

Research into the Cultivation of Undergraduates’ Sci-tech Cultural Quality

【作者】 陈学清

【导师】 杨怀中;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 科学技术哲学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 在中国特色社会主义建设的新时期,科技文化素质已成为个体综合素质的重要组成部分。大学生是国家建设人才的后备队和生力军,大学生科技文化素质的高低关系到国家的强盛、民族的兴衰,提高大学生的科技文化素质对于全民族整体科技文化素质的提高具有重要的推动和引领作用,因而具有极其重要的战略意义。素质是有机体与生俱来的某些解剖生理特点,具有极大的稳定性,但经过后天的教育和社会环境的影响,素质的某些特点也会发生变化,素质是可以教化、培养、造就和提高的。提高大学生的科技文化素质既是时代发展的必然要求,也是大学生自身发展的需要。市场经济人才需求理念的转变,就业的巨大压力,致使许多大学生都意识全面提高自身素质的重要性和必要性,并开始采取一些措施加以补救。科技文化素质教育是全面实施素质教育的必然要求,也是科教兴国战略的题中之义,可见科技文化素质教育已成为现代教育的有机组成部分。高校是培养人才的摇篮,不断地为社会输送所需人才。高校必须采取有效的措施提高大学生的科技文化素质,但应以全面而又系统地了解大学生的科技文化素质现状为前提和基础。基于此,本文从主要从科学知识、科学思想、科学方法和科学精神四个维度设计了调查问卷并抽样调查了3460个样本,另外还以实地访谈的形式作为第一手资料的有益补充。通过SPSS系统对数据结果进行分析后发现,大学生的思想中仍有一定的封建残余,大学生缺乏从事科学研究的兴趣和热情,他们虽然意识到了提高自身科技文化素质的重要性,但思想意识上的进步并没有转化成实际行动。本文依据美国2061计划的第一份重要报告《面向全体美国人的科学》所阐述的科学素质标准和中国科协的“2049”计划中的公民科学素质标准,对大学生的科技文化素质标准作了尝试性的描述性界定。造成大学生科技文化素质偏低的原因,综合起来看,既有现行教育本身的缺陷,也有第二课堂建设的不完善、校园学术氛围欠浓厚、对科技文化素质相关方面的宣传不力等原因,因此,有必要加强对大学生的科技文化素质教育。要提高大学生的科技文化素质,首先是要建立完善的科技文化素质教育体系,既有课堂教学也应该包括学术讲座等科普性质的活动。其次是要加强大学生科学精神教育,科学精神是人们在长期的科学实践活动中所形成的共同信念、价值标准和行为规范的总称,是人们在各项工作中做出正确决策并达到目标的重要条件。高校可以利用现代化的宣传媒介进行科学精神教育。高校可以通过促进学生科研作品向科技成果转化,并加强制度建设来营建浓厚的校园学术氛围。教师在大学生的科技文化素质教育中仍然起着主导作用,甚至可以说,教师的启发和引导作用更加重要,因此,必须通过学校与教师自身的有机结合提高教师的科技文化素质。大学生科技文化素质的提高不能单纯地依靠知识教学,课外科技实践活动培养大学生实践能力和创新能力的巨大作用不容忽视。大学生科技文化素质的提高离不开在教学活动中居于主体地位的大学生积极而又自主地参与,否则一切都只是徒劳。

【Abstract】 In the new era of Chinese socialism, Sci-tech cultural quality has become an important component of comprehensive quality. College students are the reserve force of national construction, therefore, the Sci-tech cultural quality level is the nation’s rise and fall. With an extremely important strategic significance, college students’ Sci-tech cultural quality has an important role in promoting the whole nation’s quality. With great stability, quality is the innate anatomy physiological characteristics of organisms, but some features can be changed through training, indoctrinating, creating and improving in educational and social environment.To improve Sci-tech cultural quality is the indispensible requirement for society and students’ self-development. The changes in demand for talented people of market economy and the employment pressure has led to many college students to improve their comprehensive quality and began to take some remedial measures. As the result of implementation of quality education and strategies for revitalizing the nation through science and education, Sci-tech cultural quality education has become an integral part of modern education. Universities constantly supply requisite human resources for the community, so they must take effective measures to improve the students’ Sci-tech cultural quality on the basis of comprehensively and systematically understanding the status quo of undergraduates.For this reason, this paper has designed a questionnaire mainly from scientific knowledge, scientific thinking, scientific methods and scientific spirits dimensions and conducted a survey of 3460 samples; in addition, we used interviews as a useful complement to gain first-hand information. Through the SPSS system, the results of data analysis found that college students still has some kind of feudalism and lack interest and enthusiasm for scientific research; although realizing the importance of Sci-tech cultural quality, they has not translated it into effective actions. This paper sets forth a tentative description of the standards for Sci-tech cultural quality on the basis of the "Science for All Americans", the U.S. 2061’s first major report and "2049" program initiated by China Association for Science. This study has been worked out the proportion of college students who possess the basic Sci-tech cultural quality, but this figure is relatively low. Generally speaking, the reasons are not only the existing deficiencies in education itself, but also the imperfections of practical training, inadequate academic atmosphere on campus and lack of advocacy relevant to Sci-tech cultural quality. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen undergraduates’ Sci-tech cultural quality education.To improve the students’ Sci-tech cultural quality, we must first establish a sound education system, which should include classroom lectures and other academic activities. Then, the scientific spirit education should be strengthened, because the spirit of science is the generic terms of common faith, values and norms of behavior that formed in long-term scientific activities, and is the important precondition that people make right decisions in all work. Universities can use the modern media to publicize scientific spirit education. Academic atmosphere can be strengthened by promoting the transformation of students’ research work into achievements and institutional construction. Teachers still play a leading role sci-tech cultural quality education, and we can say, teachers’ inspiriting and guiding can be even more important, therefore, teachers must improve their Sci-tech cultural quality on the integration of school and teachers themselves. The improvement of students’ Sci-tech cultural quality can not simply rely on knowledge teaching, in order to develop students’ practical and innovative ability, extra-curricular activities should not be overlooked. As the same, the improvement of students’ Sci-tech cultural quality can not do without students’ actively and automatically participation, otherwise everything is just in vain.


