

Crossing Swords of Rhetoric in Politics: An Analysis of the 2004 American Presidential Debates

【作者】 朱虹

【导师】 刘亚猛;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 英语语言文学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 由于政治现实的需要,人们日渐重视修辞在政治事务中的功用。在具体历史语境中展现出的“政治修辞艺术”,是研究政治思想家极其关键的内容。对政治与修辞关系的认识并非西方的专利。先秦时期就有“一言可兴邦”。在我们的时代,毛泽东和其他政治领导人也表达了相同的观点。可见,所有修辞理论家都意识到可以通过修辞的合理运用追求到政权的力量,而且在政治领域中,真正产生支配性影响的“笔杆子”,绝不亚于“枪杆子”。而在西方政治话语中,因为总统的演讲更具有影响力,修辞的这种特性在总统演说中表现得也就尤为突出和显著。本文选取了2004年美国总统大选乔治布什和约翰克里的电视演讲作为个案,分析修辞作为说服手段在政治传播中的运作。虽然辩论并不能改变一次大选的根本格局,但它确实可以帮助候选人通过合理运用修辞手段来说服受众,从而影响全国选民的最终投票。所以在一定程度上可以说总统职位的竞争已经成为修辞的竞争。本文意在透过辩论热闹的表象,揭示其作为西方政治传播的说服性本质。

【Abstract】 The art of political rhetoric shown in the concrete historical linguistic context is the key to studying the thoughts of political ideologists and the discursive maneuverings alike. The close relationship between politics and rhetoric has not been understood only by the westerners. In the pre-Qin China, the assumption that "a speech can make the country prosperous" was already held by thinkers of the period. In our times, the same idea has been reiterated by Mao Zedong and other political leaders. So we can see all rhetorical theorists have found in rhetoric a source of political power. Moreover, in the political field, the influence produced by speech is definitely no less than that produced by weapons. Among all speeches, this characteristic of the rhetoric is the most outstanding and most prominent in the presidential speeches, for the speech of presidents is more powerful than most.This thesis selects 2004 U.S.A.’s TV presidential debate as a case to analyze how rhetoric operates as a persuading means in American politics. Though argumentation alone cannot determine the basic trend of general election, it can really help candidate make proper use of available means of persuasion and influence the final decision of the national voters. So to a certain extent, the campaigning for the president’s office has already become the competition of rhetoric. This thesis aims at exposing the persuasive essence of western political speech through a close analysis of the lively debates between opposing candidates.

【关键词】 修辞政治总统大选电视辩论
【Key words】 RhetoricPoliticsPresidential ElectionTelevision Debate

