

Research on Book Distribution Model of B2C Online Bookstore

【作者】 杨波

【导师】 詹斌;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 交通运输规划与管理, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 虽然我国在电子商务领域已经走在了世界的前列,然而物流配送体系却比较落后。在这样的环境下,电子商务的高速发展呼唤着能与之匹配的、更加先进的物流配送系统。传统企业在不够理性、无序发展的市场环境下已经迫不及待的纷纷进入了B2C(Busihess-to-Consumer)电子商务领域。B2C电子商务企业在现阶段宏观环境下如何选择适合自身的物流配送模式是关键。本文研究的主要目的:(1)给国内传统实体书店开设B2C网上书店实施物流配送模式战略以借鉴参考。(2)给B2C网上书店如何选择第三方物流服务提供商指明方向。(3)给传统以营销为导向的企业开展B2C电子商务提供物流配送模式选择方面的参考资料。本文主要采用了定性、定量、文献查阅、实证分析等研究方法。主要研究内容包括:(1)传统实体书店与传统图书物流发展状况(2)三种不同图书配送模式的优劣势分析(3)图书外包模式下第三方物流提供商的选择和管理(4)三种不同图书配送模式下的发展策略(5)实证分析不同图书配送模式第一章从多个角度分析了研究背景,包括国际国内电子商务发展状况、图书产业状况、国内B2C网上书店竞争格局,分析了电子商务给传统实体书店带来的机遇与挑战,和传统实体书店在面对互联网新经济(包括电子出版物、电子书籍、电子阅读器、网上书店)挑战时的战略转型。然后论述了研究本课题的目的和意义。第二章分析了传统实体书店在网上书店的激烈竞争环境下的经营状况,传统实体书店的物流配送状况,以及传统实体开设B2C网上书店时面临的物流配送模式选择问题。第三章分析了三种不同的物流配送模式下各自的优势与劣势,提出了根据B2C网上书店各自的具体情况选择适合自己的物流配送模式的方法。并接着对第三方物流模式下如何选择合适的第三方物流服务提供商、以及考核激励第三方物流服务提供商的方法进行了论述。第四章给出了不同配送模式下图书物流配送的发展策略建议。第五章采用实证案例论证图书配送模式的选择方法以及不同模式下各种策略的正确性。

【Abstract】 Although e-commerce in China is staying on top around the world, the distribution system is not satisfying. Under this, circumstance, the high pace of e-commerce calls for a more advanced and suitable distribution system. The traditional enterprises are advancing into B2C (Business-to-Consumer) in the fierce competition. So how to choose the right distribution model in the current Macro-environment is a key to success for B2C enterprises.The main purposes of this paper are to achieve the following: (1) providing references of the implementation of distribution strategies to the domestic traditional physical bookstores when they are entering B2C field. (2) providing references to the B2C online bookstores on how to choose third-party logistics service providers. (3) providing references to the conventional market-oriented enterprises when they are entering B2C on distribution model selection.This paper mainly does empirical study on online bookstores about their distribution models, through a comprehensive analysis of qualitative plus quantitative approach, supplemented by literature review method. Main research contents include:(1) The status of traditional physical bookstores and the development of traditional book logistics(2) Analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of three different book distribution models(3) Selection and management of third-party logistics providers in book outsourcing model(4) The development strategy of the three different book distribution models(5) The empirical analysis of the three different book distribution models Chapter one analyzes the research background from various angles, including thedevelopment of international and domestic e-commerce, book industry, and competition between the domestic B2C online bookstores. And analyzes opportunities, challenges of strategic transformation when the traditional physical bookstores are in the face of the new economy (including Internet, e-publications, e-books, e-readers, online bookstores). And then discusses the research purpose and significance of this topic. Chapter two first analyzes the operating conditions of traditional physical bookstores in the competitive environment, the status of distribution in traditional bookstores, as well as the choice of distribution models when traditional physical bookstores are converted into B2C online bookstores. Chapter three analyzes strengths and weaknesses of three different distribution models, and proposes how to choose suitable distribution models for B2C online bookstores under specific circumstances. And then how to choose a suitable third-party logistics service providers, and how to encourage and appraise third-party logistics service providers are discussed. Chapter four gives strategy proposals to different book distribution models. In chapter five empirical cases are used to prove the three different book distribution models and a variety of distribution strategies.

【关键词】 B2C网上书店图书物流配送模式
【Key words】 B2COnline BookstoreBook LogisticsDistribution model
  • 【分类号】F724.6;F259.2
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】2465
  • 攻读期成果

