

Guangxi Urban Secondary Physical Education Teachers Analysis of Job Burnout

【作者】 蔡兵

【导师】 赵芳;

【作者基本信息】 广西师范大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 职业枯竭是人们在工作重压之下身心疲惫不堪的状态,主要表现为身体疲劳、情绪低落、热情下降、创造力衰竭、价值感降低、人性化淡漠、攻击性行为、家庭危机等。随着现代化进程的加速,市场经济的冲击,信息快速更新,人们在生活和工作当中承受的压力加剧,使出现职业枯竭的人群的范围扩大,程度加深。教师作为知识技能的传授者正经受前所未有的挑战和冲击:国家对教育高度重视,社会对教师的要求大大提高,突发性事件时有发生等。若不制定相应对策使进行教师外部和内部的调整,这种疲于应对,身心疲惫、不思进取、情绪低落的趋势将进一步发展为教师群体性的职业枯竭现象。这一问题严重制约了中学体育教师队伍的健康发展,影响体育教师质量和数量。因此,预防和抑制广西体育教师的职业枯竭现象,是一个关系广西体育事业是否能够健康发展的重要问题。如何判定体育教师职业枯竭、找出职业枯竭因素,以及如何预防和缓解职业枯竭等问题,是亟待解决的一系列问题。本文采用问卷调查的形式,对广西14个主要城市(南宁市、柳州市、桂林市、梧州市、玉林市、百色市、钦州市、河池市、北海市、崇左市、贺州市、来宾市、贵港市、防城港市)84所中学480名体育教师进行调查,用SPSS14.0和Excel2003进行了整理、分析和归纳调查数据和结果,用广泛使用的马氏量表(MBI-ES量表)从职业枯竭的六个特征判定广西城市中学体育教师职业枯竭程度;在此基础上设计的《广西城市中学体育教师职业枯竭原因调查》问卷从外因和内因找出广西城市中学体育教师职业枯竭的真正原因;最后结合量表和原因分析,提出缓解职业枯竭的对策和建议。用MBI-ES量表得出以下结论:(1)在生理耗竭方面,有30.41%的体育教师没有受到生理耗竭的影响,有51.16%的体育教师有轻度的生理耗竭现象,18.43%的体育教师生理耗竭程度较重。(2)在才智枯竭方面,有28.57%的体育教师不存在才智枯竭,61.28%的体育教师有轻度的才智枯竭现象,有9.15%的体育教师才智枯竭较重。(3)在情绪衰竭方面,有40.17%的体育教师没有受到情绪衰竭冲击,有50%的体育教师有轻度的情绪衰竭现象,有9.83体育教师有较严重的情绪衰竭现象。(4)在价值衰竭方面,有33.81%的体育教师没有受到价值衰竭的影响,有51.26%的体育教师有轻度的价值衰竭,有14.93%的体育教师有较为严重的价值衰竭现象。(5)在情感冷漠方面,有50.37%的体育教师没有情感冷漠现象,有40%体育教师有轻度的情感冷漠现象,有9.63%的体育教师有严重的情感冷漠现象。(6)在攻击行为方面,有49.24%体育教师不存在攻击行为,有40.18%体育教师有轻度的攻击倾向,有10.58%的体育教师有严重的攻击倾向。在原因调查分析中,导致广西城市中学体育教师职业枯竭的外因主要有:(1)市场经济快速发展的影响。公平竞争、优胜劣汰是教师在工作中所面临的主要挑战,体育教师不能适应这一竞争原则,很快就会走向职业枯竭。(2)信息高速更新的影响。信息高速更新,进修机会少,给教师带来巨大的压力,陈旧的知识、落后的教学方法是导致体育教师职业枯竭的因素。(3)社会体制更新的影响。在社会体制变更中,由于地方经济发展的不平衡,经济制度、教育制度、人事制度发展的不均衡,体育教师面临的压力较大,更易出现职业枯竭现象。(4)人际关系的影响。人际关系是人生存和交往的重要手段,师生关系僵化,同事之间相处不融洽,严重影响体育教师自身发展,容易导致出现职业枯竭现象。(5)工作硬件落后的影响。工作环境好坏,直接影响教师工作质量,良好的工作环境,可以促进教师提高教学质量,工作起来开心、顺心;相反,工作条件落后,会导致教师职业枯竭。内部因素有:(1)体育教师知识结构不合理。体育教师知识结构比较复杂,不仅需要书本上的知识,还需要肢体上的技能,缺一不可,一旦任何一门知识缺乏,都会使体育教师出现职业枯竭现象。(2)体育教师自身定位不准确。过高和过低评价自己,都会给体育教师发展带来负面的影响,只有正确给自己定位,才会避免出现职业枯竭。(3)体育教师个人价值缺失。个人成就感越高,其工作积极性就高,体育教师在工作过程当中,渴望得到社会、同事和学生的认可,一旦失去他们支持,教师个人成就感就会降低,容易出现职业枯竭现象。(4)体育教师生理机能退化。生理机能退化,导致教师技术技能变形,不能给学生做示范动作,从而影响其教学质量和自信心,更易出现职业枯竭现象。考察广西城市中学体育教师职业枯竭现状,通过实证调研及数据分析其产生职业枯竭的主要原因,从缓解生理耗竭、才智枯竭、情绪衰竭、价值衰竭、情感冷漠、攻击行为六个方面提出应对职业枯竭对策,帮助教师克服职业倦怠,自我剖析,进行职业规划;帮助学校管理者关注中学体育教师职业枯竭现象和职业发展需求,采取有效手段防止职业枯竭现象,帮助他们的职业成长与发展,真正实现教师的精神、人格与职业共同成长,和谐发展,希冀对广西体育教师队伍建设有所启发和借鉴,使其走上持续、健康发展的道路。由于时间所限,本文侧重于对现象的调研、数据的提取及原因的分析,所提供之建议略显单薄,也是本研究后续研究进行的着力点之处。

