

The Research about How Chinese Household Appliance Makers to Defend Against the Monopolization of Retail Traders

【作者】 陈蘅

【导师】 倪志伟;

【作者基本信息】 合肥工业大学 , 工商管理, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 自20世纪70年代以来,随着全球零售业的巨大变革,大规模的连锁店在西方发达国家普遍兴起,过去生产商相对于零售商拥有完全的垄断势力和谈判能力逐渐减弱,而零售商具有的买方势力越来越强。在这种局势下,作为供应商,如想把产品进入到大型零售商的店铺销售,就要向大型零售商的经营者缴纳进场费、新店开业赞助费、店庆赞助费、新品上架费等费用,这已成为不成文的规矩,有人甚至称之为“商业惯例”或“国际惯例”。由此可以看出零售商与制造商之间的矛盾。但随着分工的不断深入,制造与零售的专业化分工,零售业日益规模化、集中化,并彰显出其强大的平台资源优势,家电大卖场渠道销售成为不可逆转的趋势。在这场变革中,生产商与经销商之间的矛盾应该如何解决,自建渠道能否成功与大卖场渠道博弈,制造业企业在未来的竞争市场上究竟应该怎样应对来自零售商的垄断势力,如何选择营销渠道,就构成了本文研究的出发点。本文通过分析家电零售市场与家电制造业市场,剖析了大型家电零售买方势力的来源与扩张、运用势力的方式,探讨了家电制造商在面对大型家电零售商买方势力时其优势、劣势及机遇与威胁。并以此为基础,提出了家电制造商的应对策略。当前我国家电制造商要想打破大型零售商买方势力下的不利形势,就必须着手从技术、差异化、品牌、资本运营、人才上提升企业的核心竞争力,并挖掘三、四级市场。同时要充分发挥行业协会的影响力,使之更好地为家电制造业服务。此外,在可能的情况下,要尽可能地加强与零售商的合作,为实现双赢而努力。无论是从环境的驱动力来看,还是从社会、行业的发展来看,合作都是最优的策略。

【Abstract】 Since the 1970s, as the global retail industry in the world, large-scale chain stores in Western developed countries generally rise, it has gradually weakened that complete monopoly power and negotiating capacity of producers relative to retailers in the past , and retailers with the buyer forces become stronger and stronger. In this situation, if supplier want to sell products in the shops of the large retailers , it is necessary to pay many kinds of fees to large retailers such as the new business sponsorship fee, semiconductor sponsorship fee, the new devices and other expenses, which has become an unwritten rule, some people even call it " business practices "or" international practice. " Therefore, the contradictions between retailers and manufacturers are obvious. However, with the continuous deepening of division of labor, the specialized division of labor between manufacturing and retail, the increasingly socialized and decentralization of the retail industry, which underlines its strong advantages from platform resource, the appliances sales through the hypermarkets channel becomes an irreversible trend. In this transformation, how to resolve the contradictions between manufacturers and distributors ,what is the result that manufacturers with self-built channels versus large retailers with chain channels, manufacturing enterprises how to deal with the monopoly power from retailers on the competitive market in future and how to choose marketing channels, which constitute the starting point for this paper .The paper analyses appliances retail market and home appliances manufacturing market, looked into the source of buyer forces of large-scale appliance retailers and how to use the force, then make a analysis on the strengths, weaknesses and opportunities and threats of the appliance makers in the face of buyer forces from large-scale appliance retailers .And on this basis, the paper proposed countermeasures for appliance makers. At present situation, in order to break the buyer forces of large-scale appliance ,the household electrical appliance manufacturers have to make efforts by different ways ,such as enhancing their core competitiveness power which come from the technical, differentiation, brand, capital operation, human resources, etc. At the same time, they have to mining markets grade 3 and 4, because the primary market has been saturated. Meanwhile, we should make full use of trade association’s influence, so that it can better service the home electrical appliance manufacturers and for creating good market environment. In addition, if possible, we should try our best to strengthen cooperation with the retailers, and to achieve win-win. Whether the driving force of the environment or the development of the industry and the community, all tell us that cooperation, is the optimal strategy.

  • 【分类号】F426.6
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】185

