

Study on Problems and Counter Plans in Gansu Provincial E-Government Building Rocess

【作者】 郑忠锋

【导师】 江正平;

【作者基本信息】 兰州大学 , 公共管理, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 随着信息时代和信息社会的到来,利用现代的信息和通讯技术进行政府治理变革,建立“电子化政府”(E-Government)是最近十几年世界各国广泛关注并大力推行的时代课题,并已经成为世界各发达国家信息化建设的主要内容和深化行政改革的重要手段。电子化政府是运用信息技术创新政府治理和服务的整合概念,运用资讯通信技术将政府机关相互连结,透过电话、电脑网络及共用资讯服务站等各种资讯设施,依企业与民众需求,以最方便的程序,直接提供更快速及创新的自动化服务,打破了传统组织层级节制的限制,建构了一个“虚拟政府"。电子化政府实现的前提和基础在于政府信息的公开、政府业务的电子化、政府服务的创新以及信息技术与政府再造的整合等。电子化政府是信息技术革命的产物,是政府管理的一场革命性变革,是管理和技术的有机结合和互动,实质是把以集中管理为特点的工业化模型的大政府变为新型的管理体系,以适应虚拟的,全球化的、以知识为基础的数字经济,构造出了更适合信息时代的政府治理模式,建立了一个更精干、更有效率和效能、更具服务精神的政府,为公民提供了方便、快捷、高质量的公共服务,促进了政治、经济和社会的全面发展和进步。加快电子化政府的建设和发展,可以使政府机关进一步利用信息技术提高工作效率和质量,使政府的决策建立在科学、及时、准确、可靠的信息基础之上,更好地为企业、公民等社会对象提供服务。面对国际竞争和复杂的政治经济环境挑战,为了进一步推进经济和社会的发展,我国应抓住经济全球化和社会主义市场经济建设的契机,不断加快电子化政府建设的步伐,推动各级政府机构和部门的政务改革,利用信息技术,对政府业务流程进行规范、优化和创新,建立起政府与公众之间良好的互动关系,提高政府的决策能力、工作效率和回应力,打造责任政府和开放政府。党中央和国务院高度重视我国电子化政府的建设和发展,十六大告中在做深化行政管理体制改革部署时己明确指出进一步转变政府职能,改进管理方式,推行电子政务,提高行政效率,降低行政管理成本,形成行为规范、高效、运转协调、公正、透明、廉洁的行政管理体制。近年来,我国电子化政府建设先后历经了从办公自动化、局域网建设、金字工程、政府上网到信息资源共建共享和综合利用、政府信息公开、政府应急指挥等不同发展阶段,并编制了《国家电子政务标准化指南》,制订了电子政务建设相关标准。电子化政府的建设不仅需要信息技术上的支撑和突破,最重要的核心是政府在制度、流程等管理方面的创新,因此推行电子政务、建设电子化政府是一项事关行政体制改革大局的系统工程,更加是一个动态和不断发展的过程。我国电子化政府建设起步较晚,近年来虽取得了一定成果,但距离构建真正意义上的电子化政府仍有很大差距。当前,我国电子化政府建设还处于初级阶段,各地在电子政务建设实践中还存在管理和标准没有一体化、宏观网络建设意识表述不明确、数字鸿沟、政府公务员素质亟待提高、电子化资源有限、网络安全重视不够、电子化政府立法严重滞后、与机构改革联系不紧密等一些突出问题,也存在着一定的盲目性,影响着电子化政府建设的步伐,急需对当前我国电子化政府建设进程中出现的各种问题做出符合我国国情的正确判断,并予以解决,结合我国行政体制改革和建立社会主义市场经济体制及构建和谐、民主、法制国家的发展目标,借鉴国外电子化政府建设发展的有益经验,在深化行政体制改革中实现电子化政府与政府再造,进一步加快我国电子化政府建设步伐已刻不容缓。本文从政府治理变革与电子化政府建设的内容入手,在综合分析国内外关于电子政务研究现状的基础上,阐述了电子政务的涵义、特征和功用,论述了电子政务建设对政府治理变革的重要意义,在总结美、英、日等国家电子化政府建设的发展历程和成功经验的基础上,对目前我国电子化政府的现状和建设过程中面临的困难、问题、原因作了梳理,在分析我国电子化政府建设进程现状和存在问题的基础上,借鉴国外电子化政府建设发展的有益经验,根据我国社会主义初级阶段的国情和改革开放的成果,探索当前形势下加快我国电子化政府建设的策略与措施,并立足甘肃作为西部欠发达地区,经济社会发展落后的实际情况,从政府信息化建设、政府创新体制建设、法律安全体系建设以及公务员综合培训等方面探讨了甘肃省电子化政府发展的模式和实现途径,为甘肃电子化政府建设从办公自动化技术应用全面转向协作办公、辅助决策、应急指挥、信息公开等政府核心业务拓展,向信息资源综合开发、利用、服务转变,进一步加快政府治理变革提供参考和借鉴。

