

The Study on Ideological and Moral Quality of the New Type of Socialist Peasants

【作者】 孟莹针

【导师】 陈晖涛;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 马克思主义理论与思想政治教育, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 “三农”问题的核心是农民问题,培养造就有文化、懂技术、会经营的社会主义新型农民是建设社会主义新农村的迫切需要。农民问题的重心则是全面提高农民的素质的问题,在农民的各种素质中,思想道德素质居于核心和灵魂的地位,因此,提高农民的思想道德素质对于提高农民的综合素质、培养社会主义新型农民就显得尤为重要。本文以马克思主义关于人的全面发展理论为指导,运用理论与实际相结合以及文献研究等方法,从阐述社会主义新型农民的内涵和培养社会主义新型农民的重大意义入手,论证了提高农民的思想道德素质的必要性,概括了社会主义新型农民思想道德素质的内容,进而分析了当前我国农民思想道德素质的现状及成因,最后在培养社会主义新型农民的视角下,从理论和实践相结合的层面探讨提高农民思想道德素质的路径选择,以期对实现人的全面发展,构建和谐农村提供一些可资借鉴的观点。

【Abstract】 The core of "Three Rural Issues" is the peasant issue . Training a new type of socialist peasants who have knowledge,understands technology,and has the capacity of management is an urgent need for building a new type of socialist countryside. And the core of the peasant issue is to improve the quality of the peasant comprehensively. The ideological and moral quality of people plays a leading and dominant role in a variety of qualities. Therefore, Improving their ideological and moral qualities is particularly important for the peasants to improve their comprehensive quality and cultivate a new type of peasant. The main content of this book discusses this topic in various aspects,with the guidance of Marxist theory about all-round development of people and the method of combination of theory with practice, as well as documents studies. This paper starts generally from setting forth the connotation of a new type of socialist peasant and the significance of cultivating it; demonstrates the necessity of improving peasants’ ideological and moral qualities; summarizes the content about the new type socialist peasant’s ideological and moral quality; then sums up the current status of ideological and moral quality of our country peasant, main problems and their causes;and finally,with the perspective of training a new type of peasant, from the aspect of the combination of theory with practice,explores the path selection which enhance the level of ideological and moral qualities of the peasants, so as to provide some valuable viewpoints to construct harmony in Chinese rural areas and realize the comprehensive development of people.


