

Study of Traffic Flow Evolution Network and Public Transport Network

【作者】 苏磊

【导师】 刘慕仁; 孔令江;

【作者基本信息】 广西师范大学 , 理论物理, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 交通运输系统是人类生活、社会经济活动的重要组成部分。良好的交通运输系统是人们日常生活、企事业等正常运转及促进经济飞速发展的必不可少的基本条件。二十一世纪初期,世界经济全球化使得市场规模和市场范围迅速扩张,运输需求量急剧增长,交通运输事业,特别是公路交通运输,得到了长足的发展。近年来,交通问题受到了国内外专家们的重视,提出了各种各样的交通流模型,其中,元胞自动机(Cellular Automaton,简称CA)交通流模型的研究受到了广泛的关注。元胞自动机是一种时间、空间和变量均离散的数学模型。具有算法简单、灵活可调和适合在计算机上进行高效模拟等特点,是研究非线性复杂系统的有效工具,在交通流理论研究方面具有广阔的应用前景。公共交通网络是一个典型的复杂网络,复杂网络研究工作的迅猛发展为深入探讨交通系统拥堵演化机理,研究交通网络拥堵合理控制方案等,提供了一种新的研究方法和思路。本文的主要工作由两个方面组成:一、考虑驾驶员的特性对交通流产生的影响,根据驾驶员具有不同的特点,将驾驶员分成两类:一类是谨慎型驾驶员,他们通常较少超车、超速并保持较大的车间距等,为了安全而经常刹车.另一类是激进型驾驶员,他们倾向于超速、超车并保持较小的车间距等,通常较少刹车;通常情况下,在实际交通中都会伴有这两种车辆行驶,另外,考虑不同类型车辆之间存在的性能差异,其启动、刹车时的随机延迟概率是不同的,本文利用元胞自动机NS模型、FI模型和VDR模型三种模型分别两两混合,模拟交通流状态的演化网络,模拟结果表明:混合比例系数虽然对道路交通流的流量和平均速度影响很大,但是不改变交通流状态演化网络的无标度特性;网络模型的无标度特性呈几何分布。二、复杂网络是大量真实复杂系统的抽象,它能够刻画复杂系统内部的各种相互作用或关系。公共交通网络是一个典型的复杂网络,现实中的交通都受到了特定交通线路的限制,如公交车线路、停靠站点等。本文运用复杂网路思想和方法,分别从公共汽车交通线路和停靠站点两个方面建立复杂网络,利用实际数据进行研究和分析,对桂林市公交路网性能进行评价,研究结果表明桂林市公交系统可达性良好,但公交线路还不是很优化,要想使线路达到更合理,还需要根据桂林市自身的结构特点,对线路设置进行调整,对于点权边权比较大的地方可以考虑建立快速公交通道或高架桥以减少交通拥堵。桂林市公交站点复杂网络度分布的无标度特性呈几何分布,这些实证结果为进一步的研究提供了一定的参考。最后,总结了本文的工作,并对今后交通问题的研究进行展望。

【Abstract】 Transport system is an important part of human life and socio-economic activities. Good transport system is essential to the basic conditions for the people’s daily lives, the normal operation of enterprises and the promotion of rapid economic development. In the early twenty-first century, globalization of the world economy makes the market size and scope of the rapid expansion of the market, the rapid growth of transport demand, transport undertakings, in particular road transport, have enjoyed great development.In recent years, the domestic and abroad experts have paid great attention to traffic problems and have presented all kinds of traffic models, in which the cellular automaton models for traffic flow have been widely concerned. Cellular automaton is mathematical model in which time, space and other variables are all discrete. It’s vividly adjustable and simple for numerical computation, and priority to imitate efficiently on computer and so on. So it’s a valid research tool for the nonlinear complicated systems and has an amplitude applied foreground in theoretical researches of traffic flow.The public transport network is a typical complex network. Complex network research to explore the rapid development of transport system for the further evolution of the mechanism jams, research transportation network congestion, such as a reasonable control scheme, provides a new research methods and ideas.This dissertation consists of the following three main parts.1. To considering the drivers have a different driving characteristics, we classify drivers into two kinds. One kind is careful drivers who are generally apt to less overspeed, less overtake, keep more gap and frequently brake for safety. The other kind is aggressive drivers who are apt to overspeed,overtake, keep less gap and less brake. Usually, there are two vehicles in the actual traffic in the city. In addition, Considering the different types of vehicles have the different performance ,there are also different between its start and the brake at the time of the probability of a random delay. .This paper make the use of cellular automata NS model, FI model or the VDR model mixed together to simulate the evolution of the state of traffic flow networks The results show that: the proportion of mixed coefficient has an great influence on the flow and the average speed, but it does not change the state of traffic flow evolution of the network scale-free properties; Evolution of traffic flow with scale-free topology was geometric distribution.2. complex networks are abstract of a large number of real complex systems. , it can portray a variety of complex system interaction or relationship. The public transport network is a typical complex network, the reality of traffic are subject to specific restrictions on traffic routes, such as bus lines, docking sites and so on. In this paper, the complexity of network thinking and methods of transport from bus lines and stop site to build two complex networks, using actual data for research and analysis, Guilin bus network performance evaluation, research results show that the public transport system in Guilin good accessibility, but the bus line is not very optimized, in order to ensure a more reasonable line, according to their structural characteristics in Guilin, adjusting settings on the line, the right side for the right point where more could be considered to establish a rapid bus route or the viaduct in order to reduce traffic jams. Guilin Bus Station complex network of distribution was scale-free properties of geometric distribution, the empirical results of the study for further reference to a certain extent.Finally, we give the conclusions of our works and present the prospect of further investigation of traffic flow.

  • 【分类号】U491.112;O157.5
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】159
  • 攻读期成果