【Abstract】 With the information age and the advent of the information society, the use of modern information and communication technologies for governance change, the establishment of "e-government" (E-Government) is the last 10 years, widespread concern around the world and promoting the use of contemporary issues, and has become the world’s developed countries in information technology and deepening of the main elements of an important means of administrative reform. E-Government is the use of information technology innovation and integration of governance and service concepts, the use of information and communications technology to link government agencies with each other through telephone, computer networking and sharing of information kiosks and other facilities, according to business and the public’s needs in order to the most convenient procedure, direct provision of more rapid and innovative automated service, breaking the traditional restrictions on the organizational level measured to construct a "virtual government." E-Government to achieve the prerequisite and basis for government information is public, government operations and e-Government services, innovation and information technology and integration of reinventing government. E-government is a product of the information technology revolution is a revolutionary change in government administration, is an organic combination of management and technology and interaction, the real is to to focus on the management of industrialization characterized by the model of big government into a new type of management system to accommodate the virtual, global, knowledge-based digital economy, to construct a more suitable model of the information age governance, the establishment of a leaner, more efficient and effective, more spirit of service of government, in order to Citizens provides a convenient, fast, high-quality public services, and promote the political, economic and overall social development and progress.E-government to speed up the construction and development will enable government agencies to further the use of information technology to improve work efficiency and quality, so that government decision-making based on scientific, timely, accurate and reliable information basis to better serve businesses, citizens, etc. Social objects provide services. In order to meet national economic and social development, to adapt to international competition and the complex political and economic environment, China should be based on economic globalization and the socialist market economy as an opportunity to accelerate the pace of building e-government, promoting the reform of China’s governments at all levels of government the use of modern information technology, standardize, optimize business processes and innovative government, between the Government and the public to establish a good interactive relationship ultimately improve the Government’s response to power, government efficiency, government decision-making capacity to achieve open government and responsible government. China attaches great importance to e-government construction and development of the party’s Shiliu Da deepening divisions in the deployment of the administrative system had been very clear that the further transformation of government functions, improve management, the implementation of e-government, improve administrative efficiency and reduce administrative costs to form a code of conduct, well-coordinated, fair and transparent, clean and efficient administrative system. In recent years, China’s e-government construction has gone through from the office automation, local area networks construction, pitched projects, the Government access to information resources sharing and comprehensive utilization of government information public, the government emergency command different stages of development and the preparation of the " national e-government standardization Guide ", has developed e-government construction standards. The building of e-government requires not only technological breakthroughs, more importantly, the Government in the management of innovation, so the building of e-government, the implementation of e-government is a matter of political system and administrative system reform overall, complex systems engineering, but also a dynamic development and continuous building process. Of e-government construction in China started late, though in recent years, achieved some results, but building a true sense of the distance of e-government is still a big gap. At present, China’s e-government is still in the initial stage of construction, local construction practice in e-government management and standards are not still exist in the integration of macro-network building awareness of expression is not clear, the digital divide, civil servants need to raise the quality of, electronic resources are limited, paid insufficient attention to network security, e-government legislation was seriously lagging behind, are not closely linked with the institutional reform and some other outstanding problems, there is a certain blindness, affecting the pace of e-government construction in urgent need of China’s current e-government-building process emerging issues in line with China’s national conditions and make the right judgments, and to resolve, combined with China’s administrative system reform and the establishment of a socialist market economic system and building of a harmonious, democratic, rule of law the country’s development goals, learn from overseas e-government construction and development of the useful experience, and deepen the administrative system to implement e-government and reinventing government, and further accelerate the pace of China’s e-government construction has become essential.In this paper, governance change and the contents of e-government construction to start in the comprehensive analysis of the status quo at home and abroad on the basis of e-government study, elaborated on the meaning of e-government, identity and function, discusses e-government construction on a major change in governance meaning, in summarizing the United States, Britain, Japan and other countries e-government construction and successful experiences in the course of development, based on the current status of China’s e-government and the difficulties encountered in the course of construction, problems, causes were combing the analysis China’s e-government-building process and problems of the status quo based on the reference to foreign e-government construction and development of useful experience, according to the primary stage of socialism in China’s national conditions and the results of reform and opening up, and explore the current situation, to expedite the construction of China’s e-government strategies and measures, and based in western Gansu Province, as the less developed regions, economic and social development lagging behind the actual situation of the information from the government building, government innovation and institution-building, legal security, system construction and civil service training, a comprehensive study of the e-government development in Gansu province models and approaches for e-government construction in Gansu office automation technology applications from a comprehensive change to collaborative office, decision-making, emergency command, information disclosure, and other government core business development, information resources to the comprehensive development, utilization, service changes, and further speed up government management changes to provide information and reference.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 兰州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 S1期
  • 【分类号】D630
  • 【下载频次】188

