

Research of Order-based Talent Cultivating Mode in Guangxi Higher Vocational Colleges

【作者】 黄海珍

【导师】 訚金童;

【作者基本信息】 广西师范大学 , 教育经济与管理, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 订单式培养作为学生与工作岗位直接对应的人才培养模式,因能最大程度实现职业教育以就业为导向的办学方针,而作为校企合作的一种重要模式得到政府有关部门和高职院校的提倡和推广。广西高职院校在订单式人才培养开展方面还比较落后,订单式人才培养开展的操作程序还不是很规范,本文试图在对广西高职实行“订单式”人才培养的现实情况进行实证考察的基础上,对其进行介绍、分析,以期为广西高职订单式培养的发展起到规范和促进作用。全文分为五大部分:一是绪论。在这一部分,首先提出研究“订单式”人才培养模式是促进高职院校落实职业教育“以就业为导向,以能力为本位”办学方针的需要,是促进广西高职订单式培养顺利开展的需要。其次,主要通过文献法、问卷调查法和数据统计法对广西高职院校实行订单式培养进行研究分析,提出本研究的意义,即:订单式培养作为学生与工作岗位直接对应的人才培养模式是解决广西人才结构性矛盾的重要途径。本研究将在促进广西高职院校与企业建立紧密合作机制,推动高职院校的专业设置、课程设置和教学方法等改革,提高高职的教学质量、就业质量和就业率,推动高职教育稳定发展等方面,总结经验,指出存着问题,并提供解决问题的对应策略,从而进一步丰富和发展高职订单式人才培养模式的内涵,为受教育者构建知识、能力、素质结构以及实现这种结构的创新机制,发挥职业教育研究的引领与支撑作用。第三,关于核心概念“‘订单式’人才培养模式”,对目前比较受到认可的几种表述方式进行概括总结,并选择自己认可的一种表述作为本文研究的依据。此外,将订单式培养与委托培养、定向培养进行比较,进一步明确了订单式培养的个性特点。第四,对订单式培养的相关研究进行归纳总结,找出研究的空白、薄弱环节,提出论文的选题依据。二是对“订单式”人才培养模式得以广泛开展的原因进行分析。从“比较优势理论”、“供求理论”和“高等职业教育人才培养质量标准理论”三个方面提出了订单式培养开展的理论依据,并从政策文件涉及到要求积极推广订单式培养等现实,提出了订单培养广泛开展的政策依据。此外,从高职院校的需求、企业的需求、消费者的需求以及政府及教育行政部门的推广几个方面提出了高职推行订单式培养的现实基础。三是对广西高职开展“订单式”人才培养模式情况进行分析,总结了广西高职实行订单式培养取得的成绩:1.涉及订单培养的多项制度已经建立;2.示范性高职院校积极发挥示范作用;3.订单式培养的开展促进专业、课程改革;4.中外合作办学,促进了高职订单培养的开展。分析了广西高职实行订单式培养面临的问题:1.订单培养处于起步阶段,发展艰难;2.订单企业选择不当,不利于订单培养的长远发展;3.师资、实训资源缺乏,培养质量有待提高;4.学校的发展目标定位较窄,订单合作资源挖掘不深入;5.专业、课程设置未能满足广西高职院校开展订单培养的需要。四是在广西高职订单式培养发展现状基础上进一步分析了目前广西高职推行订单式培养面临的挑战与机遇。面临的挑战:1.普通本科院校应用性专业开展订单式培养的挑战;2.独立学院开展订单式培养的挑战。发展的机遇:1.北部湾经济发展急需大量高技能人才带来的机遇;2.中国—东盟贸易区开发需要大量人才带来的机遇;3.西部大开发的机遇;4.承接东部产业转移对高技能人才的需求的机遇。五是根据广西经济发展和广西高职院校发展的实际情况,提出了促进广西高职开展订单式培养的四个建议:1.对实行“订单式”培养的高职进行专项督导;2.按行业组建职业教育集团,集约化资源整合;3.建立预警机制,应对风险;4.多渠道吸引企业参与订单培养合作。

