

The Judicial Determination for the Crime of Scalping Train Tickets

【作者】 李德福

【导师】 刘绍彬;

【作者基本信息】 兰州大学 , 法律, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 倒卖车、船票的行为不仅侵犯了国家对有价票证的管理秩序,还严重的扰乱了客运秩序。长期以来,倒卖车票犯罪案件都是铁路运输法院刑事审判工作的重点之一。由于我国刑法对于倒卖车票罪的规定尚不明确,罪与非罪之间的界限也十分模糊,导致司法实践中出现很大的争议。尤其是对于合法的火车票代售点是否能够成为倒卖车票的犯罪主体、未经授权的经营体从事售票服务时如何处理、快递公司送票收取“快递费”等方面存在着很大的分歧。在主观故意和客观行为的认定方面,各方学者也是各执一词。如对“倒卖行为”的认定,代购行为的认定等问题大家在司法实践中也是说法不一。关于倒卖车票罪的犯罪数额和犯罪形态的把握上各个法院的做法也不尽一致。笔者根据多年来在铁路法院工作的亲身实践,从该罪的犯罪主体、客观行为、犯罪数额、犯罪状态等方面入手,结合相关审判案例,围绕司法实践中存在的疑难问题,仅就倒卖火车票行为的司法认定进行探讨。本文首先介绍了“倒卖车票罪”的历史背景以及我国现行的法律、法规和司法解释关于倒卖车票的规定。然后分析了“倒卖车票罪”的构成要件,并结合具体的审判案例,对司法实践中的相关疑难问题提出自己的见解。笔者认为,倒卖车票罪的主体属于一般犯罪主体,因此,无论火车票代售点还是非法售票网点等组织为非法牟利而囤积车票的行为均应当认定为“倒卖车票”的行为;但对于快递公司递送火车票过程中加收“快递费”的行为,由于属于另外一种法律关系,因此不应认定为“倒卖”行为。笔者认为,“倒卖”的主要特征是先“买”而后“卖”,“买”的目的是为了以“卖”的方式来非法牟利,因此,构成“倒卖”行为除客观上有购买车票的行为以为,必须具有主观上非法牟利的故意。对于公民之间委托代购车票的行为不应认定为“倒卖”行为。在认定“倒卖车票”的犯罪情节时应当以票面数额、加价数额和“倒卖”车票的具体张数为主要依据。关于倒卖车票罪的犯罪形态问题,笔者认为,只要行为人以倒卖为目的购买了车票,使其脱离交通运输管理部门的有效控制而为行为人实际控制,情节严重的,就应认定为犯罪既遂。

【Abstract】 Acts of scalping train tickets not only violate the management of the price of ticket of China, but also seriously disturb the order of transportation of passengers. It is not denied that during a long time the crime of scalping train tickets has been one of the priorities in criminal trail in Railway Transportation Courts. Since the provisions the criminal law in China for the Scalping train tickets is not yet definite and the boundary between crime and non-crime is blurred, which leads to great controversies in judicial practice. Especially, there is lots of arguments in legitimate train ticket outlets to be a criminal subject of scalping train tickets, how to deal with the organizations of scalping train tickets pursing illegal profits, and the subject of the crime in the charging express fees of the express companies. Moreover, many scholars hold different opines in the determination in subjective intention and objective acts. There are many arguments in the determination in the acts of "scalping" and procurement agent. The attitudes towards the procurement of the amounts of money in the crime and the criminal pattern of scalping train tickets are different in judicial practices of courts. The author has worked in a railway transportation court for many years and has many experiences in it, primarily thinking of the subject, objective acts, the procurement of the amounts of money in the crime, the criminal patterns of the crime of scalping train tickets, analyzing the relative cases and difficult problems in judicial practice, and merely probes in the judicial determination for the crime of scalping train tickets.The paper firstly introduces the historical background of the crime of scalping train tickets and the provisions of the crime of scalping train tickets according to current laws, regulations and judicial interpretations of China. Then the author analysis the constitutive requirements of the crime, combining with the specific case in judicial practice, and put forward his own opinions about the correlated difficult problems in the judicial practice. The author argues that the subject of the crime attributes to the general criminal subject. Therefore, the acts of corner in train tickets of legitimate train ticket outlets or the illegal organizations in pursuing illegal profits can be determined to the acts of scalping train tickets. However, the surcharge in express delivery train ticket of the express company attributes to another legal relationship, which should not be recognized as the acts of scalping train tickets.The author believes that the main characteristic of the act of "scalping" means firstly "purchase" and then "sell". The aim of the "purchase" is the "sell" to get illegal profits. Therefore, constitutive requirements of acts of scalping train tickets should include the train tickets purchase in subject and the intent of getting illegal profits in object. The agent acts of buying tickets between citizens can not be determined to acts of scalping train tickets. The determination of the circumstances of the crime should mainly accord to the par amount of train tickets, the surcharge of train tickets and the number of the tickets. As far as the patterns of the crime, the author argues that as long as the perpetrator scalping train tickets and the tickets are out of the management of traffic sectors and in the effective control of the perpetrator. On the mine while, the circumstances are serious and it should be recognized as the crime of scalping train tickets.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 兰州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 S1期
  • 【分类号】D924.3
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】159

