

The Study of the Ancient Post Road Tourism in Fujian

【作者】 黄先超

【导师】 兰思仁;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 人文地理学, 2009, 硕士


【摘要】 “道路是国家的血脉”。尤其对于初开发的区域而言,不论是中央政府对地方的军政控制,还是当地与发达地区的交流往来,都必须藉助交通来完成。福建省山高林密、地形地貌多样,又是兼有内河和海洋的省份,自古以来陆驿和水驿的交通系统网络并行发展。驿站、驿馆以及供以休憩作用的廊桥、古亭,它们与纵横交错的古驿道共同构成交通网络。由于福建省地处东南之隅,一直远离国家的政治、经济、文化的核心地带,交通发展一直不很平顺。经过各个王朝的开边和治道,到清代,福建已经形成了5条出省古驿道和7条县际道路,区内交通网络框架基本形成。这一条条古驿道,在福建各个历史时期区域间经济流通、商业发展、文化传播等方面都起着极其重要的作用,也给现代人留下了大量具有较高文化旅游价值的名胜古迹,为当今时代的旅游开发创造了重要的基础条件。如今,经过时间的历练和岁月的洗礼以及其他一些客观原因,这些古驿道、驿站系统大都已被破坏,但福建省内还有大量古驿道存在,特别是在生态旅游区和森林公园中占有着很大比重。因此,这些交通古迹不仅具有人文科考和历史保护价值,还具有观赏、游憩等生态旅游价值。本文通过广泛收集和查阅资料、古道旅游问卷调查、旅游资源实地考察等途径,采用文献法、问卷调查法、定性与定量分析相结合等研究方法,在运用遗产廊道理论和旅游可持续发展理论等相关理论的基础上,较为详细地阐述了福建省古驿道的发展过程,尝试性探讨了福建省古驿道旅游的文化内涵——古道文化,并结合闽赣古驿道——南平市“三千八百坎”的案例研究,针对“三千八百坎”古道的发展现状和存在的主要问题,提出了“三千八百坎”景区古驿道旅游发展的相应对策建议。

【Abstract】 "Roads are the lifeblood of country" .Especially, in the early development of one region, whether local military and administrative control for the central government, or exchanges for local areas communicating with Developed regions, all must depend on transportation to complete. Fuji an has High Mountains, Dense forests and diverse topography. It’s a province with both inland and marine, its land post houses and water post houses developed in parallel Since ancient times. After the boundaries exploitation and roads Management in history ,Fuji an has formed five old post roads to other provinces and seven inter-county old post roads Until the Qing Dynasty, and local transportation framework had basically formed. These old post roads not only played an extremely important role in regional economic circulation, commercial development, cultural diffusion in every historical period, but also left a lot of cultural tourism attractions for us, and had created important basic conditions for tourism resources planning. Now, there are also a large number of old post roads in Fuji an, especially in eco-tourism zone and Forest Park. This thesis collects and consults many datas, making questionnaires about old post road tourism and in the way of on-the-spot investigation to tourism resources ,which combines with the research methods of questionnaire and quantitative analysis and so on. On the basis of heritage corridor theory and tourism sustainable development theory, the thesis expatiates the detailed historical course of old post roads, and discusses cultural connotation of Fujian’s old post road tourism--old post road culture, which links with the case of "3800 steps" old post road of Nan ping. The thesis gives the suggestion about the situation and the problem of the development of "3800 steps" old post road tourism.


