

Research on City Image-shaping and City Brand Positioning of Yanlongtu City

【作者】 吴相鹏

【导师】 张杰;

【作者基本信息】 延边大学 , 中国少数民族经济, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 随着城市竞争的加剧,有利于城市发展的资源越来越集中在处于优势地位的城市中,如何保持自己的优势,如何在竞争中扬长避短,城市营销者们提出了“塑造城市形象,建设城市品牌”的概念。实践证明,具有鲜明特色和品牌影响力的城市具有较高的城市竞争力。在城市整体发展过程中,全面塑造城市形象,建设城市品牌,提高城市知名度、美誉度和满意度,进而提升城市综合竞争能力。延边是朝鲜族聚居区,延龙图应该依托延边的地缘、人文、资源等城市特色为支点,塑造城市形象,建设城市品牌,提升城市的竞争力。本文以城市形象识别系统的理论为依据,塑造延龙图个性化城市形象;以延龙图城市形象为基础,结合城市品牌定位模型,提出延龙图的城市品牌定位。因此,本文是以形象塑造和品牌定位为切入点和内容核心,对延龙图的城市形象和城市品牌做出探讨。本文的第一章主要阐述了研究目的、背景、意义及文章的研究框架和方法、内容。在第二章首先对研究中涉及的理论,如少数民族经济、城市形象、城市品牌,进行了界定。就城市形象塑造和城市品牌定位进行了详细的分析和讨论。接着,在第三章,本文对延龙图作了简要介绍,并提出延龙图的城市定位。理论结合实际,第四章和第五章本文做出了延龙图城市形象与城市品牌的探讨。在第四章,依据城市识别系统模型与理论,构建了延龙图城市形象识别系统。在第五章,结合城市品牌定位模型,探讨了延龙图城市品牌。延龙图因其特殊的地缘、经济、人文而具有特殊性,作者最终提出延龙图“生态民俗旅游地”的城市形象,以“休闲”为核心概念的“朝鲜族生态休闲城市”的城市品牌定位。

【Abstract】 With the competition of the cities sharpening , the advantageous source for the development of the city is more and more concentrated in the dominant position cities, how to maintain their own advantage, how to foster strengths and circumvent weaknesses in the competition, Urban marketers who proposed the "Portrays the urban image, constructs the urban brand " concept.Practice has proved that the city has a distinct character and influence of brand which has higher competitive. In development of cities, creating city’ s overall image, building city brand, raising the city’s reputation and satisfaction, further more to enhance the competition of cities. Yanbian is a living place for Korean , Yanlongtu should be based on geographic, cultural and resource, shaping the city’ s image , building a city brand and enhancing the competitiveness of cities.This article take the theory of urban image recognition system as the basis, to extend Yanlongtu Personalized city image; Taking Yanlongtu city image as the foundation and unifying the urban brand localization model, to propose Yanlongtu urban brand localization. Therefore, this article is taking the city image build and brand localization as point and the core of this article, to discuss the urban image and the urban brand of Yanlongtu.This first chapter mainly elaborate the purpose of the research, background, the significance, the article research frame, the method and the content. In the second chapter, first has carried on the limits of the theory, for example , the national minority economy, the urban image, the urban brand. we have a detailed analysis and discussion on the urban image mold and the urban brand localization. in the third chapter, it has a brief introduction of Yanlongtu and propose the urban localization of yanlongtu. the fourth chapter and the fifth chapter has a discusston of yanlongtu city image and the urban brand. In the fourth chapter, according to the city recognition system model and the theory, constructing yanlongtu city image recognition system. In the fifth chapter, connecting the urban brand localization model, mainly discuss yanlongtu city brand. Yanlongtu is special because of its special geography, the economy, the humanities , the author proposes finally extends "the ecology ethnic tourism place" , takes "leisure" as core concept "Korean National Minority ecology leisure city" urban brand localization.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 延边大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 S1期
  • 【分类号】F299.2;F273.2
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】288
  • 攻读期成果

