

A Rhetorical Perspective on the Differences between the Western and the Chinese Traditional Art of Letter Writing

【作者】 刘少昕

【导师】 刘亚猛;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 英语语言文学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 当今西方修辞界中,书信艺术成为了最热门的研究领域之一,西方学者从修辞角度对于他们的书信艺术进行具有深度及广度的修辞剖析,产生了丰硕成果。相比之下,学者从修辞或比较修辞角度对中国书信艺术的研究就少了很多,这正是诱发本研究的因素。本文意在修辞框架内对中西方传统书信艺术进行比较,主要从两个方面切入,即修辞情景及与书信艺术发展相关的教育模式。除了劳埃德·比彻的修辞情景理论及伊拉斯谟对于教育的观点将被应用外,本文还运用了福柯的权力机制理论进行分析,探讨两种书信艺术在修辞框架内的差异所在。

【Abstract】 Nowadays, the art of letter writing is one of the hottest fields in the western studies of rhetoric. The western scholars make deep and broad analyses of the western art of letter writing from the perspective of rhetoric, producing a great deal of works. The art of letter writing is an important component of the theoretical system of rhetoric. In contrast, the Chinese art of letter writing is almost left unexplored, and fewer academic works on the Chinese art of letter writing are produced from the perspective of rhetoric. As the first step to address the deficiency, this thesis undertakes to compare the two traditions of letter writing within a rhetorical framework. The comparison is made in terms of two considerations: the rhetorical situation and the educational pattern related to the development of the art of letter writing. As far as the rhetorical situation is concerned, Lloyd Bitzer’s theory of the rhetorical situation is used. And as for the educational pattern, Desiderius Erasmus’s opinion about teaching is introduced. In addition, Michel Foucault’s theory of mechanisms of power is also taken into consideration in the thesis.


