和经验,以及我国地方性立法实践和自己工作实践,提出了农民工劳动权益保障体系的立法构想,认为树立以人为本、以宪治国、平等保护和建设法治政府的立法理念是构建农民工劳动权益保障法制体系的首要条件,进一步完善有关法律法规,确立适应市场经济的现代社会管理制度,不断加强我国社会主义民主与法制建设,使农民工劳动权益保障制度化、规范化、法律化,从而建立起农民工劳动权益保障的法律制度和有效机制,依法保证农民工劳动权益得以实现,以实现依法治国、建设社会主义法治国家的宏伟目标,积极构建社会主义和谐社会。本文掌握了较为丰富调的研材料,在描述农民工劳动权受损的现状基础上,充分分析了农民工劳动权受损的各种原因、危害和影响,以及保护农民工劳动权的重要意义,并尝试提出有针对性的对策和建议。

【Abstract】 Ensuring the civil rights by law is not only the core of ruling country by law, but also the urgent requirement of building up political civilization. More and more attention has been paid to the safeguarding the labore rights of rural migrant workers. Rural migrant workers are a big special group engaged in both farming and industry during the period of their transferring from countryside to town and city. In our country, rural migrant workers’ basic rights and other legalinterests, in the respect of politics, economy, culture, education, social activities and so on, are safeguarded according to the constitution and other related laws, realizingtheir different kinds of rights without interference or infringement. Form the analysising of rural migrant workers’ labor rights, a problem that can not be ignored is that there are many problems in the protection of labor rights of rural migrant workers ,such as employment rights. The main reason in law are the household registration system ,the legislating and the executing the law. We should change the household registration system ,the legislation and the executing the law, in order to improve security system, the reorganization of labor rights of rural migrant workers protection framework. After using the experience of some scholars at home and abroad, investigating the ways about safeguarding the rural migrant workers’ rights during the westerncountries’ industry revolution, combining our country’s local legislation practice and my own working experience, I may put forward the following points: the legislative concept of putting people first, ruling the country by constitution, equal safeguardingare the priority for setting up the legal system to guarantee the rights and interests offarmer-turned workers. Starting with the personal freedom, working peoples rights and benefits, social security, education rights, democratic politics and so on, all of which takes the registered permanent residence as its core, we should quicken the pace of legislation, perfect laws and regulations concerned, set up the modern management system which are suitable for the market economy, strengthen thesocialist democracy and legal building-up, so as to systemize, formalize and legalizethe safeguarding of rural migrant workers’ rights and interests. Only depending onthe legal system and effective mechanism, we can guarantee their rights according tothe law indeed. A harmonious society will be set up in our country.There is a relatively rich research material in this paper, transfer to master. It describes the status of damage of the labor rights of ruarl migrant workers,and analysis the labor rights of ruarl migrant workers’ suffer reasons, the harm and impact. It shows the meanings of protecting labor rights of migrant workers., and triesto putforward specific measures and suggestions.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 延边大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 S1期

