

Techniques on High-grade Highway Greening Area Establishment and Maintenance in Gansu Province

【作者】 杨泓

【导师】 沈禹颖; 于洪波;

【作者基本信息】 兰州大学 , 草业科学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 生态建设和环境保护是21世纪人类共同关注的热门话题,也是世界各国政府和人民为之不懈努力解决的焦点问题。基本建设的快速发展必须与生态环境发展相协调,否则将导致人类赖以生存环境的生态破坏,进一步制约社会经济的可持续发展。高速公路的跨越式发展,必然会增加生态系统的压力。高速公路建设工程规模大、项目多、涉及面广,土石填挖工程形成的大量土石裸露边坡,破坏了既有植被,对当地生态环境影响较大。高速公路路线长,环境复杂,养护管理难度大,从事绿化的人员相对较少,绿化难度较大。因此,公路工程建设与生态环境保护对社会、经济可持续发展有重要意义。甘肃省地处内陆,公路建设大多处于湿陷性黄土高原沟壑区,决定了公路路域环境恢复和建设有一定的难度,不能简单照搬其它地区的模式和经验,需要从甘肃的实际出发,进行严密的科学试验,逐渐摸索和掌握路域植被生长发育以及植物群落演替规律和调控机理,提出恢复和建设路域生态环境的技术和方法,为全面推进甘肃公路环境事业可持续发展提供技术支持。本论文在广泛收集国内外关于公路绿化方面的资料,借鉴有益经验和方法的基础上,与依托绿化工程相结合,选取不同依托类型;对甘肃省高等级公路生态恢复方面的成功经验进行了分析、总结;选择已完工工程的不同路段,根据不同植物、不同化学材料、不同立地类型和不同技术措施,对实施效果开展了研究调查:1、制定了甘肃省公路路域分区及其高等级公路生态环境建设规划,对甘肃省公路绿地的分类为:陇东黄土高原沟壑区、陇中黄土丘陵沟壑区、陇南地区、甘南高原区、河西地区五个分区。按绿地位置、功能制定绿化模式,科学地规划、设计、建设和管理,提高绿化水平。2、确定了高速公路绿化模式,根据甘肃省高速公路迅猛发展的需要,对公路绿地进行了统一的分类,按公路绿地的位置、功能分为中央分隔带、两侧绿化带、边坡绿化、立交区和服务区绿化、取、弃土场绿化等5个绿化区,提出主要功能以及绿化的模式和要求,并筛选出19种适宜公路绿化的植物品种,并从分布、形态和生态特性、生产应用等方面进行了科学评价,为公路绿化树种的选择、配置提供科学依据。3、提出了湿陷性黄土地区公路生态环境建设关键技术,路基边坡生物防护以灌草为主。对灌草的承雨效果、枯枝落叶层的吸水作用、灌草根系固结边坡作用、植被固化等作用效果进行了深入研究。4、确定了新生态技术-植生袋应用效果研究,抗剪力提99提高123 kg/cm~2。大大提升了公路生态环境建设的科技含量。5总结了甘肃省高等级公路绿化生态恢复技术,从整地、施肥、土壤改良、栽植方法、养护管理等环节出发,提出主要技术关键点,制定了技术标准,为解决生产中存在的问题和难点,提高绿化成活率,促进生态环境良性发展,提供了有力保障。

【Abstract】 Ecological construction and environmental protection is a hot topic in the 21st century, The rapid development of infrastructure should meet requirement of ecological environment construction target. The great development of highway caused pressure on environmental protection. Highway construction projects are large in scale, multi-project, covers a wide range, dug earth and rock fill project to form a large number of bare earth and rock slope, the destruction of existing vegetation, the local ecological environment a greater impact. A long line of the highway, the complexity of the environment, conservation and management target, a relatively small amount of professional staff on the greening. As a result, highway construction and environmental protection is both social and economic sustainable development an important issue.Gansu Province is located in the inland region, most of highways distributed in the gully region on the Loess Plateau region. The highway construction can not simply copy the model in other regions and experiences. The construction model has to follow regional experiment results and understand vegetation succession principle .This thesis based on information on the greening side of the road around world, reviewed useful experiences and methods for the greening projects, material and teniques were summarized here1. An ecological construction plan for high-grade highway construction in Gansu Province has been developed. There are five regions for highway construction: eastern part of the Gansu Loess Plateau,central part of Gansu Loess plateau, southern part of province, Southern alpine Plateau and Hexi corridor. According to the locations, greening model features on scientific development were put forwarded.2. Greening models for highway in Gansu province were determined. Greening zones for Central segregation, sides belt, side slope,services area and earth filled back up area were classified based on the function and location.Total of 19 suitable species were evaluated based on their distribution, morphological and ecological features.3. Techniques for greening construction for high-grade highway on the eroded soil on the loess plateau were used. Shrub and forbs species are suitable to the local physic condition to protect soil in the side slop. The effects of capturing rainfall by Shrub and forbs, absorption soil water by litter and fixation earth vegetation were analyzed .4. A new techniques -bio-plant bag was used for side slope greening. Shear force increased from 99 to 123 kg/cm~2. These new technology greatly enhanced application of science and technology on improving ecological environment protection.5. An integration technique system for greening construction for high-grade highway in was put forwarded, which most focused on field plot land preparation, fertilization, plantation and vegetation management.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 兰州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 S1期
  • 【分类号】S731.8
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】143

