

Based on Benchmarking Management Theory to Enhance China Telecom’s Ability to Study Marketing in Gansu

【作者】 路华

【导师】 柴国荣;

【作者基本信息】 兰州大学 , 工商管理, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 当前,随着通信技术日益成熟,国内各大通信运营商对客户需求的满足能力日益提高,通信市场的竞争也因此日趋加剧。运营企业要在未来竞争中取得优势,关键看对市场变化的应变能力,必须在营销能力上胜过竞争对手一筹。实践证明,标杆管理作为获得竞争优势的重要的思想和工具,优化企业实践,提高企业经营管理水平和市场竞争力。本文以标杆理论和营销理论为指导,对中国电信甘肃公司营销能力提升问题进行了系统研究。论文采用了理论研究和案例分析相结合的研究方法,按照“理论研究—对标营销能力现状分析与诊断—营销能力提升方案设计—营销能力提升方案实施—实施效果评估—持续改善机制建立”的研究思路,着重研究了中国电信甘肃公司如何提升营销能力。中国电信甘肃公司营销渠道采取的是传统的专业化分工职能管理模式,存在的主要问题包括:产品管理比较薄弱,工作职责不够清晰,渠道组织模式不合理。缺乏针对细分市场和组合产品的定价,营销模式简单粗放等。产生以上问题的根源在于:渠道架构僵化,对客户的感知反应速度偏慢,产品评估缺乏对成本、投资、利润的有效核算。为了有效解决这些问题,中国电信甘肃公司的营销能力提升方案设计了渠道组织架构优化、客户分群、产品集中管理、营销模式优化、前后端联动工作模式等五个模块。按照组织准备阶段,技能培训阶段,制定实施方案,进行内部员工的培训,方案修订、细化阶段,项目实施阶段和评估验收六个阶段进行实施,并建立了长效改进的机制。中国电信甘肃公司通过与江苏公司对标提升营销能力具有启示和借鉴意义的主要有以下几点:一是实行标杆管理必须对自己进行正确的定位。二是标杆管理是一个动态的循环过程。三是标杆管理是一个全员参与的过程,让员工理解并认同了企业管理法的重要性和必要性标杆管理法在实施过程中才会更好地发挥作用。四是重视数据管理,为企业管理创新奠定基础,有助于更有效地寻找未来发展的道路。五是模仿与创新并举,通过创新寻找更适合自己企业进步的方法。中国电信甘肃公司运用对标提升营销能力,找到短板,聚焦核心问题,努力在客户领先、运营卓越、资源高效等能力方面,利用机制转变、流程重组、技能培训、IT支撑、绩效考核等实施举措,建立了针对不同客户群的全新的营销服务模式,切实改善企业应对竞争的策略和手段,这对甘肃公司的进一步发展具有重要意义,而且为西部欠发达省份电信公司缩小和先进公司差距提供了新的思路。

【Abstract】 At present, with the increasingly sophisticated communications technology, domestic major telecommunications operators the ability to meet customer needs, increasing competition in the market and therefore become increasingly intensified. Operating enterprises to obtain competitive advantage in the future, the key is the ability to respond to market changes, the ability to be better than its competitors in marketing edge. Practice has proved that benchmarking is to obtain a competitive advantage in important ideas and tools to help improve enterprise management level and market competitiveness.In this paper, benchmarking theory and marketing theory as a guide, to enhance the marketing capacity of Gansu Telecom conducted a systematic study. Paper uses the theoretical research and case studies a combination of research methods, in accordance with "theoretical study - Analysis of the standard marketing capabilities and diagnosis - marketing capabilities to enhance program design - marketing capabilities to enhance implementation of the program - the implementation of impact assessments - continuous improvement mechanism is established" research thinking, focused on studying how to enhance the marketing capabilities of Gansu Telecom.Gansu Telecom marketing channels using the traditional functions of management specialization, there are major problems include: product management is weak, work responsibilities are not clear enough, the channel unreasonable organizational model, the lack of market segmentation and the combination of product pricing, marketing models such as simple and crude . Root of the problem arising is: channel structure of rigid and customer perceptions of responsiveness Penman, product evaluation lack of cost, investment, profits and effective accounting. To effectively address these problems, Gansu Telecom’s marketing capabilities enhance the design of the organizational structure of the channel optimization, customer grouping, products, centralized management, marketing mode optimization, front-side mode of interaction of five processes, in accordance with organizational preparation, skills training, developed and implemented programs, staff training, amendments to refine the program, project implementation and evaluation of the six stages of acceptance for implementation and the establishment of a long-term improvement of the mechanism.Through Gansu and Jiangsu company’s standard, enhance the marketing capabilities with the inspiration and learn the meaning of the following main points: First, the implementation of benchmarking must position themselves correctly. Second, benchmarking is a dynamic cycle. Third, benchmarking is a full participatory process, so that employees understand and agree that the corporate governance laws of the importance and necessity of benchmarking in the implementation process will play a better role. Fourth, emphasis on data management, in order to lay the foundation for enterprise management innovation, contribute to more effective to search for future development. Fifth, imitation and innovation simultaneously, through innovation to find more suitable for their own business improvement methods. Gansu Telecom to enhance the use of standard marketing capabilities, find the short board, focus on core issues, and strive to lead in customer, operational excellence, resources and other capacity and efficient use of change of system, process reengineering, skills training, IT support and implementation of initiatives such as performance appraisal, established for different customer base, marketing the new service model, effectively improve the business strategy and means to cope with competition, which is the further development of Gansu Telecom significance, but also for the less developed western provinces, and advanced the company to narrow the gap between the company has provided a new way of thinking.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 兰州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 S1期
  • 【分类号】F274;F626
  • 【下载频次】187

