

Seismic Performance Investigation and Seismic Damage Prediction of Rural Buildings in Hubei Province

【作者】 毛羚

【导师】 李书进;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 结构工程, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 农村民居由于缺乏抗震防灾意识,抗震防灾技术及抗震防灾的监管,在遭受地震时损毁非常严重,而农村的建筑物损毁也是我国地震灾害损失巨大的主要原因。“小震致灾”,“大震大灾”成为我国农村地震灾害的显著特点。因此,农村民居的抗震设防对于减轻地震灾害尤为重要而紧迫。近年来,我国政府对村镇房屋的抗震防灾工作也给予了高度重视。2008年7月中旬,武汉理工大学土木工程与建筑学院湖北农村民居抗震设防调查小组赴湖北省枝江、仙桃、咸宁、崇阳、通城及武汉市郊的农村地区对当地的农村房屋进行实地调查。以此调查为基础,深入研究农村房屋的震害形式,并引入震害预测理论,对湖北农村建筑物进行震害损失预测,为湖北农村地震灾害综合防御提供了一定的科学依据。本文的研究工作主要有以下几个方面:1、在广泛检索和查阅国内外的重要文献及书籍的基础上,提出本文研究课题的背景、意义、国内外发展的现状及其重要性。2、完成了湖北农村民居抗震性能的调查报告,通过对湖北农村民居建筑结构、抗震性能以及居民抗震意识的调查,揭示了湖北农村民居的结构特点和抗震性能现状,对当前湖北农村建筑抗震设防存在的问题及对策进行了分析。3、针对湖北农村典型的三种结构形式:土木结构,砖木结构和砖混结构,分析其在地震作用下的不同破坏程度及其震害表现,并探讨了其各自震害特征的原因,结合有限元非线性动力分析,从理论上验证了农村民居的震害特点。4、引入震害预测理论,对调查的湖北农村区域范围内房屋进行震害预测,分析了此区域范围内农村房屋在遭受不同烈度的地震情况下所发生的破坏结果,为农村民房抗震措施的制定提供科学依据,同时也为地震灾害防御提供理论依据。最后,在全面总结本文工作的基础上,提出本课题尚需进一步研究的若干问题。

【Abstract】 The rural buildings are usually exposed to severe damage under earthquake in China due to lack of awareness for disaster prevention, seismic fortification technologies and the supervision of government. Furthermore, the damage of the rural buildings is the main reason of the enormous earthquake disaster loss in our country. Small earthquake lead to damage and severe damage in rare earthquake is the seismic feature of rural buildings in China. Therefore, seismic fortification of rural buildings is very important and urgent for seismic losses mitigation. Recently, the earthquake disaster prevention of rural buildings has been paid much attention by our government.The seismic fortification investigation team (Civil Engineering and Architecture Institute, Wuhan University of Technology) of the rural buildings in Hubei province went to the rural areas of Zhijiang, Xiantao, Xianning, Chongyang, Tongcheng and Wuhan to investigate the present situation of local rural buildings in mid-July, 2008. The seismic damage prediction of rural buildings in Hubei based on investigation statistics (including the seismic damage feature research of rural buildings) and the theory of seismic damage prediction is regarded as scientific basis of integrated defense of earthquake disaster. The research work mostly includes following aspects:1、Based on consulting and searching a number of related literatures and books at home and abroad, the background, significance and the current situation at home and abroad of research topic were proposed.2、The investigation report on seismic performance of rural buildings in Hubei province was carried out. According to the investigation, the structural characteristics and the current seismic performance of rural buildings in Hubei province are studied. Besides, several suggestions that attempt to alleviate the problems of rural buildings are proposed in this thesis in order to improve the anti-seismic capacity of rural buildings in Hubei province.3、According to the three typical rural structure forms—earth-wood structure, brick-wood structure and masonry structure, different characteristics of seismic disaster and their seismic damage reasons are analyzed. Besides, combining with nonlinear dynamic finite element analysis, characteristic of seismic disaster is verified in theoretically.4、The seismic damage prediction analysis of buildings in the rural region that our team investigated by using the theory of seismic damage prediction was conducted. The predictive result of damage areas in rural region of Hubei province used as scientific basis of making seismic measures and seismic disaster defense system about rural buildings.At last, based on a comprehensive summary of the main work about this thesis, several problems on this research topic demanding study further are brought forward.


