

Research on the Status Quo of Establishment of Swimming Course of College and Universities in Guangxi Province and Its Relevant Countermeasures

【作者】 潘春丽

【导师】 殷玲玲;

【作者基本信息】 广西师范大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 游泳运动项目具有提高呼吸系统、血液循环、改善体温调节、发展身体素质和促进体格发展、培养良好心理素质功能的健身健心价值。同时,游泳还具有是---基本生存技能、必要生产技能和一种重要的军事手段的实用价值。游泳运动不仅起到健身健美的作用,还对预防和消除疾病有着很好的功效,是一项十分有益的体育项目,还是我国高校体育教育的一门重要课程。然而,广西开设游泳课程的高校并不多,为了全面了解和掌握广西高校游泳课程开设的现实状况,本文采用文献资料法、问卷调查法、数理统计法、逻辑分析等的研究方法,以广西20所高校为主要研究对象,对10所开设游泳课程教学的高校进行全面和重点的调查,找出制约游泳课程开设的相关因素,为广西高校游泳课程开设和发展提供理论和实践依据。研究调查部分包括以下六个方面:(1)广西高校游泳发展历程:游泳课程开设和游泳竞赛历程图析。(2)广西高校游泳课程教学硬件设施现状与分析:游泳教学池馆;教学训练器材;卫生与安全条件。(3)广西高校游泳课程教学现状与分析:教学资料与课程安排;游泳内容与考核。(4)广西高校游泳师资队伍现状分析:年龄教龄、学历职称、专业知识结构和科研现状等的基本情况;教学组织形式;现代化教学技术与游泳课程相结合的使用。(5)广西高校学生对游泳课程开设的态度现状:对游泳项目的兴趣与认知;对游泳课程的要求与评价;参加游泳锻炼和社会实践工作的情况。(6)广西高校课外游泳活动开展现状:高校的开展和学生的参与;游泳团体和游泳竞赛等。(7)案例分析:分别选择广西大学和广西师大,作为广西高校开设游泳课程的案例分析的对象,并对这两所高校基本情况进行列表,通过它们的异同点来研究优劣势,并进行综合分析。根据调查的各方面内容,运用帕累托分析法(Pareto Analysis),找出存在影响课程开设与发展的因素。帕累托分析法显示的主要因素有:(1)领导的重视与支持。(2)池馆和器材条件。(3)课程的合理设置。(4)高校游泳教师的专业水平。(5)高校对游泳活动的组织。(6)高校间的游泳竞赛与交流。(7)游泳运动项目特性。次要因素是:传媒对游泳的宣传力度、学生对游泳的认识、高水平游泳队的培养、高校游泳池馆对外开放等。再对主要因素进行系统的分析。研讨解决的办法有:(1)了解游泳运动特点,加强安全保障(2)充分利用广西自然水资源优势或与社会结合办学(3)完善游泳课程设置,制定科学合理的考核标准(4)优化游泳教师队伍、引进一专多能游泳教师、增加游泳教师数量(5)加强学生对游泳运动项目的认识(6)创建游泳社团,带动课外游泳活动,开展校内游泳竞赛(7)加大媒体宣传,强化校际游泳赛事的组织(8)培养高水平游泳运动员。

【Abstract】 Swimming benefits our physical and psychological health a lot,it can improve our respiratory system,blood circulation,improve the temperature regulation, promote physical health,constitution and promote good psychological quality.Meanwhile,swimming is also- a basic survival skills,necessary production skills and an important military means with practical value.Swimming not only does good in our body building,but also has good effects in disease prevention and elimination of potential disease,it is a kind of conductive sports and also a significant physical education course of colleges and universities in our country. However,there is few swimming courses in many colleges and universities in Guangxi province.In order fully understand the status quo about the establishment of swimming course,this paper uses scientific researching methods such as documentation,questionnaires,mathematical statistics and logical analysis,bases on 20 colleges and universities in Guangxi province as the main study objects,focuses on the investigation of establishment of swimming courses in 10 colleges and universities,to find out relevant restricting factor for limited swimming course.thus to provide theory and practise basis for the development of swimming course of colleges and universities in Guangxi province.This study includes six aspects as follows:(1) The development of swimming course of college and universities in Guangxi province:establishment of swimming courses and history plot of swimming competition.(2)Current situation and analysis on swimming teaching facilities of colleges and universities in Guangxi province: swimming pool;educational training facilities;sanitary and safety condition.(3) Status quo and analysis of swimming teaching of colleges and universities in Guangxi province:teaching materials and course arrangement course;content and assessment of swimming course.(4)Analysis on the current situation of teaching staff of colleges and universities:age and seniority,academic titles,knowledge structure and scientific research,academic titles,professional knowledge and scientific research;eaching organizational forms and a combination of modern teaching technology and swimming courses.(5) Students’attitudes towards swimming courses:students’interest and awareness;requirements and evaluation on swimming courses;participation in swimming training and social work practice.(6) Status quo about extra-curricular swimming activities of colleges and universities in Guangxi province:establishment of swimming course and students’participation; swimming competitions and its groups.(7) Case studies:Choose Guangxi University and Guangxi Normal University as the case study subjects for swimming courses of colleges and universities in Guangxi province,make a list about the general information of the two,compare the similarities and differences and make a overall strengths & weaknesses assessment.According to findings,by applying Pareto,identify the influencing factors of the establishment and development of swimming course.Pareto analysis shows that the main factors are:(1) leadership’s attention and support.(2) Condition of swimming pool and facilities(3) Reasonableness of swimming course.(4) Professional level of swimming teachers’team. (5)Organization of swimming activities in colleges and universities.(6) Swimming competition among colleges and universities. (7) Characteristics of swimming .Secondary factors are:mass medias’ publicity on swimming, students’awareness of swimming, high-level team training,swimming pool’s opening to the outside world etc.Then carry out a systematic analysis about the main factors.After looking into all these factors,I summerized the corresponding solutions as follows:(1) To understand the characteristics of swimming,ensure its safety and security (2) Take full advantage of the natural water resources in Guangxi provinve and social advantages or combination of school (3) Improve the swimming course(4) To optimize swimming teaching staff,and increase the team properly(5)Tostrengthen students’understanding of Swimming sports (6) Create a community,promote extra-curricular activities and school competition (7) Increase the propaganda and media,and strengthen the organization of inter-school swimming competitions .(8) Train high-level athletes.