【Abstract】 Talent-cultivation mode with ordering form for the direct link with the job, can achieve maximum degree of vocational education employment-oriented policy, solve the school student’s employment problems as the school-enterprise cooperation is a kind of important mode to get government departments and the promotion of the higher vocational colleges. Higher vocational colleges in guangxi are relatively backward in order-form training. The talent-cultivation mode with ordering form are not standard operating procedures, this paper tries to execute orders of Guangxi in higher vocational order-form training practical survey, based on the empirical study of its introduction, analysis, and they hope to foster, Guangxi Higher-order the development of norms and the promotion of the role. In this paper, The article was divided into five parts exploration:Chapter one is exordium. In this section, first put forward the order-based talent cultivating mode is to promote higher vocational colleges to implement the“employment-oriented, competency-based”educational policy, promote vocational training in order to develop smoothly. Secondly, mainly through the use of literature, questionnaire surveys and statistical data implement talent-cultivation mode with ordering form in higher vocational colleges to conduct study and analysis, Accounting for its research significance, namely: talent-cultivation mode with ordering form as a mode of students and the job post direct correspondence, is an important way to solve the contradictions of Guangxi talent structure. This study will contribute to higher vocational colleges in Guangxi and enterprises to establish close cooperation mechanism, promoting vocational colleges’ speciality provision,curriculum construction and teaching methods reform,To improve the quality of vocational education, employment quality, improve the employment rate, and promote the stable development of higher vocational education,and so on, summarize experience, pointed out the problems, provides the corresponding strategies to solve the problem,so as to further enrich and develop higher vocational talents training mode studys the connotation, constructing knowledge, ability and quality structure for educatees, so as to realize the innovation mechanism of the structure of education research and play professional leading role with support. Third, core concepts about talent-cultivation mode with ordering form, to be recognized summarise some expressions, and choose a description of recognition is studied in this paper as the basis. In addition, the mode will be compared to entrusted training and directional cultivating, further clarify the studys the cultivation of personality characteristics. Fourth, talent-cultivation mode with ordering form literature review to identify research gaps, weaknesses and put forward the basis of thesis topics.Chapter two is analysis the the reasons of talent-cultivation mode with ordering form widely developing. From the“theory of comparative advantage”,“supply and demand theory”and“higher vocational education quality standards for personnel training theory”put forward talent-cultivation mode with ordering form carried out the theoretical basis,and from a number of the Government issued policy documents relating to the requirements to develop and actively promote the cultivation of the reality-type orders, the orders to carry out extensive training in accordance with the policy. In addition, the demand from higher vocational colleges, enterprises demand, consumer demand as well as government and educational administration departments to several aspects of the implementation of a vocational training order-type of basis in reality.Chapter three analysis of vocational colleges in guangxi of order-based talent cultivating mode implementation,summarized the achievements of Guangxi higher colleges implement“order-training”.1.Involving the school-enterprise cooperation, order-cultivating system has been established, 2. model vocational colleges play an active role model, 3.Implementing order-style cultivation promote Curriculum reform,speciality reform,4.vocational colleges-foreign college cooperative education promote order training developing. Analysis the problems of guangxi higher vocation facing: 1.“Order-type”training mode in the initial stage, the development of difficult, 2.Order enterprise improper selection, go against the long-term development of“order-type”training mode, 3.Lack of teachers and training resources, the quality of training yet to be improved; 4.The school development order-training target positioning of narrow and cooperative resources don’t deep excavating,5.Professional, the curriculum can not meet the Guangxi higher vocational colleges to carry out orders-training needs.Chapter four based on the Guangxi higher vocational colleges orders-training development of further analysis of the current implementation of Guangxi orders-training to face the challenges and opportunities. Challenge: 1.Specialized application talents of undergraduate universities carry out talent-order mode challenge. 2.the independent college carry out talent-order mode challenge. The development opportunity: 1.beibu gulf economic development need lots of skilled talents bring development opportunities for higher vocation colleges carry out talent-order, 2.China-asean trade development needs lots of talents, 3.Opportunities for developing the western region; 4. accepts eastern industrial transfer geographical advantages. Chapter five, according to the economic development and Guangxi Higher vocation college actual development to promote Guangxi to carry out talent-order mode five recommendations: 1.implement thematic inspection to talent-order training mode of higher colleges.2.Vocational education group established by industry, intensive resource integration,3.The establishment of early warning mechanism, against risks,4.A variety of ways and means in order to attract enterprise school-enterprise cooperation.