【Abstract】 Vocational exhaustion is an exhausted state of under working pressure, mainly appearing in the form of weariness,depression, without enthusiasm, creative exhaustion, lack of humanity, aggressive behavior, family crisis and so on. With the accelerating modernization, the impact of market economy, the rapid updated information, the aggravation of pressure in the life and work, the scope of people with vocational exhaustion is expanding, and the degree of the exhaustion is aggravating. Teachers who teach knowledge and skills are facing unprecedented challenges and impacts: national attention, the high social requirements for teachers, and the unanticipated emergency incidents, if not adopt corresponding counter measures helping teachers carry out external and internal adjustments, the trends of weariness,depression, exhaustion in body and mind, no attempt to make progress will further develop into vocational exhaustion for teachers group. This problem fairly seriously hinders the healthy development of physical education teachers in the middle school, furthermore, it will inhibit the construction of P.E. teachers in Guangxi. Consequently, prevention and inhibition of P.E. teachers in vocational exhaustion is an important issue matters whether can Guangxi sports be the healthy development. How to determine vocational exhaustion and its features, the factors leading to vocational exhaustion, and how to prevent and mitigate vocational exhaustion, are a series of problems urgently to be solved.Based on a questionnaire survey, the author investigated 84 middle schools and 480 P.E. teachers in them, which distribute in 14 main cities of Guangxi ( Liuzhou, Guilin, Wuzhou, Yulin, Baise, Qinzhou, Hechi, Beihai, Chongzuo, Hezhou, Laibin, Guigang, Fangchenggang). The data and results were classified, analyzed and concluded by SPSS14.0 Excel2003. With MBI - ES Scale which is extensively used in vocational exhaustion, the degree of Guangxi middle school physical education teachers vocational exhaustion was determined by six characteristics. According as the principles of MBI - ES Scale, the“Questionnaire on Reasons of Vocational Exhaustion in Guangxi Urban Middle School Physical Education Teachers”was designed for finding the real causes from external and internal factors. Finally, combined with the scale and reason analysis, the authors put forward some countermeasures and suggestions for helping relive vocational exhaustion.With MBI - ES Scale, the results are as follows: (1) In aspect of physiological depletion, there are no more than 30% of the P.E. teachers without influence of physiological depletion, 50% of the P.E. teachers appear mild physiological depletion, close to 20% teachers are bothered by serious physiological depletion. (2) In aspect of intelligential exhaustion, nearly 30% of P.E. teachers do not have intelligential exhaustion, more than 60% of the P.E. teachers have mild exhaustion of intelligence, and 10% of the P.E. teachers have heavier intelligential exhaustion. (3) In aspect of the emotional exhaustion, there are more than 40% of the P.E. teachers’ have no emotional exhaustion, 50% of the P.E. teachers have mild emotional exhaustion, 10% of P.E. teacher have relatively serious emotional exhaustion. (4) In aspect of values depletion, more than 30% of the P.E. teachers have no value depletion, more than 50% of the P.E. teachers are impacted by mild values depletion, and nearly 10% of the P.E. teachers have serious influence by values depletion. (5) In aspect of apathy, 50% of the P.E. teacher do not appear apathy, 40% of the P.E. teachers show mild apathy, close to 10% of the P.E. teachers have serious problem of apathy. (6) In aspect of aggressive behavior, 50% of the P.E. teachers do not exist aggressive behavior, there were 40% of the P.E. teachers have mild trend to attack, nearly 10% the P.E. teachers have strong tend to attack.In