

Investigation on the Status Quo of PE in Rural Secondary Schools in Revolutionary Base Areas and Counterplan Research

【作者】 韦瑞

【导师】 赵芳;

【作者基本信息】 广西师范大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2009, 硕士


【摘要】 2007年5月7日中共中央国务院下发了《关于加强青少年体育增强青少年体质的意见》(中发[2007]7号)。《意见》(7号文)要求各级各类学校必须全面贯彻党的教育方针,高度重视学生体育工作,使广大学生在增长知识、培养品格的同时,锻炼和发展身体的各项素质和能力,成长为中国特色社会主义事业的合格建设者和接班人。因此,学校要把加强学生体育作为全面实施素质教育的重要突破口之一,作为提高人才培养质量的重要途径。在国家倡导加强青少年体育,增强青少年体质,全面开展阳光体育运动的形势下,本研究运用文献资料法、问卷调查法、实地调查法、逻辑分析法,对百色地区农村中学体育的发展状况进行调查研究,对于农村中学体育发展所面临的困难及对策进行研究,为各级学校正确地确定其发展目标与对策,有计划、有步骤地开展农村学校体育工作,促进地方农村学校体育的发展具有一定的价值和意义。也为有关教育部门制定政策措施,改善学校体育的现状提供参考。对促进和发展百色地区农村中学体育活动,推动体育与健康课程标准的全面实施,提高青少年学生的身体素质,使青少年学生尽情享受体育的阳光,为革命老区培养21世纪的合格人才具有重要的意义和实用价值。本文研究结果如下:1.百色市农村初级中学体育的教学情况:所调查的每个学校能够按照国家有关规定开设体育课,能够贯彻体育教学大纲的统一要求,但是能够按照学期计划、课时教学计划上课的教师比率比较少。2.百色市农村中学体育的师资状况不容乐观,体育教师的年龄结构、职称结构不太合理,教师的工作负担较重,学历偏低,接受培训次数偏少,科研能力不强,专业思想欠稳定,教师队伍中有改行、调动想法的比例偏高。3.百色市农村中学学生对体育认知参与情况不容乐观,学生对新课标“健康第一”的指导理念一知半解,参与体育健身活动的积极性不高。4.百色市农村中学体育场地、器材及经费不能满足学校体育的需要,体育场地、器材的达标率比较低。5.百色市农村中学课余体育活动开展现状不尽如人意,在开展课外体育活动的学校里,基本处于无人组织状态。6.百色市农村中学体育管理现状不受重视,分管学校体育领导不是行政校级领导,而是政教、团委等中层领导来负责,这一定程度上影响了学校体育工作的实效性。根据调查得出的结果,本文提出了相应的对策:1.制定相应的规章制度,严格要求教师按照课时计划进行体育课的教学。2.优化体育师资队伍结构,聘用优秀体育人才。规范体育教师队伍的管理,建立健全一系列行之有效的管理制度,依法保障体育教师的合法权益。3.开设《体育与健康》理论课,积极向学生灌输“健康第一”的健身理念,调动学生的健身积极性。4.振兴百色市经济,加强体育场地、器材设备的建设,注意增加体育经费的投入,改善学校体育工作条件。5.制定课余训练管理制度,加大课余训练的力度,采取形式多样化的训练方法,让学生掌握1-2项日常锻炼的体育技能,培养学生兴趣,全面提高学生身体素质。6.加强各级教育行政部门领导的学习,提高思想认识,使他们懂得一些基本的体育知识,充分认识学校体育的价值具有终身效益。

【Abstract】 According to the circular of the CPC Central Committee and State Council, Suggestion Concerning Reinforcing Physical Education and Improving Health Conditions of Teenagers (May 7 2007), Schools of all levels must thoroughly implement the Party’s educational policies and attach great importance to physical education, improving student’s physical qualities and abilities as well as their knowledge and virtues. Therefore, Physical education should be regarded as a critical means to implement quality-oriented education and foster high quality talents. Under this situation, this research, by means of literature studies, questionnaires, field surveys and logical analysis, is undertaken to investigate and analyze the present development of physical education in rural secondary schools in revolutionary base areas of Guangxi, to find out the difficulties confronted and to put forward some corresponding countermeasures as well, which would help schools of different levels to fix their objectives for development and the education department to lay down related policies and measures to improve the PE status quo. This research would also be of great importance and practical values in developing sports in secondary schools of these areas, promoting comprehensive implementation of PE and health curriculum standard and improving students’physical qualities.Findings in this paper are as follows:---According to the investigations, PE courses are offered and PE teaching syllabus is implemented in accordance with relevant state regulations in all schools studied, but few teachers can carry out their term schemes and period schedules---With their unreasonable age structure and title structure, their heavy workload, low education levels, insufficient training opportunities, deficient research ability, the status quo of the PE faculties in these areas is worrying.--- Students’understanding about PE and their participation in it is unsatisfactory. They knows little about the“Health First”principle of the new course standard.---The sports fields, facilities and funds in these schools do not meet the demands of physical education and only a small proportion of the fields and facilities reach the required standard. ---The extracurricular sports activities in these schools are not satisfying with the activities unorganized.---The poor management of PE are neglected for long in these schools. Under the charge of middle-level leaders moral and political education or CYL Committee instead of school-level administrative leaders, PE management is lack of effectiveness Corresponding countermeasures put forward according to the above findings:---Establish rules and regulations requiring teachers to conduct PE classes in strict accordance with teaching schedule.---Optimize the faculty structure and employ excellent teachers,. Regulate the faculty management by establish a sound and effective management system and protect teachers’legitimate rights and interests.---Offer Physical Education &Health course to instill the ideas of Health First into the students thus to increase their participation in sports.---Develop the economy of the revolutionary base areas thus improve the fields and facilities and increase the funding in physical education in these areas.---Establish extracurricular sports training supervising system to ensure the training, arousing students’interest in PE and letting students master one to two sports skills---Urge leaders of all levels of education department to improve their understanding about physical education, becoming fully aware of the life-long benefits of school physical education.


