

The Excited State Wave-Function of 16O and Pronton-16O Inalastic Scattering in the 4α Particles Structure

【作者】 李有本

【导师】 杨永栩;

【作者基本信息】 广西师范大学 , 理论物理, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 在α粒子模型下,将16O原子核看成由四个独立α粒子构成(即看成四粒子系统),每个α粒子被看成无自旋无结构的点粒子,并在其他α粒子的平均场中运动(即平均场近似和独立粒子运动近似)。在平均场和独立粒子运动近似下16O原子核的基态波函数写成四个α粒子基态波函数的乘积,16O原子核的激发归因于核内α粒子的激发,核的激发态波函数对应α粒子激发态波函数得出。16O原子核内α粒子跃迁密度由16O原子核内α粒子结构下的基态波函数和激发态波函数得出。在球平均场近似下波函数可以分解为径向部分和球谐部分,其径向部分又可以按谐振子径向波函数展开。文中对每个激发态波函数径向部分分别以两项和三项谐振子径向波函数展开。其参数利用最佳平方拟合程序拟合电子散射16O跃迁形状因子确定。对拟合所得的不同的激发态波函数16O原子核的跃迁密度是不同的。给出的一组参数化的16O原子核内α粒子的跃迁密度,这一跃迁密度对于利用中能质子、π子、α粒子、12C核、16O核对16O原子核散射来研究16O原子核的α粒子结构问题是必要的输入量。

【Abstract】 Based on theα-particle model,16O core can be regarded as being made up ofαclusters(i.e.a four-αparticle system).Theαclusters are considered to be spinless point particles without any internal structure,and eachα-particle is viewed as moving in an external field created by the remainingαparticles(i.e,the mean-field approximation and independent-particle motion).In the mean-field approximation and independent-particle motion the wave-function of the ground state of 16O core is thus a product of single-α-particle wave functions.Excitation of 16O core is attributed to excitation ofα-particle in 16O core.The excited state wave-function of 16O core can be obtained by means of the corresponding excited state wave-function ofα-particle in the core.Theα-particle transition density in the 16O core can be obtained by the wave-function of the ground state and excited state of 16O core based on theα-particle model.In the mean-field approximation the wave function can be separated into radial part and sphere-humorous part,and the radial part can be expended according to the radial resonance wave-functions.The radial part of each excited state wave-function is expanded in two or three term radial resonance wave-functions whose parameters are decided by fitting to 16O transition-shape-factor electron scattering experimental data.In this way the 16O transition densities are different corresponding different excited state wave-functions.The parameterizedα-particle transition density in the 16O core are obtained.This amplitude is useful as input for studying theα-particle structure of 16O core by means of intermediate energy proton、pion、alpha particle and 12C、16O core.

  • 【分类号】O571.2
  • 【下载频次】24

