

Development Strategy of Logistics Center of Beijing New Building Material Group

【作者】 王保祥

【导师】 程国平;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 企业管理, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 随着市场经济的发展、人民生活水平的提高,中国加入WTO以及经济全球化,我国金属贸易行业呈现出蓬勃发展的趋势。作为金属贸易行业的企业之一—北新集团物流中心,既面临发展的大好机遇,同时在激烈的市场竞争中又面临着巨大的压力和威胁。为了北新集团物流中心能够充分地抓住机遇、回避威胁、发挥优势、克服劣势,能够在激烈的市场竞争中得以生存和发展。本文试图运用战略管理的方法,根据金属贸易行业现状和北新集团物流中心的实际情况,对北新集团物流中心的经营与发展加以研究,以寻求北新集团物流中心的正确的经营发展思路。本文主要内容如下:首先,从北新集团物流中心所处的外部战略环境入手,从钢铁行业、有色金属行业、金属贸易行业及标杆企业研究四个方面进行分析,然后对北新集团物流中心的内部环境进行深入分析,得出北新集团物流中心的机会、威胁、优势和劣势。机会主要有:随着国内相关产业的发展,要求金属材料流通领域尽快实现战略转型;相关技术的发展为行业内的经营模式转变提供了支持。威胁主要有:简单贸易模式利润低、风险大是目前行业内企业所面临的主要问题;金属材料价格透明化,市场环境变化快,对贸易商提出了快速反应的要求;越来越多的供应商要求现金交易,对贸易企业本来就微薄的利润造成影响。优势主要有:北新集团背靠北新品牌,在国内相关行业具备相当的品牌知名度;北新在金属材料贸易业务上具备了一定的经验,积累了一批稳定的供应商与客户资源;由于公司资产与控股的原因,北新在融资方面有其他小型民营企业所不具备的优势。劣势主要有:北新集团的业务拓展将在某种程度受到母公司中国建材集团的影响;北新供应商范围过于狭窄,产品过于单一,不利于进行上下游产业延伸;北新金属材料贸易的下游用户过于分散,需求个性化强,用量较小,不利于业务量扩大。根据上面的分析,确定北新集团物流中心战略定位如下:巩固现有金属材料贸易业务,通过不断大力拓展上游金属资源,稳定公司货源,在具备一定的资源能力条件下适时进入下游产品加工业务,通过为用户提供高附加值产品进行行业价值链延伸,在未来最终实现向综合金属物流服务商的转变。北新集团物流中心的战略规划分为近期、中期、远期三个阶段,近期是2010—2011年,为调整发展期;中期是2012—2013年,为巩固发展期;远期是2013年及以后,为快速发展期。本规划侧重于近期与中期目标及策略的设计。最后提出了北新集团物流中心战略实施的一些策略:选择适合的经营品种、稳定金属货源、降低市场风险、掌控下游客户、利用期货市场,有效规避风险、进行区域定位和行业客户定位等。论文的主要贡献在于,采用实证研究的方法,以大量的数据资料为前提,运用所学的管理知识,坚持理论与实践相结合的原则,对北新集团物流中心的内外环境作了详尽分析的基础上,提出了北新集团物流中心的调整战略,并提出了针对性、操作性较强的战略实施的举措。

【Abstract】 While the market economy is developing rapidly, the standard of people’s living is also improving, China’s entry to the world trade organization (WTO) and the economy globalization, the metal trades industry of China is getting prosperous every day. The logistics center of Beijing New Building Material Group is one of the enterprises in metal trades industry. It is facing good opportunities of developing and tremendous pressure and threats. In order to make the logistics center of Beijing New Building Material Group can catch the opportunities, avoid threats, exert the enterprise advantage, overcome disadvantage, and can exist and develop in keen competition of the market. The author tries to use the enterprise strategy theory and market competitive theory and the method of strategic management to study the development and operation of the logistics center of Beijing New Building Material Group on the basis of present situation of the logistics center of Beijing New Building Material Group.The main idea of this thesis is as follows:Firstly, this thesis analyzed the external strategic environment of the logistics center of Beijing New Building Material Group in terms of steel industry, non-ferrous metals industry, and metal trade industry and benchmark enterprises. Then, this thesis examined the internal environment of the logistics center thoroughly and identified its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. The opportunities are as follows. The development of related industries in China requires the strategic shift of metal materials distribution industry. Meanwhile, the development of related technologies supports the transformation of operation model within the industry. The threats are as follows. Due to the simple business mode, low profit and high risk are the main problems faced by the enterprises within the industry; traders are claimed to be agile because of the transparency of metal materials price and rapid changes of market; the profit of trade enterprises is becoming lower since more and more suppliers demand cash transactions. The strengths are as follows. Beijing New Building Material Group has certain brand recognition owing to the popularity of Beijing New; Beijing New have possessed certain experience on metal materials trades and established a stable network of suppliers and customers; due to the company assets and holdings, Beijing New has the unparalleled advantage of financing compared with other small private enterprises. The weaknesses are as follows. The business expansion Beijing New Building Material Group is, to some degree, affected by the parent company, China National Building Material Group; narrow scope of suppliers and the single variety of products go against the extension of upstream and downstream industries; downstream customers are scattering around while have personalized needs and small usage, which may harm the business expansion. Based on the analyses above, the strategy positioning of the logistics center can be presented as follows. The logistics center, on one hand, strengthens the existing metal materials trades; on the other hand, it stabilizes the goods supply via expanding the upstream metal resources. Then the logistics center will enter the product processing business when it has sufficient resource. The logistics center of Beijing New Building Material Group is aimed to extend the value chain and transform to an integrated metal logistics server via providing high added-value for customers. To be specific, the strategy plan is divided into short-term, middle-term and long-term plan. The short-term plan will be from 2010 to 2011 which can be called the adjustment phase; the middle-term plan will be from 2012 to 2013 which is the consolidation phase; the long-term will start from 2013 which can be called the rapid development phase. This program places more emphasis on the short-term and middle-term goals and corresponding designs of tactics.Finally, this thesis states some tactics such as selecting appropriate varieties, stabilizing metal resources, lowering market risks, mastering downstream customers, exploiting futures market, avoiding risks effectively and carrying out district positioning and customer positioning and etc.The thesis main contribution is that with the use of empirical research methods, using the large data as a precondition, applying the management knowledge and making a detailed analysis of the internal and external environment about The logistics center of Beijing New Building Material Group, the writer proposed targeted and exercisable development strategies.

  • 【分类号】F259.2
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】227