the analysis of the causes, the main external factors resulting in vocational exhaustion of the P.E. teacher in urban middle school are: (1) The rapid economic development. Fair competition and survival are the primary challenge the teachers’ are facing, if P.E. teacher cannot adapt to these competition principles, they will soon to vocational exhaustion. (2) High-speed updating information. The high-speed updating information and limited further education bring huge pressure to teachers, and the old knowledge and outdated teaching method lead the P.E. teacher to vocational exhaustion. (3) The changes of social system. In social system changing process, due to the disequilibrium of local economic development, as well as the imbalance of economic system, education system, personnel system, the pressure of PE teachers is larger resulting in vocational exhaustion phenomenon. (4) Interpersonal relationship. Interpersonal relationship is one of the important means to survive and communication, a teacher with bad interpersonal relationship could worsen teacher-student relationship, and relations between colleagues, which may get serious influence and tent to be force P.E. teachers appear vocational exhaustion. (5) The out-dated work hardware. The quality of teachers working environment directly affects the quality of the work, good working environment can promote teachers working efficiency with high enthusiasm, on the contrary, bad working conditions is likely to causes vocational exhaustion. Main internal factors are: (1) The unreasonable knowledge structure of the P.E. teachers. PE teachers’ knowledge structure is complex, not only need the knowledge from book, but also physical skills, if a PE teacher is short of any kind of the knowledge, one may appear vocational exhaustion. (2) Inaccurately positioning for the P.E. teacher themselves. Evaluating them own too high or too low will bring negative influence for P.E. teachers’development. a correct orientation will help them to avoid vocational exhaustion. (3) Lack of personal values. The higher their senses of personal achievement are, the higher their enthusiasms are. PE teachers in work process yearn for approvals from society, colleagues and students, once they lose these supports, their personal achievement will be reduced, prone to appear vocational exhaustion phenomenon. (4) Physiology degradation of the P.E. teacher. The degradation of P.E. teachers’physiological function is easy to bring about technical skills’deformation. Consequently, they could not give demonstration teaching, and have bad effect on quality of teaching and self-confidence, which then cause vocational exhaustion.By means of observing the current situation of vocational exhaustion of P.E. teachers in Guangxi urban middle school, this paper analyzes the main factors which could lead to vocational exhaustion from six aspects, including physiological depletion, intelligential exhaustion, emotional exhaustion, value depletion, apathy, and aggressive behavior, and propose some counter measures. These effort are hoped to help teachers overcome professional ennui, self-analysis, and career planning. These also could do good to help those school administrators pay more attention to middle school P.E. teachers vocational exhaustion and needs of professional development, and take effective means to prevent vocational exhaustion, help them career growth and development to achieve harmonious development in professional growth as well as personality and spirit of teachers. Meanwhile, these analysis and proposals may give some inspirations and references for teacher construction into the sustainable and healthy development. Due to the limited time, this paper focuses on the research of phenomena, data extraction and analysis, therefore, the suggestions that were provided appear slightly inadequate, then to be the emphasis of study on next step.


