

International Marketing Strategies of Vanilla Development in MADAGASCAR

【作者】 Betalata Pamela Nelly

【导师】 方明;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , MBA, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 香草是马达加斯加人的一种战略经济作物。马达加斯加在很多年前就是世界上主要提供天然香草的国家,占到了世界天然香草份额的80%以上。然而自从上世纪20年代起,人们发明了一种叫合成香草的的东西,导致了马达加斯加的香草市场价格不稳定,在发展中国家出口中香草豆价格有下降的趋势,从而削减了发展中国家出口商的出口盈利。在全球市场下,国际市场是一个更大的范畴经常包含了跨国界间的广泛的经济区域的交流。公司不得不同来自于广大市场范围且具有提供最好产品能力的国际同行进行竞争,面对世界复杂多变的经济环境,本国企业必须结合强有力的市场发展战略,从而决定怎样使资源集中到最有可能实现国际市场增加销售和获得持续的竞争优势。结果显示一些进口商如美国和法国有市场能力去调整进口马达加斯加香草的份额。出口商之间市场调整行为的反应被用来进行风险评估:如政治稳定因素,对外国人投资的姿态,通货膨胀,经济的发展程度,货币的稳定性,法律法规,基础设施,充足的金融资源。由于市场战略发展的概念化,会使马达加斯加的出口商更好的执行可能改进其面对进口数量下滑对本国市场不同程度冲击的总体表现的成功方案,因此,一个新兴发展的国际市场的战略应该详细的涵盖世界上所有的客户需求。

【Abstract】 The vanilla is a strategic product for Malagasy economy. Madagascar was since several years the main world supplier of natural vanilla; it represented more than 80 % of production in the world. So since 20th century, by the discovery of new market called synthetic vanilla after the instability of price caused by diverse cataclysm in Madagascar, a declining trend in the prices of vanilla beans reduces export earnings of developing country exporters.In global markets, international marketing has a larger area which it covers activities from a wider business area that are usually passing over national borders. Firms will have to compete with international corporations from a wide range of markets that have the capacity to offer the best products in the world. Confronted with these changes in the environment and the complexity of processes in the world economy domestic enterprises have to develop a cohesive marketing strategy in order to make decisions about how to concentrate their resources on the greatest opportunities to increase sales and achieve a sustainable competitive advantage in the international markets.The results reveal some evidence that importers such as USA and France have the market power to adjust import quantity about vanilla product in Madagascar. That reaction to exchange market movement between exporters is taken into consideration to evaluate the risks which are: political stability, attitude for foreign investments, inflation, economic development, monetary stability, legislation, infrastructure, available financial resources.By developing conceptualizations of the marketing strategy, it will be better for Madagascar exporter to implement successful directions that may improve its overall performance on different impact which has reduced the quantity imported from its domestic market. Therefore new approaches to the process of developing an international marketing strategy should be elaborated for a better covering of consumer demand all over the world.


